What It Was Like

by | Oct 21, 2014 | Throwback | 17 comments

Our first year of college, J and I did the long distance thing.  To most high school relationships that would basically be a death sentence.  But to us, it was exciting.

You see, we weren’t allowed to see each other when we were in high school.  There’s a whole story there that I choose not to share on the internet, but for the purpose of this story you need to know that.  We weren’t allowed any communication at all when we were in HS (we found ways).  I realizing I’m piquing your interest, and maybe someday I’ll give the sparknotes version, but for now just understand that when we graduated HS, the world of college felt so liberating for us.

My uncle added a line to his cell phone line for J so we could talk (to this day, if my uncle were still alive, I’d still be paying him my gratitude for this).  And boy, did we talk!  Between every class.  Every night before bed.  First thing in the morning.  We couldn’t get enough.  That makes sense, I guess, since we had an entire year of a relationship to catch up on.

Every weekend, one of us traveled the three hours either up or down the mountain.  And those weekends we spent together I’ll remember forever.  It was then we finally had our first fights.  We finally got to grab a bite together or go catch a movie.  We finally got to date.

There weren’t many weekends that we didn’t see each other–but between school and life, there were a few.  This one particular Thursday night, I was feeling extra sad because it was one of the weekends J wasn’t going to be able to make it.

We spent the evening on the phone and after a while one of my suitemates came in to tell me they were going to grab some dinner.  I decided to go with them.  I told J and we hung up.

My friends and I exited the dorm and my heart stopped.  It was one of those moments when I was sure I was mistaken.  There was no way.  NO way.

J’s truck was pulling into the parking lot.

I stood there and watched as the truck that looked like his parked.  And then I cried when he climbed out of the driver’s seat.

He’d surprised me.

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  1. So adorable! David and I were an hour apart when we first started dating, and then a little over two hours apart once I graduated college. I remember those surprises, too. It just made you feel like everything was right in the world, didn't it?


  2. I'm so happy that the long distance worked out for you!! I think that it can work (obviously you're proof) but there has to be the same level of commitment on both ends! I had a long distance relationship my first year of college and while I don't regret it – I do wish I had spent more time enjoying my first year of college LOL!

  3. Loved this, how sweet that he surprised you! Nick and I did long distance for one year and it isn't for the faint of heart. Being apart is so hard!!

  4. Look how happy you looked in the photo! My high school relationship lasted 2 weeks after I moved into he dorms at college! LOL

  5. Oh girl. Oh sweet! It sounds like he has been "surprising you with pizza" for many, many years.
    I think you should hang on to this one… 😉

  6. So sweet and I'm glad that you guys ended up together in the end. 🙂 My sister did long distance with her now husband. She was living in NY, and he was in Singapore. Yeah, that's some serious distance!!! I did it too, but it didn't end up working out. I had that Vera Bradley bag that you're wearing in that picture too!! 🙂

  7. Surprises are my favorite! I can imagine how excited and happy you were.

  8. Long distance is hard but totally worth it in the end! I love that he's been surprising you from the beginning. How sweet of your uncle to help you out with the extra cell phone.

  9. So sweet <3 First the pizza surprise, now this. What a sweet sweet hubby you have 🙂

  10. Awww what a sweet surprise. I love those kinds of stories!

  11. What a sweet story!!!! Chris and I were long distance for the first eight months of our relationship. I got tired of only having a weekend relationship, so I left Atlanta and moved to Birmingham to be with him. Obviously, I loved him a lot…you know…since I moved from Atlanta! haha! 😉

    I love hearing stories like this!

  12. Surprises are the best, I don't care what anyone says. That's awesome that y'all have been together that long.. can't wait for dinner!!

  13. awww, you guys are too cute & what a cute story 🙂

  14. I LOVE y'all!

  15. Staaahppp it. I cannot handle the cuteness that are Baby J & J! <3 Love y'all!

  16. Awwww what a nice memory and a lovely story 🙂


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