A Few Things!

by | Oct 20, 2014 | Throwback | 13 comments

Hi Friends!  
Today’s post actually went live yesterday, so be sure to check it out!!
I’m just popping in with a for quick a moment for a couple announcements!
  1. If you read yesterday’s post, you know that my YOUTUBE channel has officially relaunched!  The plan is to have 3 videos a week: Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays!  Be sure to pop over and subscribe so you don’t miss a video!
  2. I’ve had a lot of requests to do Follow Me Around vlogs also.  TheGirlJoeyVlogs will be launching in the next few weeks–but I’m not exactly sure yet how often I will be posting there.  That might be more of a “as things happen” site.  I’m considering doing Vlogmas (vlog every day in December until Christmas day).  How do you all feel about that?
  3. STARTING THURSDAY: I am now co-hosting STUFF & THINGS with Kristin!!  So be sure to have your posts ready for Thursday and link up!  There are no rules for this link up–so everyone and anyone can link up!  Also, spread the word!!
Okay!  That’s it for today!  Happy Monday!  Remember to check out yesterday’s post! 
How Campbell feels about Mondays:

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  1. Oh heeeeeey, look at all this great stuff going on! I'm very excited for you!

  2. Excited that things are picking up in blogland! Glad you're motivated 🙂

    Also, how do you do your vlogs? Of course, it can't be that hard. But I feel like I need a step by step tutorial for everything technology related.

  3. Exciting announcements! Congrats on the YouTube channel!

  4. How cute is Campell, as always? Of course you already know I say yes to more videos and vlogs!

  5. So excited about your Youtube channel! I watched your video – I need to go comment now!

    And congrats on the co-hosting of Stuff and Things! I try to link up to that one as much as possible…I've fallen out of a blogging mood lately, hopefully I'll get the spark back here shortly!

  6. Campbell, I am with you on your feelings!

    I need to start linking up more on Thursdays…..you know….when I post on Thursdays! haha! Why are Thursdays so hard sometimes? Super excited to start seeing your videos!

  7. Are you gonna be posting your videos on the blog too? Not sure how subscribing on youtube works because I'm never on there, but I don't want to miss any!

    xo Julie | Cap and Gown Style

  8. Check you out! Seriously, you have been so busy! Can't wait to see all your videos!

  9. Ah, so excited to see your videos!! I'm wondering the same thing as Julie^^…will you be blogging the videos, too? I've never subscribed to anything on youtube, but I'm sure I can figure it out 🙂

  10. I cannot wait to check out your videos. I clicked one but had to leave before it finished! Keep on rockin'!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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