Cat hair & Drizzle.

by | Sep 26, 2014 | Throwback | 24 comments

finger paints: pincurls and pouts pure ice: studette
cat hair and drizzle.  sigh.
>> Rocked a topknot (and a filthy mirror) for the first time yesterday and actually kind of loved it!

>> Fall like weather.  You can stick around…
>> Drop Dead Diva–don’t you judge me.  I ran out of shows to watch on netflix so I gave this a go a few weeks ago.  It’s got an awful name, but the show is cute.
>> Clinique Acne Solutions.  I can’t wait to show you guys progress pictures.  After only one day on the system my skin was already less inflamed and starting to heal.  Hallelujah!
>> Home game this Saturday!  I’ve been looking forward to it and tailgating with friends all week

>> Lasting less than 7 hours on whole30.  Okay, so I knew I wouldn’t actually follow the rules going in, and the whole thing is fascinating to me, but I like bread and dessert and and and.  BUT.  I am eliminating dairy for the month, and I’ll be eating the meals I prep for J, so that counts for something…right?
>> Not having it all balanced this week.  Ugh.  At one point I just looked at myself in the mirror and was like…you can’t always do it all.  My roles were painfully out of balance this week.  I was definitely more “housewife” than “writer.”  It’ll balance out some soon, I hope.

TNF; FridayFavorites

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  1. Hey, I give you props for even TRYING whole30. I could never give up PB&J's so it would never work for me. Also, love the top knot! My hair is way too thin to make it work #hairenvy.

  2. So happy your brought back the party nail… now I can too! 🙂 Whole30 is soo tough. I would love to do it since I have a major sweet tooth!

  3. LOL, sorry I'm giggling you lasted 7 hours. But hey, it's 7 hours!!! Kudos for that, cause theres no way in hell. I'm digging the top knot and I am loving that nail polish with the gold glitter ring finger. So very fall!

  4. We all have days where we are out of balance. It'll cycle back around.

    On another note–I'm LOVING that nail color. Gorgeous.
    Your top knot is adorable.
    Yay for skin care that works!

  5. Love that manicure and the topknot!! Thank you so much too for all of your information about the Clinque stuff. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on it. 🙂 I hope that you have a great weekend!

  6. I'm okay with the cooler weather but the rain can take a hike!

    Have fun tailgating this weekend!

  7. Love the topknot!! And the cat hair made me giggle. I have definitely had that problem 🙂 Sending prayers for your family health scare. I'm glad everyone's okay!

  8. I am so hair deficient – I wish I could DO a top knot – I'm a spaz when it comes to things like that.

    OH – and cutting out dairy is a BIG thing – SO, small steps – maybe you'll get back to the whole30 someday!

  9. Your mani is amazing, love that color combo. You are definitely ROCKING that top knot. Sending prayers for your family for sure! Enjoy your weekend 🙂

  10. I'm so glad you started with the Clinique again! I really hope it helps your skin. Also, your mani is gorgeous!! Have a great weekend 🙂

    xo Julie

  11. I love that nail color, cat fur and all! And 7 hours is way longer than I would have lasted on Whole 30 so good job! I really REALLY want to cut dairy out of my diet for awhile and see if it helps with many things…but cheese…..cheese. Ahh!

    LOVE your hair!!!! I need to learn how to do that ASAP! Good luck with the skin treatment, I nailed down what I want to do…I just need to order all the stuff!

  12. Love that color! Almost similar to OPI Every Month is Ocktoberfest. I really need more fall colors in my collection.

  13. Hahaha– yes the Whole30 is not easy. I love it and love eating (mostly) paleo, but it's not for everyone. Can't wait to see your results with the Clinique! I've thought of using it several times, just never have.

  14. Another perfect manicure – I'm starting to get jealous of your ability to paint your own nails that well! Your top knot looks great!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. The nails are so pretty 🙂

  16. Your nails are seriously impressive. Adorable top knot too, girlfriend! Hope you enjoy your weekend and tailgating tomorrow. Let's try to get together next week! xoxo

  17. yes yes yes! I'm totally in love with your current nail polish and that top knot. Now come teach me how to do my hair like so.

  18. 1. Love how you always do one nail different. I do that only on occasion, mostly because I never think of it until afterwards and then it's just kind of like… eh, oh well.
    2. Love your hair. That's my go-to
    3. It will balance out. Keep your head up, girl.
    4. Have fun tailgating. Drink one for me!

  19. Good color combo on the nails!
    Dude… how was that your first time with a top knot?! I wear them almost DAILY! But that's basically b/c I'm hair lazy, haha!

  20. Love the top knot on you!!

  21. I can't wait to see the progress pics! I'm soooo sick of breakouts. Make it stop…

    Miss your face!

  22. Yay for fall weather! I am so happy you're having great success with the Clinique! And OMG I love that sparkly gold polish!

  23. Ahhh! I think blogger ate my first comment! Ummm…what did I say again? Probably something about me also floating between awesome wife and worst wife, on a daily basis. It's the words. THEY MAKE US. But it does all come out in the wash. Even when it's not you doing the laundry. 😉

    I agree with Bailey that you're rocking that top bun!!

    And awesome mani, too! I know you use Seche but I swear your nails are shinier than mine ever are! They look like gels, and that's meant as a compliment. Haha!

  24. Love that nail combo and love your top knot! I'm so glad the acne solutions is working well so far- I can't wait to hear more about it when you update about your progress!


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