Stuff & Things 9/11

by | Sep 11, 2014 | Throwback | 16 comments

++ Today is always a bitter sweet day.  It’s my sister’s birthday (Happy Birthday Eileen!) but also a day we’ll never forget.  I’d tell you where I was when I heard the news, but I think I’ve told you that a gazillion times.  No matter how much time passes, the day is always chilling.

++  I really appreciate all the support I got from yesterday’s post.  It’s never easy admitting that you’re different.  And in the world of the internet, judgement is easy to come by.  I’m just so glad that I have this little community who just gets me.  Love you girls!

++ Bailey has gotten spoiled.  We’ve been spending a good amount of time with some of the other wives and their dogs lately.  My pup, who is usually content to sleep the day away, has started bugging me throughout the day to play.  I think weekly dog park dates are going to become a thing.

++ Confession: I wash trash tv.  I love collapsing onto the couch, glass of wine in hand ready to eat up all the drama.  Monday was the finale of Bachelor In Paradise.  I won’t give any spoilers in case you’re like me and like the trash but aren’t caught up yet.  But if you do watch and are caught up–what do you think?  Did you see that coming?  Part of me didn’t but part of me did!

++ There’s another away game today.  If I’m being honest, an away game during the week is easier to swallow.  I wouldn’t see J during the week anyway.  Since the last few games have been so crammed together, we’re hoping for some actual down time (do you hear those angels singing?) together this weekend!

++ I made a batch of chicken, a batch of mashed sweet potatoes, and a batch of green beans on Sunday.  That’s what I’ve been surviving on for dinners because let’s be honest.  Who wants to cook for just one?  Not this girl.  It’s never what I want–but it’s healthy and it fills up my belly.

++ The writing has begun.  And it’s ugly, y’all.  Rough drafts are just that…rough.  I have to keep reminding myself that the point is to get the words down, to tell myself the story.

++Along the same lines, writing with a cat in the house?  Not so easy, y’all! hah!  When he isn’t pawing at me to pay him attention or screaming his head off (for not particular reason other than to just be annoying), he’s in my lap.  Uhm?  It’s a little difficult to use both arms to type when he’s laying on one of them! haha!

++One more!  I might get some haters for this one, but anything that causes a lot of hype?  I’m almost immediately turned off to it.  I think it’s my introvert tendencies and it goes along with my hate of crowds.  But movie premiers, iPhone releases, anything where there’s a “mad dash” for something totally stresses me out and makes me want to stay as far away as possible.  With that said, I was all prepared to jump ship from the iPhone in general when I upgrade next (soon!) but I think I’m going to stick with it for only 2 reasons.  1) I have a gift card to apple which would make my phone free and wouldn’t have use for otherwise.  2) I like that iMessages come to my computer messages so I’m able to “text” with my computer.

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  1. I love reality tv and something about bachelor anything has me sucked in. I watched Bachelor in Paradise and loved laughing at all the drama and two-faced girls {and sometimes guys!}. I just watched the finale last night.
    Also, what a great dinner plan because I agree, cooking for one is no fun!

    -Claire @

  2. Oh man, trashy TV fans unite! I haven't fully caught up with Bachelors in Paradise yet, but you've inspired me to finish it up 🙂

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  3. I also love trash tv, you should watch Fox's 8 episode series 'I Wanna Marry Harry' basically a bunch of girls they tricked into thinking they would get to date Prince Harry. It was pulled off air after 4 episodes (so clearly it's quality) but it's online and so good! Mashed sweet potatoes are so yummy, I'll be there in about 15 hours so save some for me!!

    Good luck with the drafts today!

  4. I agree with the things-that-cause-a-lot-of-hype. I tend to stay away from this stuff because, I've noticed, that being part of blogland and/or being on Twitter will generally cause you to know about things before the general population (i.e. the population who gets their news from Facebook). Kind of like the people who are very late to the Pinterest party. I usually hear about stuff weekssss after it's relevant at school and then I'm like, "Who are these people? How do they not know this?"
    Anyway, I try to stay away from bandwagon-hopping.

  5. After having an Android for a short time, I will continue to drink the iPhone koolaid even though I hate that the screen is getting bigger. I just like it better! How cute is Campbell all passed out? I'm sure there's hell to pay when you wake him up!

  6. I am so over the iPhone 6 stuff. I have a friend who already has her name on the list to get one and I'm over here like, "ehh… no thanks. Keep it away from me."

  7. Yayyy for writing again! I think with J so busy now is the perfect time to get started. 🙂

  8. Aw that kitty pic, too cute!! I would totally pre cook one big meal too haha, or eat cereal every night. I am never angry when I get to eat cereal for dinner 😉

  9. Awe kitty! I don't watch the bachelor shows but I do watch the Kardashians when Chris isn't around and I am pretty sure you don't get much trashier than that 😉

    Before I lived with Chris I ate cheese and crackers, salad or cereal for dinner. I agree, it's no use cooking for one!

  10. Happy birthday to your sister!

  11. My dog is the same way – he is so spoiled and he EXPECTS to go to the dog park every night when I get home from work. Otherwise he drives me crazy the rest of the day.

  12. Aww your cat looks so sweet! I can totally see how she would stop you from getting work done! My parent's cat always has to be right in the way of whatever my mom is doing. I'm similar when it comes to hype around things. I love my iphone, but am totally find with the 4s (I think that's what it is) that I have right now! I kept my 3 until it wouldn't let me update it anymore- I just feel like a phone isn't something I constantly need something bigger and better as long as it's working!

  13. Yay, I'm not the only blogger watching Bachelor in Paradise! (I actually just posted about it today.) I couldn't decide if Michelle and Cody would stay together, though a comment she had made on Instagram made me think they would. It's kind of odd how undecided she was before, and by the last day there she had officially decided, but I'm happy for them! And I was hoping Marcus and Lacy would get engaged, and I got so excited when they did! It was a more satisfying ending than some Bachelor finales have been!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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