Bikini Too Teeny…or something like that

by | Sep 5, 2014 | Throwback | 24 comments

 (also used: Essie-Set in Stones & Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in White Out)

Essie Bikini so Teeny: I have a love hate relationship with this polish.  I’ve had it forever.  And every time I’ve gone to wear it, I end up totally frustrated and give up.  This is probably the worst formula of a polish I’ve ever ever dealt with.  And that’s saying a lot.  And it’s not just my bottle, y’all.

With that said, once I finally got the freaking polish applied (we’re talking 3 coats, and each coat had to dry almost completely before the next of you’d have streak city) and totally dried (even with my beloved Seche Vite and not touching anything for a good hour, I still ended up with dents.  Side eye, BST…side eye), I do actually really love the color.  Sigh, the world we live in.

I know what you all are going to say.  It’s after Labor Day, release the vampy manis.  But y’all?  It’s still like a hundred degrees.  So we’re still rockin’ in summertime over here.

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  1. I was about to comment on how jealous I was that polish looks so perfect on your nails because whenever I use just about any of my Essie polishes that is never the case! I caved and painted my nails a darkish color this week even though it's still 90 degrees!

  2. i love that shade–i don't have that problem though. just 2 coats for me. it's too dang hot over here for fall and dark nails. but i am wearing a berry shade today to encourage it! hehe

  3. Oooh this is the second "Bikini So Teeny" mani I've seen today! It's one of my favorite Essie colors, but a shame that the formula is such a drag. I love the dots you added!!

  4. I was wearing that color all week!!! You manicures always look so amazing!!

  5. Ohhhh pretty! Though, I hate frustrating stuff!

    It is hot as crap here too. I am like hello, where are you fall? Then I am like oh yeah, not til November around here!

  6. I do not own that polish, your nails look adorable though!

  7. I'm still rockin a hot pink on my nails, but this weekend I'm inching towards fall colors.

  8. Love this color! Looks great on you but I've read reviews similar to what you posted. xo

  9. I like that color too. I have a blue Essie on my toenails now and I like it but it does look…odd sometimes.

    I've been using cuticle cream for the last few nights (again) because looking at other peoples' cuticles (like yours) make me realize how awful mine are.

  10. I'm obsessed with this color! I only had it once and it was at a salon so I don't know about the application, but it's still looking great on you. And love the glitter & dots as well- so cute 🙂

  11. I love your nails! That sucks it was so difficult thought, that's no fun!

  12. Ugh. Three coat polishes really do suck the big one. I feel this way about a couple of my own and it takes a VERY special colour for that kind of patience. You really cranked it up a level with the sparkles and dots, too. I love the colour by itself and then you made it all BLAMMO, and now I love it even more! Haha! I seriously am impressed you were able to do all of those really tiny dots. Those are the absolute hardest, for me. Well done!

  13. Your nails are SO beautiful (amazing job!) That is one of my favorite colors (no mind that I have about 23403980 favs lol!)

  14. Those nails… I love 'em! Too bad about the polish formula, I adore that color!


  15. beautiful color! but i've had the same issues with essie polishes. i have gotten to the point that i don't even buy them anymore even though they have the best colors.

  16. Looks great! I can never get designs to turn out but yours look effortless, even if it took forever to dry in between coats.

  17. Looks great as always! I have such issues with Essie polish. They have the cutest colours, but the formulas aren't great. It's a huge problem, since I'm bad at applying polish to begin with!

  18. Pretty manicure, and you did a fantastic job! I'm so sorry for my lack of commenting too, I finally remembered to add you to my bookmarks. I hope that you are doing well though and that you are having a good week so far! 🙂

  19. Your nails look great! That color is pretty. I've officially moved on to vampy nails. Can't help it 🙂

    Katie @ Cup of Tea


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