Stuff & Things 8/7

by | Aug 7, 2014 | Throwback | 16 comments

**Saturday night, I ended up on the couch.  That. Should. Never. Happen.  Why?  Oh, well the hubs snores.  That’s nothing new.  But normally when I awake to the wood sawing snoring, I kick him gently nudge him and he rolls over & stops.  Well Saturday night we were both exhausted.  He was out cold, and my futile attempts to roll him over were causing me to wake further and further up.  So finally, I grabbed my pillows and huffed into the living room.  The next day, I bought silicone putty earplugs.  I busted out the big guns, y’all.  I wasn’t playing games anymore.  Those suckers work.  So for under $4 I’ve slept like a baby the last week.  Thank you, Walmart.

**I got a new computer on Tuesday.  It’s true, folks.  My husband spoils me rotten.  It’s so pretty.  And shiny.  And you know not crashing every 30 seconds!  Whoop whoop!  My old computer hasn’t been able to support a new operating system in a few years–so making the jump to the newest one is taking a little getting used to, but I’m loving it.  

**I made this recipe last week and ate it for days.  DAYS!  It was so good I could cry.  I don’t know why it never dawned on me to make stuffed shells.  I’d never had any other than those sad little frozen dinners.  They were surprisingly easy to make and absolutely delish.

**I am absolutely shocked at how many requests I’m getting for a sequel to Yeah, maybe!  It makes me so excited to get back to work!  I know I keep saying this, but you all have no idea how much of a dream come true all of this is for me.  I’m still walking around on cloud nine.  And you know what?  There’s a lot of nail polish up here!!

**Every time the bestie calls me, my heart jumps into my throat.  Because yup.  It’s that time.  We are officially in the baby could come any minute zone.  And I am so. freaking. excited!!!  I’m doing my best to make sure everything I can possibly arrange is in order because the second that call comes in–I’m out the door!

**Remember about a month ago when I shared that someone from my past passed away?  He was a die hard Broncos fan his entire life.  His uncle wrote to Peyton Manning, and the next thing we all know Chris has made national news.  Peyton honored him by wearing a towel during camp with his name on it.  Manning… what a stand up guy.  Find the story here.  Chris’s family is very important to me, and I know that this is something they appreciate so, so much.

Linked with: Stuff & Things

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  1. I'm with you on the snoring husbands. Usually I can nudge Ken to get him to stop (sometimes I go so far as to wake him up), but there are times that one of us sleeps on the couch.

    I'm in agreement on wanting a sequel to Yeah, Maybe. I started brainstorming ideas for a book. Once I sit down and write something, would you be willing to read it?

  2. Hurrah on sequel requests! That's awesome.

    I'm making mexican stuffed shells to freeze this weekend. I am not the hugest fan of regular stuffed shells. Issues!

  3. I maintain that the Macbook is the best thing we (okay, I) ever bought. Scott got it for me after I made him cancel a hunting trip because I wanted to spend time with him. He said, "Well, if I'm not going (up into the Arctic circle to hunt caribou for a week during R&R), let's go to Best Buy and get your Mac." Congratulations on a fine purchase!

    Also, now you HAVE to keep writing 🙂

  4. I love the Mannings so much. They just seem like good people. Congrats on the new computer! My Mac is two years old and it still feels new… probably because I have never quite learned to use it to its full ability!

  5. I'd read a sequel or even a whole new story, either way I'm ready for something!

    Yeah for new computers boo for Windows 8, I still have Windows 7 and I hope it lasts forever. Ha!

  6. Oh man. Those plugs are life savers, huh?! I'm so glad you found them and they're working!

  7. Oh man I wouldn't be able to live in my husband snored! Glad you found those ear plugs. So cool about Peyton! I'm going to check out the story now.

  8. Ha – the earplugs! I bet Micah would appreciate some of those. I'm the WORST snorer. Ha.

    Sequel = MUST!

  9. Peyton is such a stand up guy. Love him to pieces.
    And I would probably die if my hubby snored. I'm a light sleeper and even his breathing can get to me sometimes, ha!

  10. Congrats on the new computer! That is so awesome about Peyton wearing his name on the towel, thank you for sharing that story 🙂

  11. Yay for new computers!!! The least he can do for all that snoring, right?! Chris snores sometimes too and I attempt to roll him on his side to get him to stop. Sometimes it works…sometimes not so much.

    Sequels!!!!!! I am almost finished reading my current book so I can start on yours!

  12. The Mannings are really an amazing family aren't they?!
    Yeah for new shiny computers!!!! That one is beautiful girl! I'm also now considering making stuffed shells for dinner because those look amazing!

  13. YAY for new computers!! i was sooo close to getting one but then realized that i don't need it but just want it. because bright new computers always get me 🙁

    Vodka and Soda

  14. That story about Peyton & Chris is so wonderful, I love that he did that to honour Chris and that his family got the towel and everything after. So sweet.

    Sounds like things are going pretty fabulously (minus the snoring)!

  15. What a sweet tribute to your friend, Peyton does seem like such a great guy! Hooray for a new computer, I think few things are more exciting 🙂 Plus, what a great new tool for writing!

  16. The story about Peyton is amazing – I was already a fan, but this makes me like him even more! I'm glad I don't have to put up with too much snoring, that would be terrible to deal with, I think it's great you found your own solution.


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