Stuff & Things 7/10

by | Jul 10, 2014 | Throwback | 16 comments

1. Tuesday night, I was setting the coffee pot.  I called out “Honey?  What time are we going to the gym in the morning?”  That hung in the air before we both sort of chuckled.  “When did we become that couple?” I asked.  We’ve both made some significant changes this year–and I think we’re both feeling better than we ever have!  You don’t have to do it all, but finding something manageable for yourself is all it really takes!

2. I’m heading out to South Carolina tomorrow!  One of my absolute besties is having a baby in August, and this will be our last hoorah before the baby comes!  It’s so crazy to me to think the next time she and I get to spend time together she’ll be someone’s mom!  When the baby comes, I’ll be packing up and  spending some time out there to help out.  I’m the closest thing to a sister she has, and being that to someone is…well, it’s just really special.  I can’t wait to be little Sophie’s Aunt Jo!

3. I’m getting my haircut on Tuesday for the first time in…well, way too long.  For some reason whenever I know an appt is coming up, I obsess over it!  I’ve been loving my super long hair–but I’ve sort of let it just grow into a mop.  I’m really hoping for some fun layers to actually give some shape and life back into my locks!  I’m thinking a little something like this!

also, I just love Rachel Talbott!
4. Random, but last night the hubs was having a craving for Hardee’s.  I couldn’t tell you the last time I ate at Hardees (I think it was back in HS).  I wasn’t specifically craving anything, so I tagged along.  I ordered a 1/3 cheeseburger on one of their freshly baked buns and oh, my gosh, y’all.  I can’t believe I’m sitting raving about Hardees, but I am!  The burger was so delicious, the bun was so fresh, and their fries were perfectly crispy!  Thanks to no gall bladder, I tend to feel pretty sick after any type of fatty (super greasy) meal.  I felt fine!  I don’t know what they’re doing there–but we’ll be back.
5.  I just realized it seems kind of funny that I talk about going to the gym and Hardee’s in the same post.  But that’s just it.  We’re not extremists, honestly.  We eat pretty healthily 95% of the time.  We only drink water (except our one cup of coffee/day).  We eat at home 95% of the month.  So when we splurge we spurge!

6. I finished my editor’s edits yesterday.  My sister (who has been an editor for 20 years) is going through and giving one last sweep of the manuscript.  Every time I go through it, it’s looking more and more like a real book.  Once the book is out, I’m planning on sharing my experience with the whole process.  Would you guys want to see that?  
Oh.  And it comes out next week.

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  1. I have never liked Hardee's and like you haven't been since high school, now I think I've missed something.

    So where can we buy this book next week!?!

  2. I need to take some advice from you guys– every day this week my husband and I have been trying to go to the gym in the morning, and I've been the one unable to get up early enough to go! I like that haircut would look amazing on you! I love a lot of layers in long hair! You've totally sold me on Hardees, though I'm pretty sure we don't have any around here & I've never had it before! Still SO excited about your book!!!

  3. Hmmmm it appears my last comment did not go through. What the crap, blogger!!!

    Basically I said how exciting it is that your book comes out next week!!!! Is it something that we can purchase from the book store or is it online?! I would love to hear about the process!

    I haven't been to Hardees in a long time…years! You are making me hungry!

  4. It's so nice that J wants to work out with you! I got Andrew on one walk. One. Then I took them on my lunch break, then I hurt my ankle, and we have yet to try again. But the gym – forget it! And yay on the book news, congrats!

  5. I love Rachel too, she is gorgeous! Next week?! AHHH

  6. One of the absolute weirdest things about moving to California has been that there's no such thing as Hardee's here…they're the same buildings, the same signs, the same logos…but out here, they're Carl's Jr.!

  7. I LOVE THAT HAIR. In a perfect world, that's what mine looks like and sometimes, when it's long enough and the stars line up just right, it does look that way.

    You should move to Ft. Leonard-Wood. They got really excited about the addition of a Hardee's. It was like the Denny's thing. :p

    I can't wait to read your book.

  8. Next week!!! Finally!!! I am in dire need of a new read, and you know I have been waiting on this book with bated breath!

    I can't believe Abs is about to be a Mom! That is so awesome, and you will be such a great Aunt Jo to little Sophie! Have fun, and enjoy Greenville for me – I know Abby probably has her favorite places, but if y'all feel up to it, you should do any of the following: eat tapas at The Cazbah, eat pizza at Barley's, eat chips, salsa, & queso at Monterrey's, and eat gelato at the gelato place on Washington. So, basically, eat 🙂

  9. I think the reason I love you so much is BECAUSE you talk about Hardees and the gym in the same post. Sisters from another mister, if you you ask me. That haircut is gorgeous, I would take candy from a kid to have a head of hair like that.

    What platforms will your book be available on/ SOOOOOOO very excited for you!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS! YAY! I can't wait to read it! Please let us know about the process and let me know where I can purchase it!

  11. i freaking love Hardees burgers. yummmm. i've only had it like less than 10 times in my life. um yes please to sharing your experience, and congrats lady! cant wait to read it – depending on what its about haha. i dont do scary 😉

  12. I have never been to a Hardees before! And dude. NEXT WEEK?? AHHH!

  13. Ummmm yes I want to hear about it and YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you girl!!!!

    I'm having a burger tonight and I can't freaking wait. I don't even know if there is a Hardees by me but I will definitely be on the lookout!

  14. So exciting that your book is coming out SO SOON!!! Can't wait to hear more about it!! And we're with you guys in the non-extremist department…we're healthy most of the time, but we love a completely bad for us meal now and then 😉

  15. NEXT WEEK!!!! So exciting, please let us know where we can get YOUR book, also if you have nay book signings I am in the foothills of NC, so we need to know where those are too!!


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