Holy Yikes

by | Jul 7, 2014 | Throwback | 6 comments

This weekend was exactly what I needed.  My editor worked her butt off.  I worked my butt off.  My sister worked her butt off.  And things are really, really coming together with this book.  I can’t even believe all of this is happening.  There’s a title.  There’s content.  There are cover options.  And I’m kind of dying on the inside because how is this happening?  In the last several weeks, so many people have uttered the words I can’t wait to read your book.  AND THAT JUST MAKES ME WANT TO DO BACK FLIPS, Y’ALL!  I won’t, because I’m a liability.  But I want to!

Not to harp on it, but the fact that so many people are taking the time to make my dream their priority isn’t lost on me.  Of course it’s important to me, but so many people are putting their lives on hold and donating their time–and, oh man.  There will never be enough words to tell you what that means.

I told J the other night that I think I finally get it.  After college, I never ever understood when people truly loved their jobs.  I didn’t even really understand how J could spend all day and all night working.  Saturday afternoon, we were sitting on the couch.  I was working on edits while he was watching TV–and I just felt so happy.  I could do this work for the rest of my life, and I really hope I get to.

After college, my mom called me a fish out of water.  I just flopped around, searching.  It seems silly to me now.  This has always been my place — I was just doing everything and anything else.  Back then, all of this seemed so scary.  Don’t get me wrong–it’s still scary.  But it’s the best kind of scary.

J and I got to spend some quality time with lot of people we care about, which is always good for a little rebooting.  In my opinion, there is nothing more important in life than the people we get to share it with.  With football season just around the corner (holy yikes), I’m soaking in whatever time I can get with him.

You guys–I drove the stick by myself to run errands and no one died!!  I think I can officially knock it off my 30 before 30–even if I’m not the best at it yet!

I’m easing my way back into the running thing.  Being sidelined for 7 weeks kind of threw a wrench in all that training I did.  I have to keep perspective, though.  When I first started out back in February, I couldn’t run to the end of my driveway.  My first run out after the boot came off, I ran a mile.  Since the boot has been off, I’ve run a total of 8 miles.  I’ll take it.

Phew.  Okay.  I think that’s about all I have to catch you all up on.  I hate that I’ve been so quiet around here–but someday, someday.  I know, I keep promising.  Love you guys!

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  1. I can't wait to read your book!!! As cheesy as it sounds, isn't it amazing to take a step back and realize your dreams are coming true due to hard work and dedication. Makes it so much better!

    Laughing my ass off about the driving stick part. My dad wouldn't let me get my license until I learned how to drive stick.

  2. I'm pretty intrigued by your book as well! I wanted to be an english major until life showed me it would be next to impossible to get the job I wanted so I went into science instead. I always dreamed I would write a book someday so I'm living vicariously through you and am in awe of all you're doing!

  3. So proud of you and all the hard work you've put into your book!!! I cannot wait to be able to see the finished product!

  4. You already know how much I love this post! I'm so, so excited for you & happy you found what you're meant to do! I'm even more excited for your book– to hear more about it and the title & everything! Yay!

  5. The book stuff is soooo exciting!!! I can't wait to pre-order/order my copy, eeeeeee!!!

    I'm proud of you for driving the stick all by yourself, I knew you'd get the hang of it!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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