Oh, now I know.

by | May 12, 2014 | Throwback | 10 comments

That I am overwhelmed by all of you.
The amount of encouragement and support I’ve received from each of you in the last several months has been nothing short of amazing.  I am constantly wowed by all of you.  And I really, really mean that!
>>Time doesn’t matter when friendship is involved.  Sarah and I went to high school together.  We were friends, but not particularly close.  Since the internet exploded, somehow we reconnected in the years just after college.  She’s also now my copyeditor!  I wonder what the 15 year old versions of ourselves would have thought if a future telling angel came down and told us this would be our lives at this point.  Either way?  I’m so thankful that an old friend has become such a dear friend.  She took the time to come by my parents’ house on Saturday during her brief trip home from California.  And we had such a wonderful visit.  We haven’t seen each other in TWELVE YEARS.
>> Bedtime during a sleepover with my HS bestie is still no earlier than 2AM.  And we still talk until someone just doesn’t respond anymore.  
>> If it’s 12AM and my dog escapes into the night as cars are backing out of my parents’ driveway, I will scream my head off.  Saturday night, as the party winded down, I was on the recliner with my boot off because my foot was swelling.  Bailey had put herself to bed on the couch because she was totally worn out.  After a bit, I realized she wasn’t next to me anymore.  And then I saw that the door was open.  Fun Fact: Bailey bolts.  I panicked and ran outside and down the driveway sans boot screaming for her.  She’s a dark dog and people were backing out of our very steep driveway.  It must have sounded like I was being murdered because she came RIGHT back to me from down by the street (not that I could see her).  Also–whenever I am hugely relieved, I will cry.  Or maybe I was crying because I ran barefoot on a fractured foot.  But either way, I cried.
>>My mom will turn anything into a party.  And that’s pretty freaking awesome.  It also means that I will always be completely exhausted after spending a weekend at “home.”

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  1. I totally freak any time my dogs get out. I act a fool until they are back inside. I feel ya!

    Yay for old friends!!!! How awesome you got to reconnect.

    Ummm you are looking awesome girl!

  2. Having a friends sleep over is the best and so is talking until someone just doesn't answer anymore!

  3. Ughhhhh girl my heart just sped up reading this post! I'm so glad she came back with you calling her! Girl grown up sleepovers are the best especially when they involved wine drinking 😉

  4. Congratulations! Sounds like a (mostly) great weekend! And my dog is a runner, too. He shakes off the harness. It's the worst.

  5. I feel like you are so happy the last few months! Not that you weren't before or that I would have known, but you just seem to be happy and chattier. Maybe it's the type of posts? Who knows. But it's always nice to be happy!!

  6. i am the same way when it comes to bestie sleepovers! i am just a little more tired the next day compared to when i was in high school 😉

  7. My girlfriends and I are the same way during our sleepovers!!!! hahahahah There's just more booze now is the only diff. 😛

  8. Anytime Scout tries to run away, he gets in big trouble. Last night, he ran around the back of the house at 4am and got into a dead animal carcass (don't ask). He refused to come and Scott beat him with his own leash. Then there was a bath. Then he slept in his crate for the first time in 7 months and there was no whining. That's how terrified he was. I love connecting with college/high school friends again. I think we all become different people!

  9. i just came from a 4-day sleep over in miami and it was awesome! the only difference between high school and now is that we still wake up drunk from the night before haha!

    Vodka and Soda


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