Some News

by | Mar 31, 2014 | Throwback | 21 comments

After my breakdown (and very candid post) on Friday, I sat down and mapped everything out.

The good news:
I can do this.  I was finally struck with the inspiration that I needed (you know, that one little detail that makes my book different than the hundreds of others like it).  That one little piece of the puzzle finally brings this book from something I thought might be okay to something that might actually be great.
The bad news:
It basically means that I’m back at revising square one.  
That’s not awful news, but I’ve kind of put myself on a deadline–and this makes it a little tricky.
So with that said, I will be taking a little break from blogging.  I’m not saying I won’t post at all (hello, I’d miss you guys).  I’m also not saying that I won’t be reading your posts (because again, I’d miss you!)  But I will be pretty MIA for a while.
Just know that I’m still here.  And I will be back!  I will definitely still be around on TwitterInstagram, so be sure to hang out with me there!  I hate to even make this sacrifice because blogging these days is pretty much what keeps my world going round–but I really need to get myself focused.  At least for the next little while!
Let’s hope that by time I resurface my book will be in the talented hands of Miss Sarah–copy editor extraordinaire!! 
Love you guys for understanding!!!

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  1. As long as we can still have our email banter I'm ok 😉 In all seriousness you can totally do this girl! You are definitely in my thoughts! xoxoxoxo

  2. I can't say I'm not a little crushed,I'll miss you! At the same time I am so happy for you that you feel ready to tackle this now. You can totally do it!

  3. Good luck! Gotta love when that moment of inspiration strikes and it just clicks into place!

  4. I will miss seeing you as often as usual but I'm glad you have a plan and are feeling better about things now!!!!! Also, I will find you if you stay away for too long at a time. Sorry. That's just the way it is. 🙂

  5. Yayyy for inspiration!!! I'll miss you but I'm totally behind you and know that you can do this!

  6. Good luck!!! You will certainly be missed!!!

  7. Best of luck with the revisions! Look forward to hearing about it when you are finished!

  8. So glad you found the inspiration you needed! Good luck with the revisions 🙂 Sometimes blog leaves are so necessary to work on other things, but you will be missed!

  9. Hurry back! Good luck on the book.

    I need to find an editor. I only know the basics of grammar.

  10. You got this, love! Do what you need to do, we'll all be here cheering you on! <3

  11. Good luck with it! I hope it turns out well! I really like your blog! I'm glad that I found it! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits, personal style, likes and much more 🙂 🙂

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  12. SOOOOO glad you found that piece you'd been missing, friend! I continue to believe in you and know that this is going to be so awesome when it's done! While I will miss my daily cup of Jo, I couldn't be happier for you! xoxoxo

    • Okay, so I always get an email if you respond to my comment, and then I come here and can't see it – what am I doing wrong?

      However, you ALWAYS call me! If you need to cry / rant / scream about words and thesauruses and creativity and the joys of feeling like you don't always have enough words or thesauruses or creativity, you call me! (and call me for other things too!). It isn't always easy, you're right, but just think how GOOD it is going to feel when you are responsible for making your dreams come true! It is going to be wonderful, friend, and I cannot wait! Love you!

  13. I was just thinking today how I've cut to 4 days a week and I can't believe I used to do 6 days of blogging.
    Best of luck with your revisions! I know you'll figure it out 🙂

  14. I am SO excited for you!!! yayyyyy!

  15. You've got this, gush! <3 <3 <3


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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