Stuff & Things #4

by | Mar 27, 2014 | Throwback | 17 comments

>>When I wrote this book (4 years ago), I didn’t know the town I live in now existed.  It’s only an hour away from Raleigh (where I lived at the time), but whatever.  It’s funny to me, because the fictional town where my novel is set is practically geographically where I live now.  #mindblown

>> My cat scoops up water with his paw and then licks it.  That’s how he drinks.  I think it is equally stupid and adorable.  Okay, who am I kidding.  It’s just adorable.

>>Not to mention my cat again oh, gosh. it’s a good thing i’m married of i’d be that crazy cat lady, but I think I’ve mentioned here before how we call Campbell the Sour Patch Kid.  First he’s sour.  Then he’s really really sweet.  Well, one of Campbell’s favorite activities is to sit on his litter box and stare behind the washer/dryer (I have no idea what he thinks he sees–unlike the bed situation, I’ve actually looked–I see nothing).  Well, homie fell in yesterday.  Apparently the homie needs to layoff the meow mix (no, I don’t actually feed him meowmix).  The little jerk.  Litter boxes are expensive!

>> There has to be candy/cookies/cake/sweets of any kind in this house at all times.

>> We had such an awesome visit with our friends last week.  Somehow, we forgot to take any pictures until the next morning.  Of course, they were all dressed for the day and I look like a homeless begger in my pajamas (aaaaaaand now I’m busted.  I stole my sister’s sweatshirt ages ago.  eff).  Also?  Their kid is like the coolest kid on the planet.  He was just so chill.  I won’t get into their whole story, but they struggled really hard to get (and stay) pregnant.  We’re talking too many losses for anyone’s heart to handle.  This baby is such a huge blessing.  And he really couldn’t have better parents.  Okay, I’m getting all gushy and it needs to stop.

>> Since I just posted a picture of my bare face, I think now would be a good time to tell you about my skin care.  I suffer from acne pretty badly.  I also suffer from cystic acne–but those suckers thankfully only pop up now and again (and in my experience, nothing topical will touch ’em).  The only thing I’ve ever found to work for me is the Clinique Acne Solutions. I’ve mentioned that before.  But since we gave up my income, I’ve cut way back on my spending.  Now, I totally believe the Clinique stuff is a necessity, not a luxury, but I wanted to test out if I could go without it.  Kristin made a point last week about not using moisturizer.  So I ditched it.  I wash my face as normal (Morning: Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser Evening: Clean & Clear Continuous Control cleanser), but only moisturize afterwards with a dab of coconut oil.  It’s working pretty darn well.

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  1. So, at the risk of sounding like a crazy cat lady, this comment will all be about your cat. 🙂 We don't use a lid on our litter boxes – our cat's don't really like it – so that's an option if you don't want to replace it. Also, the water drinking is adorable! aaaand for my final question … how does that litter genie work? is it worth it?

  2. This no-moisturizer thing is working out very well…I can't believe I didn't try it a year ago!
    I've taken it a step further and I put tea tree soap on the clarisonic (instead of the clarisonic gel I've been using since November) and it's helping too!

    Missouri has more small towns than you can shake a stick at. I never know where any of them are.

  3. I actually just started using that same Aveeno face wash, I love it! I used to use the Clinique stuff but I didn't feel like it was making a huge difference! My skin had been really dry so I'd been moisturizing more often but I gave up a few weeks ago (mostly out of laziness!) and like you and Kristin found it's actually way better I think!

    That is a seriously cute baby! So nice that you got to spend time with your friends!

  4. I can't imagine not using moisturizer. I tried the coconut oil thing a few weeks ago, and I think I'm the only person on earth who broke out from it. I use the Oil Cleaning Method.
    I can't stop laughing at the broken little box. Hysterical.
    My Linky Cat will jump in the shower after one of us has taken a shower and drink all the water drips on the tub floor. The paw thing is super cute and I would probably sit and watch for hours. Steve follows this website called 'The Chive' and they have Cat Saturday with a bunch of funny cat pictures. It's amazing, and looking at it together is part of our Saturday morning routine.
    I'm kind of obsessed with my cats. Steve won't let me get a 3rd, he says that puts us in Crazy Cat People status. On the news last night, they showed a woman who had over 300 cats in her house. 300. Can you imagine?!?!

  5. Aww I love that your cat drinks water from his paw, that's so cute!!

  6. Ha Bauer loves all aspects of his box, too! He has yet to fall through but he is definitely fat enough to break it. I never considered that!

    And yes, totally guilty on the junk food in the house. Or at the very least in my desk at work. I have no be no more than 12 hours away from my next treat anytime a craving strikes!

  7. I started taking care of my face and it repaid me by breaking out. I should go back to not washing and not moisturizing, I had much nicer skin. 🙁

  8. That happens to me all the time where I'll post a pic in my brother's shirt or something and he will call me out on stealing it. OOPS! 🙂 It happens! Your face looks great girl!

  9. Ummmmmm I'm sorry did you say your cat broke the top of the litter box by sitting on it????? Damn I wish I had that video footage! Drinking water with his paw is adorable but very time consuming no? 😉 Coconut oil on face and you swear it won't break me out?
    As you well know sweets are a staple in my house :-/

  10. My face is actually better WITH moisturizer. I avoided it for years. I think it was breaking out because it was too dry. That is insane to me.

    hahaha @ the broken litter box. I seriously wish I had a camera on my animals at all times.

  11. Have you tried zinc for your cystic acne? It has done WONDERS for me! 50 mg of chelated zinc gluconate daily. Look it up gurl. No joke… 90% of the reviews are positive and it's CHEAP!
    P.S. Your skin looks GREAT by the way… I don't even SEE any pimples!

  12. um, you look amazing without any makeup on! I get the annoying cystic acne every once in a while, and while this doesn't TOTALLY solve it, the neutrogena on the spot acne treatment is the best thing I've tried– it's only $5 or $6 at the drugstore and works better than any of the more expensive spot treatments I've tried.

    And your cat drinking water with his paw sounds like the cutest thing ever!

  13. I AM DYING at the thought of that cute little kitty falling through the litter box. Totally made my day.

  14. I recently realized how desperate my own skin was for moisturizing. Amazing the difference it makes!

  15. Yup I have a chocolate/sweet drawer. We always have candy in this house.

    Ha on your cat.

  16. Wow so funny about your book! I wanna know more! A.k.a where do you live? What is it about? and now I sound like a stalker, sorry! But mostly when you publish it and become famous, will you still sign a copy for me! Please!

  17. Awww, that baby is SO cute I could cry! Too funny about your cat drinking water…I wish Max would do something that cute!


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