Stuff & Things #2

by | Mar 13, 2014 | Throwback | 17 comments

>> If I want the cat to sit somewhere specific, I should just know to put the clean laundry down there.  Every time.  Every. Single. Time.


>>We got a fancy wine opener for our wedding.  It took me over a year to figure out how to use it.  The other day, I poured myself a glass of wine and looked down at the counter.  Oh.  Ooooooooh.  That’s why it’s called The Rabbit.  Dur, Joey.  Dur.

>> On the days I know I won’t be leaving the house–I have a hard time convincing myself to get out of my pajamas.  I know what they all say–if you get ready for the day you’ll be more productive, blah blah blah.  But my PJs are so damn comfortable.  And that’s less laundry to do.  I mean, I’m clean.  So what’s the big deal?  The side eye I get from the hubs when he comes home for lunch is always amusing though!

>>I made J “run” with me on Sunday.  I tried to force him to go on Saturday, but it’s probably a good thing he didn’t.  When I got home, he puked.  But he’s quicker than I am.  I knew if we ran the campus, he’d leave me in the dust.  So instead we went to the football stadium.  The perks of being married to a coach.  Bailey enjoyed it!

>> And finally.  Why not end this post with the most hilarious picture of a cat ever.  You’re welcome.

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  1. Lol lol, I can't stand that rabbit thing. I don't know what I do, somehow the cork has ended up going in my bottle of wine. Give a good old fashioned cork screw,I can't handle that hi-tech shit. I do like that it is shiny and red….very eye catching!
    My Linky Cat alwayyyys jumps on the fresh laundry. He's going through a major shedding phase, and it's getting all over the clean towels! Grrrrrrrr…. I love that you were able to get J to run with you, even if he did puke. That's love!

  2. Scout finds the clean laundry too. Never fails. I'd probably never use that wine opener just because it looks to be confusing.

  3. That cat is taking it like a champ, though. I have to get in the tub fully clothes and let Bauer claw my back while Andrew force-bathes him. Needless to say it doesn't happen often… and he too loves the clean laundry. Thus, I am forever covered in cat hair. We had a Rabbit until one of my bottles broke it and I could never figure out how to use it. The only corkscrew I can use regularly is the electric one…. so pathetic!

  4. I completely get where the cat is coming from, I'd love to curl up in the fresh from the dryer laundry too if I wasn't the one that had to wash it again.

    I never get dressed now that I work from home, I'm plenty productive in my PJ's and a lot more comfortable.

  5. Our dog instantly finds the laundry and burrows into it…folded or not. Pets are jerks. Adorable, lovable little jerks.

  6. Ahhhh the shower cat! LOL!!!!! Too funny! My dogs are obsessed with piles of clean laundry too! Always covered in dog fur…always.

    Ummm why get dressed if you aren't leaving the house? That is some crazy talk right there.

  7. Love that last picture.

    My cat always sits on clean laundry as well. Ack. I'm like, "Dude, you'll get your fur everywhere."

  8. I am a sucker for cat pictures! With the warmer weather, I think we might bathe our kittehs this weekend. They don't look adorable though.
    Funny, my cats only like to sit in the dirty piles of laundry (and rub their faces on the nastiest piece of clothing, like the crotch of underwear or socks my husband wore to the gym- gag).

  9. Wait… are we SUPPOSED to change out of our pajamas when we don't have to leave the house? Shit. Sometimes I leave the house and I'm STILL in them.

  10. Ummmm can I just admit to you I had no idea that is why they called it a rabbit….thank you for enlightening me. Also my sisters husband asked us one day over Christmas if we were ever planning on getting out of our pajamas….like it was a real question. Amateurs…..that cat picture hilarious. I am slightly concerned about the man and his legs but that is for another time.

  11. Oh God. OH GOD, the shower cat. I can't.

    We had one of those rabbit wine openers that Dennis found at Goodwill for like $3 that had clearly come from a restaurant or something. For the entirety of the time we had it, I couldn't figure out how to use it. And then it broke, so I didn't have to. TAKE THAT, RABBIT!

  12. My boys love to throw clean laundry all over the place.. I dont know why I bother folding it!

  13. Aww that poor kitty looks so sad! My dog Schnitzel sometimes will go in the empty tub and he can't get back out and he looks just like that haha


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