Just Joey being Joey

by | Mar 14, 2014 | beauty, Loves, Real Life | 24 comments

Gradient nails?
Yeah, no.
Turns out I don’t have the patience it takes.
I’ve made my peace with it, whatever. 
I’m fine.
I was so eager to just be done with it–I thought slappin’ on some glitter would help.
Because glitter fixes everything.
Not everything.

But because I always share when I actually execute a manicure–I thought it was only fair to show that I, too, am verrrrry human.

I was so annoyed with how these turned out
I immediately wiped everything off
and went plain jane.

Now, because I spent so much time trying to clean up the gradient manicure, my cuticles are so dang dry from all the acetone.  I really only have myself to blame.  But in case you’re wondering, my favorite cuticle cream to help combat the dryness is Burts Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream.  It’s worth your dollars.  Promise.
Will you forgive me if I don’t feel like fishing out all of the colors I used for the gradient nails?  I’m not kidding, I was really irritated when it was all said and done.  So those polishes very quickly went back to where they belong. 
The plain jane color–which actually happens to be a really good spring/summer color, in my opinion, is the Rimmel lycra wear 10 + minerals in 297 promiscuous.  Not my favorite name for a polish ever, if I’m being honest.  This is a pretty old polish–so I’m not sure if it’s still in stores or not.  It claims it’s supposed to last 10 days.  I’ll never know if it actually does because you all know I have nail ADD and will probably change out my polish tomorrow.  
You know.  Just Joey being Joey.
linked: thenailfiles

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  1. The gradient looks pretty! But I totally get you…I am that person who puts on the messiest most staining nail polish and then hates it. I'll have to try that cuticle butter because I'm a chronic nail biter.

  2. I love the promiscuous, it would be perfect for tan toes in the summer time!

  3. wow oh wow do I know your pain!
    I will assure you that there are people who are significantly less talented than you out there when it comes to painting nails..and I'm definitely on that list. I don't know why it's so difficult for me :/
    I love the second color, though. It came out nice!

    – morg harp nich
    friday instagram link up at morgharpnich.com if you wanna join!

  4. I think it all looks lovely, despite any flaws. But I understand. I've definitely done that before. I'm sure we all have. haha

  5. We have already talked about my inability to do anything more than just plane jane! I have a kit that I got from Influenster that has three different colors to do the gradient look. I did it once. I am way to OCD and ADD to do that shit right! More power to you!

  6. I think I own cuticle cream but I have never taken the time to use it. It was in one of those Burt's Bees gift sets and I was like oh cool, but what is this for? I like that plain color!

  7. I think you're being WAY too hard on yourself! The gradient looks good! Especially with the sparkles! I know what it's like to just hate your nails, though. And it's THE ULTIMATE WORST when it's after such a major time investment! When I do a gradient, I wait a few hours and then have a hot, steamy shower. I keep a bamboo stick in there and after a couple of minutes, the steamy water loosens the polish on my skin and I can scrape it right off. #lazymanicuresecrets So if you decide to give gradients another go, do the shower trick and you'll save your cuticles and some time! 🙂

  8. How the heck did you do that gradient nail? I am so impressed! Yes my motto when in doubt throw some glitter over it and it disguises a whole heck of a lot! Speaking of I need to paint my nails for the party on Saturday….I know you want to help right? How soon can you get to FL? 😉

  9. Girl, you're craaaazy! I REALLY like your gradient nails – especially the colors you used. They remind me of a shirt that I used to wear all the time in high school. I'm so sad you didn't like these because I reeeeeeally really do!

    aka Bailey

  10. I wouldn't have the patience for the gradient but I do like the look. The second color looks really good and perfect for spring.

  11. I'm OBSESSED with BB lemon butter cuticle cream. I keep one in my purse and one next to my bed. That shit works WONDERS and it smells so good… sometimes I open it up just to take a sniff! haha

  12. LOVE the colored gradient! Because I love all shades of purple, it's my favorite! How did you get it so perfect?! I don't think I would have the patience for that! Haha.

    It's a nice peachy rose color too!


  13. I lack patience for anything requiring multiple colors, intricate designs….well, nail art, basically. I love the colors you used!

  14. I could NEVER do gradient nails. I barely have the ability to sit still to paint my nails normally!

  15. I love the attempt at saving it with glitter- usually the glitter saves everything rule applies!
    I almost always manage to touch everything when my nails are still wet and scratch/smudge the polish so I usually just abandon it altogether! I'm impressed you had the patience to try a different colour!

  16. I like both sets of nails. I cannot paint or do my nails at all. I'm awful. And I pick at my nails so it's just a waste.

  17. I would definitely not have the patience or skills for gradient nails! I like the way yours turned out though!! But, I also like the plain-Jane colour.

  18. I don't think that ombre looks all that bad! Best cuticle cream that I found is the OPI one (I think i got it free with a purchase once), but I also really want to try the Essie Apricot one.

  19. gradient nails, no way! it's so crazy how fancy people get with their nails these days. i can barely handle the trendy accent nail color thing. plus mine chip in like 2 days so i'm like ugh i am not stressing about this shit!

  20. I ALWAYS mess up my nails when I try anything other than a simple coat or an accent nail! However… I still keep trying & never learn my lesson!


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