The 5: Crazy Edition

by | Feb 7, 2014 | Throwback | 5 comments

After having several conversations with Lauren, I realize there are a few things people might consider me crazy for.  Besides the whole never-had-a-peanut-butter-sandwich thing which you all learned about on Tuesday, here are some things that other people think I’m crazy for…

why not share a pic of a gorgeous sunset in last week’s snow.

I don’t like whipped cream.  When you’re standing behind my skinny ass in Starbucks and hear me say “no whip” don’t roll your eyes.  It’s not because I’m counting calories.  I just. don’t. like. it.

Don’t cut my bangs.  I’ve gone to this hair stylist a couple times since having my bangs now.  And every. single. time. she looks at me like I’m nuts when I tell her not to go near my bangs.  “But you don’t want a little trim?”  No, lady.  Back off.  Put the scissors down and step away from the bangs.  I am the only one around here who cuts my bangs.  I’ve been scarred.  Scarred badly, y’all.  I have my reasons.

I can’t sleep.  Someone can just think about walking down the hallway into the bedroom in the middle of the night, and I’ll wake up.  This drives the night-owl husband absolutely bonkers.  It doesn’t matter how quiet he is or how many sleeping pills I take, I’ll wake up.

I’ve never had apple pie.  Okay, there’s another one that will probably send Lauren running for the hills or questioning my Americanism.

I won’t eat the edge of a cheeseburger.  Wait, what?  This is another one that makes my husband crazy.  Obviously the hamburger is round.  I started on an edge somewhere.  It doesn’t matter.  I’ll leave a ring of un-eaten cheeseburger because I won’t eat “the edge.”  Yes, I’m certifiable.

Well, there you have it.  Some of the many things that people think I’m crazy for.  There are more.  Many, many more.  But that’s all for today.

Will you still be my friend?

linked: 5forfriday; h54f

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  1. Hmmm okay so the bangs thing is the only non-crazy thing I see. I love whipped cream but I order no whip because I don't really miss it in most drinks and it isn't worth the calories. I can sleep through a hurricane, I'm pretty sure. I'm shocked that you haven't had apple pie, you're right, but it isn't my favorite so I will let that one slide 🙂 The cheeseburger thing is just nutty. Eat the whole damn thing next time – it won't kill you, promise!

  2. In my opinion, apple pie is 'meh.' If it's not chocolate, it's not dessert! Also I feel bad for you about the sleeping thing… that must be frustrating!

  3. I feel totally affirmed by reading your "Don't cut my bangs" rule! I cut my own and I always feel like my stylist probably haaates me – but they're MY bangs and I'll handle them as I see fit!

  4. Well, I won't eat hamburgers at ALL. It's a texture thing.
    Also, I've eaten apple pie, I just don't care for it…pie in general really. There's much better things to be had for dessert 🙂

  5. I don't like whipped cream either. Seriously. If you weren't already married I'd probably make a pass at you. We'd eat apple pie at our wedding instead of cake.


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