Anything can happen

by | Jan 29, 2014 | Throwback | 4 comments

on a snow day
our front yard & the business school across the street
they plowed before I took this picture.  bummer.
And anything in this situation translates into taking an epic nap and eating too many donuts.  Whatever.
On Tuesday night, as the snow started to fall, the energy around the campus became almost tangible.  Every exterior light was on outside every single house and building just watching as the white stuff piled up.
And once there was a good amount of accumulation (if you have no idea what that is in the South–it’s ANY kind of accumulation), the students ventured out.
Now, my front room–that is supposed to serve as a fancy dinning room, mostly acts as the bird and people watching station for the dog and cat.  So I grabbed a glass of wine and my trusty kitty side kick and settled in in front of our picture window and watched the crazy.
Directly across the “street” from our house is the business school parking lot.  Also now known as the perfect place to do donuts on a snow day.  That parking lot also happened to be the meeting ground for some students to have a snow ball fight.
Do not confuse that mini snow ball fight with the one that was announced on twitter.  That one was going down in the academic quad at midnight.  One of J’s players tweeted about it, and he decided to tell me.
I asked if I could go.  He said no; that I was an insurance liability.  dammit so true.

And then he said that when I fell, which I inevitably would, a student would wail “Oh, no!  Someone’s mom fell.”
Thanks, husband.  Thanks a lot.  So I downed my wine and went to bed instead.  Muttering.

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  1. hahaha Oh husbands and their way with words. And I am so jealous of your lovely snow. It sounds like you are enjoying it properly!

  2. LOL. I JUST DIED. A Mom. OMG! I can't even.

  3. Well I mean you are B & C's mom so maybe it's not so bad??

    Jealous of your real, tangible snow. I hope you two had a mini-snowball fight of your own!

  4. Donuts sounds good to me! Although I totally think you should have joined in the snowball fight!


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