A lifestyle blog.

And author website.

Hi, I´m Joey

It’s my hope that this website, which I founded in 2009, will become a regular source of inspiration, encouragement and comfort for you. We’re old friends here, and I’ve got stories to tell (and things to share). So grab a cuppa (or a glass) and stay a while.

While blogging is how I started my out-loud writing career, my debut novel, Yeah, maybe was released in 2014 and became an amazon bestseller. See more novels from me under “books.” 

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3 simple things I did to lose 10 lbs

3 simple things I did to lose 10 lbs

*This post contains affiliate links Somewhere between postpartum and some depressive eating, I found myself in a situation I'd never been in before. It's annoying, I know, but I'd always been one of those people who had a high metabolism. So when I started to gain weight in my mid 30s, I was...

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 Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



If you’re into the kind of books that suck you in, make you fall in love with the characters and root for the underdog, then you’ll probably love these stories.