
The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes: review!

The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes: review!

I spent the weekend resting and reading. And reading. And reading. I am the slowest reader on the planet.  And a book of 500 + pages usually takes me about 2 weeks to read. I read The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes by Diane Chamberlain in 3 days. Oh. My....

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Saying Goodbye…

Saying Goodbye…

I'm sharing something sad today. And I contemplated not saying anything about it at all because deep down it still really hurts. And I really don't know if I can take the judgement or the comments. But holding it inside is making me a little crazy. Remember Webster?...

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Virtual encouragement

Virtual encouragement

I had a tough time just after college.  I had identified myself for so long as a student that once that title was stripped from me, I felt kind of empty. And while I appreciate my education; it shaped me more as a person than it did for a career.  To say I...

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Friday Letters: edited so I’m not confusing people!

Friday Letters: edited so I’m not confusing people!

Dear last day single Joey (2 years ago)~ You were spot on when you wrote this in an old journal: *I sneak out into the garage to grab a drink.  Quiet and familiar, a break from the chaos.  Heat radiates from the recently stilled engine of Mom's Expedition as...

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two cents: fighting

two cents: fighting

Dear person in any kind of relationship: A little advice.  I don't typically go there, but sometimes it just needs to be done.  I consider myself a relationships writer, and if that's the case, then this post just needs to be written. None of us are...

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The Worst Date Ever [Valentine’s Challenge]

The Worst Date Ever [Valentine’s Challenge]

I'm linking up with Neely, Amber and Casey today!This also falls into the category of one of those "missed opportunities." And let me clarify. This was only a bad date because I made it that way. Mr. Husband is completely romantic. And I'm hard to surprise.We traveled...

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