Adult Life Crisis: How to clean mildew in your shower.

by | Oct 16, 2016 | Real Life | 5 comments

I called my mom the other day.
Mom? There’s pink mildew all over the walls in my shower.
Gross, I know.


And the truth is, I keep a pretty clean home. It’s not as clean as my friend’s house because I don’t have OCD…but it’s clean enough considering human beings live in it. And maybe I’m just one of those useless, selfish, entitled millennials, but I didn’t really ever learn how to properly clean my shower. I was allowed to spend my childhood running around outside with my friends using my imagination and getting dirty; I was rarely bogged down with a chore list a mile long.


Back to my dirty shower. It was pretty gross. Now, I don’t know why this is, but every place I’ve lived has had showers that behave differently. Take the house we had in Buies Creek for example. I could quickly wipe those walls down mid-shower and it stayed pretty dang clean. But this shower? No. Take two showers and it looks like it belongs to two college dudes who don’t own any cleaning supplies.


Just kidding.
It probably wasn’t that bad.
But still…


Now, I’m crazy sensitive to cleaning supplies and bleach. I blame it on that one time I mopped my entire kitchen with bleach in college. I didn’t know any better, okay? So now whenever I’m in the same room as bleach, I feel sick for days.


But you need something with bleach in it, my mom insisted. Apparently once mildew is involved you can’t really get away without it. Fine.


So I picked up the Kaboom No Drip Mold & Mildew Stain Remover with Bleach. Maybe it was the purple bottle, I can’t be too sure, but something about it made me think it would be the least offensive of the bunch.

What you need to scrub your shower:

    1. Kaboom No Drop Mold & Mildew Stain Remover with Bleach
    2. Rubber Gloves
    3. Scrubber brush
    4. Mask (or your dog’s bandana works just fine if you’re like me and forgot to buy a mask).



I sprayed that shit all over the walls and left it. I pounded out some work. I made myself some breakfast. I took my dear sweet time. And then finally, when I couldn’t ignore it any longer, I headed in.


Y’all. My shower looked brand freaking new, and I didn’t have to kill myself with the scrubbing. And better still, I never got that sick bleach feeling.

I’ve tried everything. over the years. We’re talking straight Clorox down to Borax. The real trick here is getting something that will STAY IN PLACE after you spray it. Especially if you’re dealing with pesky mildew.

Tell me your grossest shower story below!

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  1. Use a glass of water to rinse shower walls daily and works like a charm. Once you have the pink mildew (it’s really a residue of shower soap and oils left behind) I use dryer sheets. You can’t believe how it takes it away immediately 🙂 I don’t use that heavy duty stuff on our walls because it kills the grout. Good luck.

  2. Yep, I’ve never cleaned a shower right in my life. So… If you were ever planning on coming to stay with me… there’s that. 😂😂

  3. our showers are gross, for reals. we are possibly selling so i need to hardcore clean them, checking this stuff out. i give myself bleach headaches and it’s still not clean!

  4. I can totally relate to this- I’m allergic/super sensitive to bleach so cleaning the shower is one thing I can’t do because I get sick after like 3 seconds in the room, so it’s always my husband’s chore.

  5. So I am feeling a little bit (Actually A LOT) embarrassed and grossed out here. 1. MY shower totally has the “pink stuff” and 2. I did NOT know that was MILDEWWWWWW.. 3. I now know my husband and I are totally Gross and have MILDEW… LOL!! I guess I knew it was obviously not something good but for some reason, I thought Mildew was gray or something? Who knew the pink stuff was it. LOL. I officially feel gross, thanks, Joey. When I do actually clean my shower, Kaboom is always my go to though so I at least feel a tad bit better. lol.


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