Little by Little: Now We’re Here

by | Jun 16, 2016 | Throwback | 6 comments

Myra and I signed our partnership agreement on Monday. A two hour long meeting resulted in squeals and cheers. I can’t believe we’re here, I said to her, unable to swallow my smile. And then I got teary.

The story here is this: I wanted to try my hand at business again. When I launched Blush (RIP), I had an idea, created a website, and launched in about a week. Not to say that’s not possible, but it didn’t work for me. The few gigs I got I hated. I dissolved the company within a couple months. Good riddance.

Blush was a communications business. Whatever that is. Even I still don’t really know. But it sounded good. It sounded official and cool and important. Okay.

I admitted earlier this week that I began feeling an urgent need to spend time with my mom after my dad’s death. I worked full-time as a nanny, so darting off to Raleigh wasn’t always an option, and I started to wonder if I could work full-time from home. Just me and my computer. A friend suggested I look for Virtual Assistant jobs. So I did.

Something felt wrong, though. I’m sure part of it was that I couldn’t imagine leaving the family I worked for. I’m sure the other part was that I’d be jumping from one thing to another without any real purpose besides getting to work from home. I wanted more.

That’s when Jennifer suggested creating a virtual assistance business. The idea was intriguing, so I started brainstorming. Thinking. Taking my time. Testing and changing until things began to take shape and started to feel right.

I was only a couple months into the process when Myra and I were having one of our facetime dates.

Side note: Myra is my person. She’d been with me every step of the way up until that point, reviewing design, providing input on ideas, offering strategy and advice simply as my friend. 
She and I were chatting about everything and anything. It came up that she was feeling the itch to get back into the workforce. It was then that the idea hit me, but I almost dismissed it. Still unsure if Bliss was really even going to be anything, I had my own insecurities. I swallowed them down and asked.
Well, would you have any interest in coming in on Bliss with me?

That has to be the closest I’ll ever feel to asking someone to marry me. I felt exposed, vulnerable, unsure but oh so excited at the idea. Luckily, she answered with a squeal and an enthusiastic YES!
Since that day, we’ve taken one step at a time. Little by little. I was still working full-time. She’s raising her 5-month-old all the way in Amsterdam. Bite sized pieces brought us here.
The point is, the hustle looks different for everyone. And the hustle doesn’t have to be exhausting and draining. For us, it’s been quite the opposite. What we’ve been working on brings us joy and energy, filling us with excitement and enthusiasm. Passion.

Six months ago, all of this felt overwhelming, impossible
One day at at time.
One foot in front of the other
And now we’re here!

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  1. It's amazing how things unfold. And how time flies! So it's really good to always cherish the moment and believe that our dreams will com to pass. 🙂

  2. I love this story!!! It should give so many of us hope that we too can accomplish following our dreams with a little faith! And maybe a good friend 🙂 I wish you guys all the best!!!

  3. So proud of you!!!! Just amazing!

  4. It sounds like the timing worked out perfectly for you guys to link together.


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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