The Whole Story

by | May 25, 2016 | Throwback | 13 comments

I went for a run this morning.
Immediately after I finished, I wanted to post a picture to instagram. I know some people hate those types of posts, but I like them because they keep me motivated, and they keep me connected to people like me.
But the truth is, I hesitated. It doesn’t fit your brand, I thought to myself. And there, I found the problem.
I’ve been complaining that I don’t feel like myself a lot lately. And that’s true, I don’t. But I’m in a transition, shedding layers and building new beginnings. But do you remember my post about the puzzle pieces?
 As important as it is to determine which puzzle pieces still fit, it’s more important to actually keep those pieces active. To let them be a part of you. Otherwise, you’re just an empty canvas, waiting.
So I posted the picture. I’m a runner. And a writer. A wife, and a friend. I’m an eternal optimist even though life has epically proven that shit happens. 
Social media has made a lot of us obsessed with the idea of branding ourselves. Curated feeds only tell part of the story. And who wants to be half a person? 
I don’t know about you, but I like the messy parts of life. I like knowing I’m not the only one sporting a bandaid on my finger after a tragic shaving incident that resulted in a nicked nail. I like knowing that I’m not the only one who walks in the door after the longest day ever and eats a bowl of ice cream for dinner. I like knowing I’m not the only one who wakes up looking like someone smashed my face in with a baseball bat. #IwokeUpLikeThis.

I’m a fan of real life. I want to hear about your successes, but I also want to be there for you in your failures. 
I want the whole story.

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  1. Yes!!!! I am much more a fan of real life snapshots over "curated" content any day. Sure, I love to look at pretty pictures but the real life is more interesting.

  2. GIRL. YES. I have tried so many times to "brand" myself, and I always fail because of the thought that a brand has to be four tiny corners of a box that never gets opened. Real life is always better.

  3. I definitely prefer seeing people's overall life and get bored of posts and photos that seem staged. I totally get that sometimes it's necessary, but I'm sooo with you on things not needing to be perfect to be real or post worthy.

  4. I'm with you! I'd MUCH rather read (and write) about real life…ups and downs and everyday things!

  5. It's almost like we coordinated posts today.
    Maybe a real-life IG challenge would be refreshing this summer?
    I've often thought "I can't post that. It's not 'me'". What the heck is "me" anyway!?

  6. Ah this was a breath of fresh air. I've tried to brand myself and do the curated photo thing but I just can't seem to. Maybe that's why my Insta following is so low but oh well. I love the real life and enjoy those photos much more. Good on you for posting the photo you wanted!

  7. So true. I avoid posting on social media, especially Instagram because those beautiful pictures others work so hard for…yeah. I have no clue how to do that. Or maybe they don't work hard and it just comes naturally. Either way. Inadequate feelings erupt when I try to post.

  8. YES to this! I had a conversation with friends that was talking about they cant stand IG because everyone is so fake & makes it looks like life is all a beautiful picture. I'm like, "have you seen mine? Its got pictures of no make up, frizzy hair, & sweaty selfies. I love following people that show their whole life – not just the 'pretty'

  9. i am a fan of real life as well. i like pretty pictures as much as the next person, and i have nothing against them, but i also appreciate pictures in general unless they are gross haha (please don't post your child's bowel movements, thanks). and i really want ice cream for dinner after today. so i feel that.

  10. Yes!!! Real life is far more interesting than some sugar coated story.

  11. Another great post. I often struggle with the idea of posting the down times. Do readers really want to hear about the failures? But then I think about some of the other blogs I read and how I feel reading about their mishaps. Absolutely, share the full story – the good and the bad – even when it doesn't fit your "brand"

  12. Yes girl. Love you wrote this…because, lately, I feel everyone is faking it or trying to. We don't wake up looking perfect in the morning, with perfect make up on and what not. We don't always have nail polish on, and if it's not always perfectly painted on either. Granted yes, we want to share the good, the positive, the great stories and photos…but we are only humans, we make mistakes, we fail, and we look like a disaster on certain days…yes, we don't want others to see us like that, but when it happens I am okay with it. The real us is more us and who we are, so it shouldn't matter if we have make up on or perfectly styled hair or matching outfits. Hahaha. Love this. 🙂


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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