But How Do We Know?

by | Mar 29, 2016 | Throwback | 12 comments

I ran to get bagels this morning.  It was a hectic morning, and I was annoyed that my stomach was growling and my pantry was empty.  After trying to ignore it for an hour, I found myself standing in line, counting the minutes I was wasting.

It was then that I saw a woman sitting at a table alone.  She was among a sea of people with their eyes glued to screens, but there she sat, eating her bagel, unplugged, reading a newspaper.

It pulled me out of myself.  Just earlier this morning I found myself fed up with the amount of bullshit that can be found on the internet.  I’ve grown tired of having to decide what is worth my time, worth my money, and what isn’t.  But that’s the trouble with the internet, anyone can, and everyone does, just put anything out there that might get a few clicks.  It doesn’t matter if it’s real.  It doesn’t matter if it’s important.  It doesn’t matter if it makes any difference at all.

And ultimately, I fear we all fall victim to getting sucked into the bullshit, wasting our time.  I’ll admit I wasted my money on e-courses that were bogus because I got swept up in the I’m looking for the secret recipe to success mentality that everyone seems to be selling these days.

Everything seems so rushed.  Everyone is trying to find the next best thing, the quickest way to make a buck.  They’re desperately clinging on to the current fad, not concerned with the quality of what they’re putting out there as long as they have the right tag line to get someone to bite and spend their hard earned money.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting success.  But I just wish everyone would take a beat and decide what they really want before inundating us all with the same information over and over.

Seeing that woman this morning made me long for the days of verified information.  We could rely on the outlets we paid attention to because they took pride in their content.  They were held to some kind of standard.  Even highly sought after online platforms are publishing garbage these days.

So how do we know?  How do we know what to pay attention to?  How do we know what is real and who is just looking for sponsors and advertisers?

What happened to real?

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  1. Great question. It is very hard to decipher truth from fiction these days. If you find a solution, let me know.

  2. This post makes me think of the days before cellphones!! 🙂 That woman definitely has the right idea. More people need to unplug and just read a newspaper. Or just be.. 🙂 I try not to get sucked into internet b.s. and just decide for myself too. Thanks for sharing lady and I hope that you are having a great week!

  3. I always try to find time to just unplug, like you said things just go by so fast.

  4. Oh informational overload is REAL. I always get annoyed when gossipy/celebrity news is made into a big deal when there are so many other things going on that deserve to be recognized.

  5. If someone is trying to make money from you, is it ever real? I think those of us who have monetized our blogs need to ask ourselves if we are selling quality? or just selling out?

  6. very, very true. i try and unplug often, and i always try and step back before i buy something like that e course you mentioned. it's so easy to get swept up, but there is no real secret ingredient to whatever it is we are trying to do, you know? good for other people making money off it, but it's not for me, and they most likely won't get my money. not in a mean way, just that i'm not looking for what they are selling.

  7. I am so with you on this. Chris and I will send each other articles or links sometimes and ask the other ummm is this even possible or real??? Because it is so hard to tell anymore.

  8. This is TOO TRUE! As a side note, I love reading the newspaper every morning!!

  9. Really great post! I feel the same way about the e-courses or scouring Pinterest for articles on how to do better. They never prove fruitful. I prided myself in monetizing on topics that I feel strongly about. The one time I "sold out," the disappointment I felt was overwhelming. Never again. xo, Champagne&Suburbs

  10. Еffectively, Im surрrised yοu all left the very extra beѕt one
    foor me.? Daddy said with a teasing smile. ?It?s thyat he despatϲhed Jesus to die for us and provideѕ us
    life perρetually and ever and that ddue tⲟ that well be a househood in heaѵen for millions of
    years. That?s fairly good iѕnt іt?


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