Stuff & Things: Unplug Edition

by | Mar 10, 2016 | Throwback | 12 comments

When Kristin texted me earlier this week with this quote and said this made me think of you, it was a reality check.

Immediately, I made the decision that I would position myself to take the entire weekend off.  Unplug completely.  No work.  No obligatory communication.  A weekend of rest and relaxation only.

I sat down for about a half hour and plotted out all of the things that needed to be accomplished to make that happen.  I added them all into Wunderlist and gave them a Friday, March 11 deadline.  Done.

Unplugging used to give me major anxiety.  What if I miss an important text message.  What if something major happens and I miss it.  What if what if what if.  I think the kids these days call that FOMO.

I unplugged intentionally in Buies Creek often.  And after the very first time, I realized something.  Yes, the world keeps turning when you exist inside your bubble.  But instead of being inundated with ALL OF THE INFORMATION EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF YOUR LIFE,  you get to pick and choose what you care about when you’re catching up the next day.

Because guess what.  Everything is documented these days.  Life has a cliffs notes.  It’s called twitter.  And facebook.  And basically any other social media site.

And honestly guys?  Sometimes missing out isn’t so bad.  Sometimes missing out is exactly what you need.

So this weekend, I’ll be missing out.  But don’t worry, I’ll be back on Monday and all caught up thanks to the world of the internet.

::pulls plug::

This post is written in collaboration with Eventbrite to promote FOMO prevention.

Have you read my book yet?  Download it here!  I’ll love you forever and ever and we can be besties for life!

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  1. That sounds AMAZING! A couple of weeks ago, I posted something about needing some "solitude". Unplugging goes hand and hand with that. I hope you enjoy every second.

  2. I could totally use an unplugged weekend, thanks for the reminder and enjoy yours friend!

  3. I don't have FOMO necessarily. I just always feel like if I do stuff through the weekend, I can get ahead. Monday morning is less overwhelming this way. i.e. I was up at 5am doing paperwork I didn't have time to do last night :/ I'd rather get up early than stay up late.
    Glad I could help! Thank Michael too…she posted it!

  4. Oh man, I've been MEANING to take a weekend off for ages. But, I can never seem to make it happen. I always have that, "Well, I can make time for that on Saturday…" sort of attitude, meaning my weekends end up being no different than my workweeks. I think I need to take your tip and write out everything that needs to get done, and just tackle it all before the weekend hits!


  5. Uhhh I had no idea what FOMO meant until I just Googled it, lol!!! I'm so glad you're going to get some r&r this weekend, friend!

  6. I spent the entire weekend last weekend without phone signal or wifi, and whilst it was a bit stressful to begin with as it was unanticipated, it ended up being awesome. So I think if I plan ahead for it next time (!) I'm definitely on board.

  7. Is it terrible that I don't even know what FOMO means? I'll look it up. So glad you're taking time to unplug and relax.

  8. i'm unplugging a little–after i comment on blogs. i'm upin the mountains this weekend. have a good one.

  9. It's so easy to get caught up in the constant pace of life. I used to be obsessed with answering every email immediately and replying to all social media right away out of fear my not doing so would reflect poorly on my artists or lead to them missing out on an opportunity. I'm a podcast junkie and heard an interview with Shonda Rhimes during which she discussed how she turns her phone off at 7pm every night. No work emails, no work calls, no texts, no SM- just life. Furthermore, she highly suggests all of her staff do the same. She said she has not once found herself in a situation so dire this policy was an issue and she cited the olden days when our parents peer group (with the exception of doctors) would leave work…and that was it until the next day. Shocking. Definitely worth a listen!!


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