Recycle Your Blog Content For Free!

by | Mar 9, 2016 | Throwback | 6 comments

One mistake we bloggers make is that we put all this work into our posts, share them for exactly one day, and then we move on to the next.

When that revelation dawned on me, I went in search for a solution.  I have all these blog posts that are still relative content just sitting on my website without anyone working for them.  I found a program called Edgar where you can load all your archived content and it’ll share it for you.

Well, that’s all well and good except it’s $50 a month.  I like blogging.  But I also like keeping my money.  There are a lot of people out there who will tell you that you have to spend money to make money, and that might be true to some degree.  But don’t get lazy about it, y’all.  With just a little effort, you can create a system yourself that offers a solution to this very issue.

I spent an afternoon while binging Netflix putting this little baby together.

I browsed through my blog archives, selected any post that would still be relevant, and added it to the spreadsheet.

From there, I added the shortened link (from, and wrote one tweet’s copy including the bitly link.

My plan is to make my way through the spreadsheet, scheduling each of these posts to be tweeted out on days that I don’t have new content on my blog (Mondays and Fridays).  When I cut my posting schedule back from 5 days a week to 3, I worried that my monthly views would take a hit.  This has helped keep my views growing.

I spend a little time at the beginning of the month scheduling the posts with buffer and keep track of the date they were last shared so I know when I’ve recycled through the entire list.  Each time I write a post that’s still relevant content, I add it to the spreadsheet and throw it into the mix!

I use the tweet copy to get me started.  I then use the bitly link that I provided for myself to create about 5 other tweets in buffer on the day it’s scheduled.  Buffer has suggested times based on the activity on your twitter for optimum views.  I simply write a tweet for each of those time slots.

It might be more time consuming than Edgar, but hey–I know each and every one of you have at least one afternoon a month when you’re laying on the couch watching episode after episode of a show.  Multitask and buy yourselves a pair of shoes instead!

I’ve been considering making this a template that would be my “opt-in” for subscribing to my newsletter (which isn’t exactly a thing yet, be patient).  Would you guys be interested in that?

**For the record, Edgar is an excellent resource if you have the money to spare.  I just feel like these days we bloggers are searching for everything and anything that makes all of this easier.  And Edgar is one of those things, but I think with a little effort, you can make it easier for yourself and save your dollars!

Have you read my book yet?  Download it here!  I’ll love you forever and ever and we can be besties for life!

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  1. Scheduling out old content is a great idea! I schedule tweets of old posts for months. I also try to resurrect a few posts with FB shares. And yes, Edgar does sound awesome, but definitely not for $50. Too rich for my blood!

  2. Love this idea! I made it my goal to step up my social media game this year, so I might look into using a similar system!


  3. This is really cool. I would love to have a template of it.

  4. I'm so bad with Twitter. I very rarely use it and I'm sure that's not good. I need to check out buffer.

  5. I've never heard of Edgar but the price is definitely a deterrent for me anyway. I LOVE how organized your spreadsheet is- definitely a great way to keep organized some of your older posts you want to keep sharing!


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