Chasing Dreams: Get Specific About What’s Stopping You

by | Feb 2, 2016 | Throwback | 9 comments

How to chase dreams

There hasn’t ever been anything in my life that I wanted that I didn’t somehow make happen.  Before you click out and think I’m an asshole, bear with me.

I’m a compulsive person.  I think I want a haircut?  I need it that afternoon.  I decide I want a lipstick?  I’m jumping in my car without a bra on to run to the store.  My husband has been on so many wild goose chases with me in search of lord only knows what (ask him about the great clutch adventure of 2007.  No really.  I dare you).

When I want something, I don’t pass go.  I don’t collect $200.  It’s mine.  So let me ask you a question.

Why was I that way with practically everything else in my life, but not with what I want for my life.  I would see people accomplishing different things, and I’d think to myself that kind of stuff doesn’t happen for someone like me.  What the hell is that voice?  Who is that voice?  And why couldn’t it be me?

I don’t know where that belief came from.  I really don’t.  I’m sure a psychologist could have a field day working through some of the things I innately believe for whatever reason.  But the process of retraining my brain to believe it could be me has been…exhausting.  Eye opening.  Nauseating.

Because here’s the deal.  Anything can happen for anyone.  No, really.  Anything can happen for you.  You just have to be willing to put the time in.  The work in.  The effort in.  You have to do the work.

I see these seemingly overnight successes pop up everywhere.  You see them, too.  I know you do.  And I know you ask yourself why isn’t it me?  I know that because I was right there with you.

But the reality of it all is, if you’re willing and able to do the work, you can do whatever you want.

I’ve hinted that I have some big projects coming soon.  And over the weekend I met some friends for lunch who asked the ever constant so what have you been up to question.  And as I sat in that booth explaining my vision, my plans, my projects, I could practically feel my heart exploding.

Congratulations! my friend said.
Don’t congratulate me yet.  It could all totally flop.

And that’s the truth.  All this effort.  All this work.  And it could really be all for nothing.  But maybe it’s not about that.  Maybe it’s about the process.  Maybe it’s about the work, what I’m actually doing.  The fact is, I want to do these things.  And if they fall short, then so be it.  I can live my entire life wanting to do these things, wishing I could do these things, or I can just do them.

I’m almost 30 years old.  My life looks nothing like I thought it would when I dreamt this world up as an innocent teenager. But the dream isn’t over yet, people.

The dream’s not over.
So get after it.
What’s stopping you?

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  1. I feel like I could have written this myself. Once again, you speak the incredibly inspiring truth. Side-note: I am the EXACT same way about haircuts. I need it within the hour of my decision. It is ridiculous.

  2. "that kind of stuff doesn't happen for someone like me". Yes. I don't know WHAT'S holding me back half the time but I feel like I DO put the work in (most of the time) and I'm not sure why I always feel like things just aren't quite working out.
    I'm compulsive too. If I'm on the hunt for something (usually a purse), I can't stop.

  3. Yes! I totally feel like this too sometimes. How do these people make it big in xyz when I've been working at it for years!? Fear is usually holding me back. Fear of failure. Thanks for this girl. I needed some extra motivation this morning. 🙂

  4. Yes!! You can do anything that you set your mind to! 🙂

  5. I usually don't go after what I want because of fear. Fear that I will fail at it, fear that it won't be as wonderful as I dreamed it would be, fear that I will actually succeed – and then what? But you-know its easy to be afraid. It's easy to list all the reasons why it's not meant for me or for you. But that's not the way we were meant to live. Life isn't about wishing and dreaming. It's about being brave enough to do the things that are scary. So what if it doesn't workout? You've already been brave enough to move past the first hurtle, past your fear. You're giving it a try, you're putting yourself out there. A lot of people don't even make it that far. You already have something to be proud of.

  6. You're talking about me too. At least until I made a decision that I gotta just start doing the things I want. If I don't work for it, I won't achieve it. I finally published my first book. It's not perfect but it's done. So now I can move on to the next thing.
    Plan and do is my new motto.

  7. congrats anyway girl because just making the effort, just thinking about doing something and working towards it is something to be congratulated. high fives.

  8. Great post – very inspirational! Love reading your "heart to heart" posts.

  9. This post sums up why I started to blog! It definitely hasn't been the easiest choice, but after asking a whole lot of "why not" and "could I really," I bit the bullet. I'm excited to hear about these big projects!


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