Stuff & Things 1/28

by | Jan 28, 2016 | Throwback | 19 comments

>> I am the most vocal sick person on the planet.  I can deal with most sickness, but when it’s a sore throat, you’ll hear about it.  And you’ll hear about it until it’s gone.  I cannot handle a sore throat.  So basically, I want to scratch my throat out at this moment.  So there’s that.

>> I finished Parenthood on Saturday.  It was hard to watch, but I think it was cathartic in a way.  The finale isn’t even what did me in–that, I could handle.  But there’s an episode titled How Did We Get Here, and it was basically like watching a video replay of the last three weeks of my life.  In fact, I kept things pretty together through the whole experience, but I had one major breakdown after a family meeting on how we’ll handle the inevitable.  I just broke down into my oldest sister asking how did we get here?  So yeah.  I commend the writers of that show.  They were pretty on point.

>> I’m in such a cold medicine fog that while driving the kids to bible study Wednesday night, a place I take them literally every single week, one of the kids looked out the window and asked wait, isn’t this the way to baseball?  Yes, yes it was.  Whoops.

>> I went to Luna’s Living Kitchen for the first time on Saturday.  I get the appeal if you’re into the whole vegan lifestyle.  But hot chocolate should have chocolate in it.  I paid $9 for the worst beverage I’ve ever put to my lips.  The food smelled really good though, so maybe I’ll give it another shot.  I’d skip the hot chocolate though.

>> I worked extended hours on Monday and Tuesday due to snow days (which weren’t really snow days for the city–really just for the schools), so today is my Friday.  I’m unreasonably excited to spend the whole day in a coffee shop tomorrow working my butt off on some big projects.  I know.  I get a “day off” and spend it working.  That’s my life, people.

I hope you all have had an easier go of a week than I have.  Tell me what your favorite part of your week has been?  Mine was Sunday–J and I took advantage of restaurant week and had an early date night at Chima.  We stopped at Amelies on our way home for coffee and desserts, then watched the game.  It was a perfect evening.


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  1. I hope you feel better! I had bronchitis last year and while I didn't lose my voice it sounded like a frog!! Which to me was worse. It's no fun being sick let alone working and being sick and it's cold.

    I haven't heard of parenthood but I may have to check into that series.

    I think my favorite part of the week will be the weekend! It's been so busy and stressful for me this week.

    liz @ j for joiner

  2. Hope you're feeling a bit better! I'm totally like you, when I'm ill or have a sore throat I just moan until it's over. I'd say my favourite part of the week so far this week has been my medication kicking in and getting rid of my eye infection that has shown up again.

    Hollie |

  3. I drank nothing but green tea all weekend for my throat. I don't know why I think that helps…it really didn't. I don't have any advice for you :/
    I've been in a cold medicine fog all week too. It's really interesting to teach 26 kids in that state.
    Today is my Friday too! We have a lunch date planned for tomorrow. TGIT.

  4. That's why Parenthood is so good…because every episode is something that could realistically happen in real life.

  5. So sorry that you are still sick 🙁 Hopefully you will be feeling better ASAP!!! My favorite thing when my throat is sore is the liquid Ricola cough drops. That liquid is like numbing magic for my throat and cough!

    I have never watched Parenthood but dont you love when you watch something that really resonates with what is going on in your life and it is done realistically? Sounds like you and J had a great date night, I hope you have another fabulous one again soon! Happy "Friday" to you!

  6. $9 for a chocolateless hot chocolate?! i paid $9 for that water stuff you mentioned and i'm excited to try it tonight lol. i hate having a sore throat too, but what drives me bonkers is a runny nose because i blow blow blow and then my nose bleeds, so if i have a runny nose, you don't want to be around me because it makes me really mad lol.

  7. I loved Parenthood. I really enjoyed the ending although I would have changed a couple of things. Much better finale than How I Met Your Mother. Sorry if I sound bitter but I'm still reeling from that one.

  8. I've never watched Parenthood, but I've heard great things about it. Bummer about your hot chocolate, though. I'm totally with you—give me actual CHOCOLATE.


  9. Well, I'm not sick…so there's that! Hope you're feeling better soon! It's been a rough week for me, too. Co-worker drama, but I guess I'll take that over having difficulties with my students. Here's to NEXT week, at least then it will be February! 🙂

  10. I hope you feel better sweet friend! Hugs!

  11. Restaurant weeks are always fun! It's good to try something new.

  12. Oh no that's unfortunate about the hot chocolate and $9 is very steep! I like SOME vegan things but others are a total miss.

  13. LOL at the hot chocolate. That is a bummer!! They have Restaurant Week here too which is nice. We went to a new place last weekend and it was just meh. Haha. I hope that you get to relax a bit today too. 🙂

  14. Scratchy throats are the worst! I was there with you last week. Luckily whatever I had cleared up pretty quickly and I was only in the medicine fog for about 3 days. I hope your cold clears up soon! My favorite part of the week was getting a new job offer! Yipeeee!!!

  15. I've had a sore throat this week too and it's made me super grumpy! It's just the most annoying thing – I end up drinking loads to try and soothe the itch (doesn't work), which just means I'm forever getting up to go to the loo, and when I'm not doing that I'm going to refill my glass of water. Which basically means I get nothing done ever.
    As for tv shows, I've never seen Parenthood but if it was at all emotional then you're doing a darn sight better than me. I haven't been able to read, watch or listen to anything vaguely affecting since my Dad passed away. Seriously, I'm reading books about gardening right now…

  16. Hi. Can't believe you had to deal with a $9 chocolate-less hot chocolate. That is just not okay. Come to Amsterdam and I will feed you proper hot chocolate. Ok? Ok. Good. Love you. Bye. 🙂

  17. My husband and I always thought that Parenthood was the most relate-able show out there. We always talked about how the writers were just spot on for how conversations would really happen between normal families.


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