FRIENDS Obsession & Brunch

by | Dec 9, 2015 | Throwback | 17 comments

My senior year of HS, thanks to the now husband, I got seriously into FRIENDS.  I got my first DVD box set that Christmas from my awesome Aunt (thank Aunt Marie), and it all kind of went downhill (or uphill, depending on how you see an obsession with a TV show) from there.
I went to college 5 hours from home, and besides my brother, I didn’t know anyone.  And I had every intention of transferring to a school that initially had given me a small envelope.  So my free time was spent in my dorm room, FRIENDS playing in the background, and my nose in a book.  I got straight As that year.  I blame it on FRIENDS.  Duh.
Anyway–to the point of this post.
Saturday morning, things were buzzing.  My neighbor was having a Ladies Christmas Brunch, and I was so excited.  She was in and out of our place to use our oven while I painted my nails and the husband slept.  My other neighbor needed wrapping paper, so she popped in and out.  
It’s just like FRIENDS I shouted excitedly to the husband while I also tried to explain to him in mid-slumber that he would also have my neighbor’s dog during the event so she wouldn’t snatch everyone’s food.
That’s all you’ve ever wanted, he replied.  Truth.  I guess my life goals have been met.  Some of you want babies and careers.  I want FRIENDS.  Typical.

The brunch was absolutely gorgeous.  My neighbor is too cute and got all Pinteresty.  I’ll never understand how anyone has the patience to pull this kind of stuff off.  The mimosa bar was my favorite!  It’d been a hot minute since I’d last had a mimosa, and now l think we should drink them at every breakfast.  I mean…it would make the day a little easier to tackle, right?

I meant to bug Hillary for the recipe to this amazing breakfast casserole before this post, and somehow I forgot. (Probably because I forgot to add it to my ical, and therefore, it doesn’t happen).  I’ll have that recipe up in next week.
These adorable donut reindeer were totally my favorite treat!  I mean, how freaking cute are they?  The seem easy enough to make: 
  • Mini chocolate donuts
  • M&Ms (bonus for xmas colors)
  • Mini pretzels broken in half
Okay.  That’s all from me for today!  Hope you all had as fun of a weekend as I did, and you know, met your life’s goals! 
**In totally unrelated news, did you know I wrote a book?  Well, I did!  With Christmas travel comes lots of car rides and too much family time, so download Yeah, maybe for a quick little escape into the dramatic world of HS we all remember too fondly.

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  1. That brunch looks SO cute- how fun, and all that good food! And yay for Friends references, so many things in life can be related to that show, haha. I think it was around our wedding/honeymoon that I kept being like On friends this happened… and it drove my husband crazy, but really how can you resist??

  2. Love the decor (and the yummy looking food) from that brunch! Our neighbor killed it with the Pinterest-y things for Thanksgiving and I'm still in awe over it. #ClearlyINeedToWorkOnMySkills

  3. I definitely think brunching is one of my strengths haha. Ok, but really, I'm all about it! This is too cute.

    Sara Kate Styling

  4. Chris and I started Friends from the beginning about a month ago because he never watched it. It is so fun getting to watch it with him and be reminded of all the awesomeness! I want Friends in real life!!!

  5. Oh my gosh, this whole brunch looks adorable! Those donut reindeer… WANT.

    Kat 🙂

  6. How fun! Everything looks great, and having good friends is all you can ask for.

  7. What an awesome brunch, the food looks amazing.

  8. FRIENDS was life back when…someday I want to start from the beginning and go all the way!

  9. That food!! I'm a sucker for any holiday themed dessert and/or food, so those reindeer donuts are beyond adorable.

    But really, why can't life be just like Friends?!

  10. I soooooooo can relate to the FRIENDS obsession. I own all seasons ever since they individually came out. Love the show and am now trying to convince my man to watch it with me. We are on season one and he's been laughing mostly….a good sign I think, no?!? I love this show. And hello, I'd love to get invited to such a cute party. Pinteresty or not, it looks awesome. 🙂

  11. I love FRIENDS! So fun that your apartment felt like an episode AND that you got to enjoy a great brunch party!

  12. Um… that's awesome! Who wouldn't want a Friends group of friends?? If I had champagne on stock, that would be my morning coffee. Except for the whole going to school right after bit.:)

  13. So cute! Christmas brunch sounded amazing! It is just life Friends! Achievement unlocked 😃

  14. Haha I have always wanted a Friends type living situation!!!

  15. I am obsessed with Friends… I have been watching it every morning lately instead of the news. I feel my day goes better! And I WANT that life, too. The brunch is amazing! Such a great idea!


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