Stuff & Things I Want: Christmas List Edition

by | Dec 3, 2015 | Throwback | 19 comments

I didn’t really grow up making Christmas lists.  Santa Claus knew what I wanted, and beyond that my mom worked her magic.  It wasn’t until I was grown up and married that people started asking me what I want for Christmas.  
Namely, the husband.  So I write these posts for him and any other husbands out there.  And maybe for you, too.  Because I’ll be honest, I’m really bad at coming up with a list of things I want, so I definitely checked out your posts to narrow my thoughts down.
So here we go.  I’ve got it broken down into categories for you!  

Things I Really Want but Won’t Ever Buy For Myself:

Lush Bath Bombs.  I’m busier than I’ve ever been.  I spend all day taking care of everyone but myself.  I don’t ever stop.  I’d stop for a Lush bath.
Toshiba 1TB External Hard driveThis one might seem a bit strange, but I’ve been bogging my system down with tons and tons of high res images lately which are slowing my machine down.  I’m not specifically attached to any one external drive in particular, this was just the cheapest one I found, and it’s easily accessible at Walmart.  1 Terabyte should be plenty.
Tart Matte Lip Surgence in ENVY. I have been lusting after this one particular lipstick for way too long.  I always want it, but can’t ever bring myself to actually purchase it.
Taylor Swift Wonderstruck.  I’ll admit it.  I’m seriously in love with this scent.
Tervis Water Bottle. I’m pretty sure I drown myself in water daily.  I can’t ever have enough water bottles.  Plus, I really like the design of these.  And I like it even more that someone can pick out a pattern they think I’d like.

Can’t Go Wrong:

Target Gift Card: I am absolutely desperate for clothes.  This is probably more of a “need” than a want.  #truth
Sports Bras (small): I see these pretty much the same way I saw toilet paper in college.  Totally necessary but I don’t want to spend money on them.  But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to get dressed for a run and realized that all (read: 3) of my sports bras are in the wash.
Yoga pants (small): Are we sensing a theme here? I have a really hard time spending money on clothes.  But living in an apartment has made me painfully aware that all of my lounge clothes are…not really appropriate to walk the dog in front of people.  Yoga pants are necessary.  And let this be clear: I don’t wear them to do yoga.
Starbucks Gift Card: It’s unfortunate, but apparently my writing mojo lives at Starbucks.  It is what it is.


Daring Greatly Brene Brown
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  1. I love Lush bath bombs, and an external hard drive is on my wishlist too!

  2. Oh I've heard of that Lush Bath bomb…I think I might have to check that one out.

  3. Ohhh I want those Lush bath bombs too, but I've never pulled the trigger on buying them! Also loving that Tervis tumbler!!

  4. Ooooo!! Good list! I want a Tervis water bottle as well. Also yoga pants and a sports bra. I have one and it isn't even my size. Lol.

  5. So practical! I made a wish list too and posted it to my blog and sent links out to my family members so they wouldn't keep asking me, great picks!

  6. Not gonna lie I have a bottle of Wonderstruck! I'm really picky about perfumes and it's really light which I love. Also Target gift cards, always a good decision! 🙂

  7. I have a hard time coming up with a Christmas list too. Also, I so badly wish I had a nice bathtub so that I could enjoy a luxurious Lush bath!

    Kat 🙂

  8. I asked for bath bombs for Christmas, we shall see if I get them haha.

  9. I swear I write wish list posts JUST for my husband this time of year 😉 Hope Santa is good to you!

  10. i don't think i ever wrote christmas lists growing up either! i also don't think i've ever smelled taylor swift's perfume, obviously i need to check it out. my favourite is hilary duff's, no shame.

  11. That lipstick looks fab!! Never checked out Taylor's perfume,I will have to do that some time! Hope that you are having a great week! 🙂

  12. Love your list! I haven't smelled that perfume but everyone raves about it! I am going to have to check it out.

  13. Totally with you on the sports bras and yoga pants! Such a necessity but not something I ever feel like buying myself!

  14. Ohh I love your list– the lush bath bombs always look so pretty! Starbucks and Target giftcards are definitely two things you can never go wrong with!

  15. I LOVE getting new sports bras and yoga pants! Is that weird?! I wear them every single to day to work out so it's more of a necessity than a want 😉


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