Friday Favorites: Some Snippets of Life!

by | Nov 20, 2015 | Throwback | 23 comments

I literally have Christmas music blaring so loudly at this exact moment because the fire alarm is blaring at the apartment complex behind us.  So thank you, Sarah Mclachlan for your powerful voice that isn’t making me feel guilty about sad, abused dogs for once in your life.

Speaking of Christmas music…Pandora Sara Bareilles Holiday Radio station.  Do it.  Doooooo it!  I’ll wait.

Okay, got it?  
Let’s continue.
Let’s all take a minute to sa-wooooooon over this Julep color, shall we?  

Now’s a good time to subscribe.  You’ll get this gorgeous box for just $2.99.  Perfect for the holidays!
(Julep is a monthly nail polish & beauty subscription service that you can skip or cancel at any time)
I went all basic white girl when I got it out into the sunlight for these photos.  The hubs was ever so kindly replacing the windshield wipers on my my mom’s car when I literally shrieked OMG I CAN’T EVEN!  Okay, yes.  Guilty.  Whatever.
Speaking of basic white girl I kid, sort of.  I’ve spent a lot of time at Starbucks lately.  Remember last month when I told you I made a budget?  Well, I knew myself well enough to know I wasn’t going to stop going.  So I gave myself a monthly Starbucks allowance and added it to my gift card.  Done and Done.  I’ve been working on a few projects (and maybe a few ebooks…get excited), so I’ve been setting up camp at least a couple times a week in my little corner at the ‘bucks.  My newest favorite feature?  The express ordering feature on their app!  Nothing better than ordering my drink from my seat at one of the few coveted tables, without waiting in the line.  thankyouverymuch

Saturday has become our date night.  I hate to be so cliche, but it’s important, y’all.  The hubs and I hardly see each other, working our butts off all week long and crashing out embarrassingly early every day.  But we’re taking a new approach for tomorrow.  Date lunch.  We tried hard last week, y’all.  We were so pumped for our Red Lobster date that we actually woke up exclaiming it’s cheddar biscuit day!  We even went to dinner pretty early (we’re taking like…6).  We snatched a coffee on the way home with hopes of watching a movie and hanging out.  Yeah.  He crashed out five minutes after walking in the door.  Fail.  So we’re going to attempt the whole date day thing.  I’ll report in next week!  Gotta do whatcha gotta do.

Someone find some confetti to throw because it’s Friday!  We made it, even if just barely.  
Want some good news?  Next week is Thanksgiving, so we’re all likely looking at a shorter week. Get excited!

Weekly favorites with Amanda.
*Julep links are affiliate

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  1. Girl, day dates are my jam! Matt and I are the same way, we both go to dinner and by the time we get home we are asleep in less than 5 minutes. Day dates you can sit outside and releax and you still have tons of energy when you get home… I recommend Pure Pizza in Plaza Midwood, they have a great outdoor patio and their pizza is AMAZING!

  2. Loving that polish color! Good luck on your date day! I hope it works out so you get some good quality time in together!!

  3. GIVE ME THAT POLISH RIGHT MEOW!! And good lord for that stupid alarm always blaring bloody murder. And obviously I'm off now to go check out that Pandora station, because duh, you said to do it 🙂 Love you!

  4. Looove that nail polish! Can you believe I've never tried Julep before?!? And glad I'm not the only one listening to Pandora Christmas music right now – off to check out the Sara Bareilles station 😉

  5. That nail polish is so pretty, and lol at your story of how you got the perfect pics! Enjoy your date with the hubs, and hopefully you won't crash early this time. Happy Friday <3

    Green Fashionista

  6. This day date is intriguing to me—why haven't we thought of it?! Crashing early post-dinner date is such a real thing.

  7. That's a great color! And I am refusing Christmas music until I'm on the way home from Thanksgiving dinner on principle… but MAN is it hard. The fact that a local radio station is streaming the new Adele is helping right now, at least!

  8. Ohhhhh, that Julep color is definitely swoon worthy! Hope you have a great weekend and a wonderful date day, friend!


  9. That nail color is gorgeous girl!! More e-books, yes!!!! I surprisingly haven't listened to any Christmas music yet besides what plays at the stores, but I need to check out that Pandora station! I hope you have a fantastic day date lady!!

  10. I got that Julep color in my box last month and I love it!!!! It stayed on for a really long time for me too, so double win!!! I hope you guys get a proper date night this weekend. Happy Friday!

  11. Love that polish color! and I was wondering what that sound was this morning… fun times!!! Enjoy your date lunch tomorrow.

    P.S. No Christmas music for me (yet).

  12. So the entire tone of your post just pumps me up for the weekend, and ready for this workday to end! If I had confetti, I'd totally throw it:)

  13. I totally used to have a Starbucks budget as well! Ha! Now, not so much, but I sneak it in ever now and then.
    Yes to Christmas music! So much happiness!
    Enjoy your date night! You two deserve it!

  14. I love that nail color, it's perfect for this of year.

  15. I love that color!!!

    Very important to have date days and nights. We try once a week at least!

  16. Gorgeous color! Seeing that I love anything purple and sparkly…this is perfect!

  17. 1) That color is AMAZING!!!
    2) I am glad I am not the only one who essentially goes to Red Lobster for the biscuits….

  18. I love that Julep colour, I think I'd have totally the same reaction as you! Enjoy your date day 🙂

  19. Day dates are definitely my favorite bc I can't hang like I used to either. Hope you guys have a good one!

  20. that polish is gorgeous! i'm with you, can't even. haha. super cute!
    KC and I aren't date night people, but when we do things, it's normally in the morning or day. We love to go to breakfast and a morning movie (because he's cheap haha), and that way no risk of one of us falling asleep on the couch haha.


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