Friday Tales and Nails + Fall Swap Reveal

by | Nov 6, 2015 | beauty, Loves, Real Life | 18 comments

julep sonia
Julep Sonia 
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Last night was slightly ridiculous.  After a really long, hard week, I actually canceled Sushi Thursday, opting for take out instead.  All I wanted was my pajamas, a glass of wine, some sushi and to binge watch OTH.
I walked in to the apartment, started a load of laundry and then…everything went dark.  Sort of.  Our lights were on, but super duper dim.  Some things were off completely (uh, TV and internet, my dreams for Netflix dashed!)
I walked over to my neighbors.  “Is your power all wonky?”
“YES!  It’s the creepiest thing ever.”  Her TV and AC were still working, but her lights were dimmed out, her bedroom out of power completely.
What the heck?
Soon, our apartment just went completely dead.  Luckily, we’re keeping our other neighbor’s dog, so we went over to her place to see if she had power.  She did.  So finally, after nearly an hour, I ate some dinner.
Our management and maintenance team tried to figure out what the deal was, finally resulting in a call to Duke Energy who tried to convince them it wasn’t their issue.  Uh, no.  This is a fire hazard, people.  They showed up around 10:30.
Our AC was out, so I opened the windows in our bedroom.  The meters and power box for the entire building are outside our side of the building.  They started out quietly enough, but somewhere around midnight they decided it was totally cool to be shouting back and forth to one another.  All I gathered from the conversation was that really, no one knew what was wrong or how to fix it.  Cool.
After a lot of drilling, hammering, cursing, and shouting, I woke up this morning to our power being 100% back on.  
It’s Friday.
In other, non-dramatic news, I participated in the Fall Swap that Becky and Kristin hosted.  I actually don’t typically participate in swaps anymore (I have my reasons), but when they were left with an odd number of participants, Kristin reached out.  
With that said, I somehow totally spaced.  It didn’t really dawn on me that it was a fall swap until I was writing the note to go with Becky’s package.  Whoops!  So check out the totally non-fall related items she got here.
She, however, went all out fall!  A peek at the goodies!
Thanks, Becky!
**Edited to add: there was also a fancy tumbler cup that isn’t photographed because I immediately took it to work to keep as my work water bottle! 

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  1. Fun socks are always a winner!
    Love that color of polish… is it green, is it blue – we'll never know 🙂

  2. That Julep color is GORGEOUS!! So perfect for fall. I also love everything you received from Becky. I don't participate in swaps anymore either (did you get screwed one too many times, too?!), but this one is just such tradition 🙂

  3. I love what you got!! 🙂

  4. Ah! Sorry you had such a shitty night. I hosted a swap this fall but not sure I'll ever participate in another. I did one over the summer, bought ALL my partners things, and she backed out on shipment day. Like I think you knew you couldn't participate before now… Anyway, you got some cute stuff! Here's to a better weekend!

  5. So weird about your power!! I would have been creeped out too–I'm glad that it all turned back on ok tho overnight!

  6. At least your power is back? Lol! That looks like a fun box and I love your nail color!

  7. Eek no power is not a good situation! Glad it's all resolved despite the midnight shouting. That decorated jar is so pretty!

  8. that is so weird… it's like they wanted to give you mood lighting. lol. not funny, sorry. those socks are super fun!

  9. Well, that power thing is quite annoying. This has been an insane week! TGIF!! So glad you liked your swap goodies! So happy to have partnered with you!

  10. That's famous candy in Pennsylvania! We would get it from our parents for Halloween, in Easter baskets, etc. My mom still sends Gardner's in my Christmas box every year.

    A good tumbler is priceless. Thanks for joining in! We really appreciated that 🙂

    You have a/c problems, and my furnace is running. It's like a different world. I'm happy that it's finally cooling off here though.

  11. Awh that's too bad about the power! That sounds really scary actually, I would've been so scared to come home to dimmed lights – that was in a dream I had a few years back. The swap looks so fun, glad to hear it all worked out in the end!

    Angelina Is | Bloglovin'

  12. Obsessed with that nail color. Seriously, it's gorgeous! You've now inspired me and that will be on my exciting Saturday night agenda. Bummer on the power issue – especially when all you want is a laid-back night. Adulting is hard work, sometimes.

  13. Love that nail color! A pretty alternative to all the dark, fall colors everyone is wearing now.

  14. Aw, too bad about the power! That's always so frustrating. You got some sweet stuff in that swap…those socks are so fun!

  15. Man I hate stuff like that!! We are currently having issues with our washer and dryer and it is taking everything we have to try to figure it out/get someone out here. So glad whatever it was got resolved!! Hoping you had a much better weekend after that!

    Sara Kate Styling

  16. Man, that stinks to hear about your power. Glad it's all sorted out! You never realize how much you take those things for granted until they're gone. On the plus side, your nails look fabulous (as always) and your fall goodies are adorable!



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