Let’s Catch Up: Stuff & Things

by | Nov 5, 2015 | Throwback | 25 comments

I just used the lush mint juleps lip scrub.  The weather isn’t quite reflecting fall as much as I’d like, but apparently my skin and lips are already boycotting.  Well, either way, the lip scrub helps.  A lot.  I’ve had that unsatisfiable chapped lips feeling for three days straight.  Nothing, not even my beloved vaseline tubs, sugar balm, or carmex will save me now.

In other news, I spent a good chunk of the morning creating a budget.  It’s both liberating and totally terrifying to see all of your money and where it’s actually going it.  We operate on a general budget usually, but I wanted to see specifically what was sucking up most of our cash flow.  Y’all?  It’s eating out.  That’s really no surprise to me, but yikes!  At least now I know specifics and can make some changes.

 We went to the Campbell game at Davidson this weekend.  I’ll admit that I was a little unsure.  It’s hard going backwards sometimes.  But it was so wonderful to see everyone.  And honestly?  It was good to be back in the stands on a Saturday afternoon.  This is the first fall in many, many years my butt hasn’t been glued to a bleacher (well, I had a fancy season ticket chair at Campbell…but specifics).

You should listen to Watsky.  Don’t, if cursing offends you or you’re just not into white rappers.  But I really, really appreciate his stuff.  I think we were still living in Athens when J discovered him, but every so often I remember to visit him on youtube.  My two favorites are 4AM and Strong as an OAK.  My favorite quote of his is if I get my 15 minutes, I’m going to stay myself, so when that sixteenth minute comes, I won’t hate myself.

I’m the person you hate because I already busted out the Christmas music.  I’m really not sorry.  Our holiday was stolen from us last year.  We spent much of December in a haze, panicked, stressed, scared, and sad.  So yeah.  I’m already listening to Christmas music, dammit!

I hope you all are having a great week so far!  Things have been sort of crazy around these parts with book writing back underway.  Many of you have asked if I’m doing nanowrimo, and no, I’m not.  It just so happened to coincide with the beginning of my schedule.  I adore the community, but that kind of thing puts a kind of pressure on my process that paralyzes me.  But it is nice to have some company for the first leg of this ride.  I’ll be writing well into February, if all goes according to schedule (it never does).  Anyway!  Sushi Thursday for the win tonight.

What are you guys up to?

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  1. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Haha I totally feel you on the Christmas music.

    We work on a budget too! It's tough sticking to it, sometimes we fall off, but mostly we're looking to save money so that we can one day move.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  2. Congrats on making a budget, and good luck sticking to it! Eating out takes up a big chunk of mine too, but it's so fun… the struggle haha.

  3. I'm thinking about busting out the Christmas decorations. I mean, why not…

    I like that you say the eating out must stop and then you end with sushi Thursday 🙂 Nothing wrong with that!

  4. That lip scrub sounds fabulous!!! I already started listening to Christmas music on Sunday. Nove 1 is fair game in my book!!! And I totally plan on starting to put the tree and stuff up this weekend as well!!!! No shame in my Christmas loving game.

  5. We didn't realize how much eating out ate up our budget until we wrote out a complete budget too; I was mortified! I'm also completely guilty for cracking out the Christmas music already too. If I'm feeling it, I listen. No sense in waiting! 🙂 I even watched my first Hallmark movie last night; those cheesy stories get me every time.

  6. For some reason I'm totally ok with the holidays being full blown this early, maybe it's because it'll be my last one as a single gal :)!

  7. I'm a fan of listening to Christmas music "early" because honestly – the season goes by SO quickly. We have to soak it in and enjoy it!

  8. When my Mom visited this past week we totally watched Christmas movies together! We don't get as much time together at Christmas anymore since I moved and the weather was dreary and rainy so it felt winter-ish outside, even if it was really almost 80 and humid, haha 🙂

  9. I dread budgeting days because I KNOW the eating out is going to shock me. I mean, I know how much it costs and how much has been spent, but seeing it all added up like that always means pulling in the reigns!

  10. It's amazing how good it can feel to create a budget!

  11. Girl rock on with your Christmas music! And isn't amazing how much money you can save if you don't eat out that much? I've tried to stress this to my husband, but he only half listens lol 😛

    Green Fashionista

  12. Ugh, budgets. The necessary evil in my life! I hate seeing where my money is going! But it also helps me to not spend as much. I'm back at it this month too. Good Luck!!

  13. I've been listening to Christmas music, too. One of the channels here on the radio is already playing 100% Christmas music 24/7… and I'm kind of obsessed. I'll probably want to pull my hair out in a few more weeks because of it but for now… it's fun!

  14. I totally listened to Christmas music while getting ready this morning. No shame. And, I definitely feel you with the budgeing thing. We've really cut back on our eating out, but our home renovation projects tend to take a big bite out of our monthly income. Life is expensive.

    Kat 🙂

  15. There is no shame is already listening to Christmas music! Kind of makes me want to listen to "Baby, It's Cold Outside" right now!

    Lauren 🙂

  16. That lip scrub sounds amazing, I'm going to have to try it! And I so need to create a budget but I'm so terrified to see how much I actually spend eating out…

  17. Ahh, one of my goals for the month is create a budget. I just hate doing those things…it definitely gives you mixed feelings!

  18. The lip scrub sounds awesome and no shame in listening to Christmas music…Im ready to start decorating for christmas!

  19. Oh my Christmas music has been blaring for a month! Haters can hate!

  20. Holiday music for the freakin' win! Now I just need the cooler weather to go with it 😉 love ya!

  21. I have yet to listen to Holiday Music. Maybe I will break out the Nsync Holiday Album?! Also, yes to budgeting! I may be a dorky accountant, but budgeting is one thing I can get behind. #gonumbers

  22. I need a lip scrub! My lips have been that way lately, too. I'm blaming all of my allergy medicine! I have to create a budget. That's my BIG goal for next year! Any tips are appreciated!

  23. Eeeek on the budget thing. We've totally been eating out way too much recently. So today I bought enough ingredients for two batches of our three favorite soups… hopefully that'll last us a while. Good luck with your writing!!

  24. Not going to lie. I couldn't even make myself wait until November this year. I busted out the Christmas music October 1st. I don't want decorations or Christmas stuff in the stores until after Halloween, but the music? It's my obsession.

  25. liberating and totally terrifying – seriously, best description ever for a budget lol. so true!
    girl christmas music all year long round here 😉 no hate!


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