How To Find Motivation And Inspiration

by | Oct 26, 2015 | Throwback | 25 comments

I’ve been feeling boxed in lately.  When I graduated college years ago, my education stopped.  I didn’t go to grad school.  I don’t have any certifications that I have to keep up to date.  Our only instructions prior to graduation were to go out and live our lives and practice writing daily.  In fact, my writing professor actually encouraged us to get any job over going for our MFA saying that the life experiences were more valuable in our field.

But lately, I’ve been craving knowledge, inspiration, and motivation.  I realized it’s up to me to fill my head these days.  So I made some changes in the last few months, and you know what, they worked.

how to find motivation and inspiration

How To Find Inspiration and Motivation

What You Listen To:

I’ve mentioned before that I have some time during the first half of my day job where I’m on my own.  I have tasks to get done, but I’m not interacting with anyone.  I used to listen to fiction audiobooks.  But lately, I’ve been devouring episodes of Being Boss.  This podcast is full of entrepreneurship ideas for business owners (and hey, you bloggers!  You’re business owners too, you know…) and bosses Kathleen and Emily make you feel like you’re hanging out with your besties talking shop.

From them, I’ve also gotten hooked on the Invisible Bosses podcast as well.

What You Read:

The whole podcast thing opened my eyes up to the fact that there’s so much information out there.  It got me thinking about what kind of books I was reading.  I don’t make much time for reading anymore because it was hard for me to justify (I know…I know…).  But I’ve gotten my hands on a few books that are a pleasure to read, but also packed full of information and encouragement.  I’m finding that it’s easier for me to make the time to read knowing that I’m actually learning in the process.  Some books you must read:

Bird By Bird Anne Lamott
Daring Greatly Brene Brown
Yes, Please Amy Poehler 
The Four Agreements Michael Ruiz

What You Invest In:

Staring my business got me thinking about my blog.  It’s not exactly cheap to get a business up and running.  I had to invest in a domain, website host, different tools, business cards and more.  But I’ve never invested in my blog.  As many of you know, I’ve been blogging for a long, long time.  And this space has grown into more than I ever dreamed it would be.  But I never bothered to invest in it because I foolishly thought well I have a degree in writing, what else could I possibly need?  But just because I know how to write (thanks Mr. Bathanti), doesn’t mean I know how to grow and run a website.  I happened to stumble across Helene’s webinar that I mentioned a few weeks ago–and since then I invested in her blogging course.  I was hesitant, but she offers a payment plan (which is so helpful).  I’m just now getting into the meat of the course, and while I was skeptical the first few modules, I was won over when she got down into the blogging and money making specifics that other bloggers don’t bother to share.  I’m not exactly going to quit my job to blog, but eventually my job will end.  Implementing just a few of the tips she’s encouraged has already made a huge difference in my numbers and in my income!  If you want to make some money from blogging, you should probably check out her course.

Who You Spend Time With:

We all know those people who are super negative about everything.  It’s not just annoying, y’all.  It actually affects you.  Come back tomorrow for Coffee With Joey where I’ll dive deeper into this topic, but take note of who you’re spending time with.  Let me encourage you to make the time for people who inspire you, motivate you, and believe in you.  None of us have much time these days (why does being an adult have to suck so much?) so why are you spending what little time you have obliging people who only bring you down?

What You Watch:

I reserve my screen time for true relaxation.  I don’t get much of it, but when I do let me tell you I’m definitely soaking in episodes of OTH, Gossip Girl, or some other show that makes me feel better about my life.  But you know what?  One Tree Hill has always inspired me.  There’s something about the writing and character development in that show that’s always encouraged me to reach deep down into my writer’s soul pull out the best I’ve got.  Inspiration and encouragement doesn’t have to come from obvious places.  Whatever speaks to your soul and forces you to want to do better is all you need.

Keep A Journal With You:

With all of that said, I’m basically constantly having nuggets of informational gold thrown at me.  I found that I’d make a mental note to remember something either because it was just an important piece of information or it inspired a blog post, only to forget it completely moments later.  I started carrying my journal around with me, jotting down notes here and there, whenever I felt inspired.  It’s made all the difference having a space for all my creative thoughts to be collected.  Sometimes I’ll write something down with one intention only to find inspiration for something totally different when I revisit it.  Find a notebook you love and keep it with you!  Make the time to jot down what’s important to you throughout the day.

What are some ways that you find inspiration and motivation?  Are you investing in your dreams?  What’s next for you?

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  1. Great post, friend! I don't always keep a journal with me, but I do have a tendency to whip out my phone and write something down in the Notes section when I have an idea. It's been helpful many times for me to go back and know what I was hoping to write about or what gave me inspiration for my post.

    I've also got Yes, Please on my to-read list! Can't wait to get into it 🙂

  2. Great motivational post!! I have to say I really like to unwind with TV that really helps rejuvenate me! xo, BIana –BlovedBoston

  3. We talked about this before, I think it's hard sometimes when you feel like you aren't happy but you aren't sure how to change it, or if you can change it. Sometimes you just gotta keep pushing, doing what's right for YOU, and know that it's all going to come together. I honestly feel like there is a different tone in this post… You sound happier, more motivated, like.. Ready to take on the world (and the laundry!) lol

    Also, please, One Tree Hill!! OMG girlllll. I still haven't watched the last two episodes because I refuse to let it end. Seriously. 🙂

  4. I think I'm going to make another attempt at NaNoWriMo this year so I've been thinking a lot about how to fuel my creativity and find motivation and be inspired. I find it hard to work in silence but I've yet to find good background noise that isn't too distracting.

  5. YES on the people you spend time with. Kind of sad but I've noticed as I've gotten older and grumpier, err, I mean "more decisive" (haha), I've been a bit pickier about who I spend time with if it's not a positive experience!

  6. Ok so many things #1, I have a post in draft about finding inspiration again (since I feel like I've lost it lately) and #2, THANK YOU for sharing some feedback on Helene's course. I wasn't going to get it, but it sounds like it may be a good investment. I just wish I'd done it when the price was lower. And #3, what you read, 100%! I was only reading inspirational and personal development books up until I started staying home with A. Now I've been reading pleasure books. I think I'm going to go back b/c I just feel more inspired when I read PD type books. Sorry for the longest comment ever.

  7. I listen to Being Boss. I am several episodes behind because I have been listening to audiobooks lately, but I do enjoy it. I totally use TV as a way to relax and unwind. You never know where you might draw inspiration from, its good to keep a notebook handy and invest time in yourself.

  8. I've been in a limbo of craving more "education" or knowledge lately. Always wanting more!—this was a great post!

  9. I love keeping a journal, it is such a great thing to do!

  10. This is so good. I'm right there with you–I miss those aspects of college. And Bird by Bird is my absolute favorite.

  11. not so secret: i used to be one of those negative people. i'm ashamed to admit it, but there you go. i didn't mean to be, it's just how i was. it wasn't until i met someone like me that i was like omg am i that exhausting to be around? and made an effort to change. love this post girl!

  12. Love these tips! I find that escaping the office in the evening for a long walk with Ty and Bert really helps to not only recharge me, but also motivate me!


  13. So very true lady!! I love listening to books, since I can't seem to sit long enough lately…"You are a badass" is my current favorite! Great lists. Hope you are well!

  14. Even as someone who isn't a writer, I like the idea of having a journal available to jot down ideas, thoughts or simply a to-do list. To-do lists make my mind feel less cluttered. In fact, I can see my to-do list for today from where I sit 🙂

  15. I love your advice to surround yourself with positive people. I definitely don't have any time for complainers these days!

  16. Excellent post, might be one of my favorites-to-date! I am all about positive thinking {the secret}, hanging out with people who bring out the best in you and writing things down — these days its in the notes section on my phone instead of a notebook. It's amazing how much I forget if I don't write it down!

  17. The people you spend time with are huuuuuuuuuuuuuge… I think, when it comes to ANY kind of mood – whether it be feeling inspired, motivated, depressed… you gotta surround yourself with what you WANT.

  18. The people you spend time with are huuuuuuuuuuuuuge… I think, when it comes to ANY kind of mood – whether it be feeling inspired, motivated, depressed… you gotta surround yourself with what you WANT.

  19. Eh, I can be that negative person. I'm generally happy but I get into ruts and then demotivate myself really easily. Plus, I find that I have my best ideas when I'm far from my computer, which means they rarely get blogged about. And I do think that reading non-fiction is vastly underrated…how are we supposed to learn as adults if we don't read?!

  20. Great tips! I really need to get on carrying a journal with me. I just use the notes section of my iPhone but then fail to check back and then the motivation is lost. As a blogger with a full time job, it's great to learn ways to be more effective overall. 🙂

  21. I absolutely love these tips!! It is so true to surround yourself with motivating things! It can be easy to feed in to the negative TV, books, people, etc!

  22. "Some books you must read:
    Bird By Bird Anne Lamott
    Daring Greatly Brene Brown
    Yes, Please Amy Poehler
    The Four Agreements Michael Ruiz"

    Yes to ALL OF THESE (except the one I haven't read [Daring Greatly], but I assume it's great, too.)

    There's also a The Four Agreements follow-up, The Fifth Agreement, that is great!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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