Stuff & Things: Webinar Edition

by | Oct 1, 2015 | Throwback | 14 comments

Okay.  So as you all know, I’ve been blogging for (wince) 7.5 years.  I’ve never attended a conference.  I’ve never read a blogging book.  I’ve never taken an e-course or participated in a webinar.  Well, that was until Wednesday night.

I’m going to be 100% honest here.  Blogging can be a terrifying thing when you start to think about just how many blogs are on the internet.  It’s easy to discount yourself, ask yourself why would anyone care?  What I try to tell my friends when they ask me that question is there are always people out in the world who like the same things you do.  You just have to find them.

Blogging has made me feel less alone when I was lonelier than ever.  It’s given me some of my best friends.  It’s taught me things I never knew I needed or wanted to know.  It’s opened doors to interests and passions I didn’t even know I had.  Blogging encouraged my love for nail polish…and you all know what that looks like now.

Last night, I got to hang out with about 300 other bloggers with my hair tied in a knot on top of my head wearing a sorority t-shirt from 2001 (yes, 2001, it was gifted down a “family” member).  And it was so much freaking fun I can hardly stand it.  Just being among people with such a passion for the very thing you’re passionate about awakens a fire in your soul.

 I’d resisted these things in the past thinking they’d be chalk full of people desperate to make a quick buck.  I’m all about making money blogging, but selling out is a whole other topic.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Just like anything else, blogging is something that requires you to constantly be learning.  I’m ashamed to say that in my near 8 years, I haven’t invested in my blogging education at all.  In my head, I justified it with the fact that my parents paid good money for my writing degree.  That was all I needed, right?

But that’s just half the battle, friends.  You can be the best writer in the world (I’m not, truth), but if you don’t know how to promote your hard work, you’ll just get lost in the sea of bloggers.  Ask me how my book is doing. Yeah…

It’s been a good week here in BCHQ (Blush Communications Headquarters…like what I did there? ha), but last night’s webinar with Helene is definitely the sweet spot, hands down.  I know a lot of us are careful with what we spend on our blogs, and we never know if our money will be worth it for a blogging course or webinar.  If you’re even thinking about it, I’d recommend any of Helene’s courses. She knows her stuff and she actually wants you to succeed.

I’m a convert.  There’s so much free information available at our fingertips about everything and anything (not just blogging).  Get out there, find it, and soak it in!

I recently shared with my husband that I felt like my brain was empty.  I do the same things every day, stuck in a comfort zone. I’ve been itching to go back to school.  I’ve been researching classes and courses.  It’s expensive, y’all.  I have zero student loans (thanks Mom & Dad), and it’s a terrifying thought diving back into that world.

J had a good recommendation, find what’s out there and take advantage.  And that’s what I’m here to encourage YOU to do, today.  For the first time in a long time, I feel like I learned something this week.  And it’s an awesome feeling.


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  1. I'm right there with you! I've been blogging that long as well and have never been to a conference either. Maybe one day.

  2. YES to all of this! The webinar was so good & I'm so glad that I am finally investing in my blog. It's been a long time coming, but knowing that there is so much more out there that I can learn from & use in something I already enjoy doing makes me very excited to see what's in the future – both near & far!

  3. "Blogging has made me feel less alone when I was lonelier than ever. It's given me some of my best friends. It's taught me things I never knew I needed or wanted to know. It's opened doors to interests and passions I didn't even know I had." – BINGO NAIL ON HEAD! I cannot wait to check out Helene's info. Thanks Joey! xo Amanda

  4. I didn't get the chance to do the webinar live last night, but I fully intend on soaking in that goodness at some point with the replay this week. I agree, you gotta keep learning and evolving and there are plenty of free or inexpensive resources out there to get started with!

  5. I was in the webinar as well! I'm a huge research nerd so I've been researching Blog info since I started (2.5 years ago) so I can't say that I necessarily learned anything new, but Helene is great and I highly recommend anything by her as well!

  6. i'm in the same boat–i feel like it's the same info you've heard a million times. i am interested in what she knows!

  7. I always see people say such good things about her webinars on twitter- glad you got a lot out of it! Sometimes it's just good to hear the same things in a new way to really push you to try something a little different.

  8. glad you enjoyed it! i attended her first one and unfortunately couldn't attend the second one. but she is amazing!

  9. Love this! I've always wanted to try an e-course or webinar. But, I always talk myself out of it. Thanks for the push! 🙂


  10. As you know, I'm a huge proponent of constantly learning and growing my knowledge – especially in regards to my career. I'm glad you were able to do Helene's webinar – I've heard great things! 🙂

  11. So glad to hear it was a great experience! I love what you said about being in your comfort zone and your brain "empty", it's so true sometimes but you just need to push yourself to get out there!

  12. Love this! I signed up but had something come up, so I'm going to listen to the Webinar in the morning. Also, I can't believe you've been blogging for 7.5 years! You're awesome! xo, Champagne&Suburbs

  13. I just found your blog after seeing another blogger link up to it! I am so happy I found it! I am a former nanny (was one for four years post-college), pet parent, and now human parent to two. Nannying was the best job I ever had! I still love keeping in touch with the kids I nannied. I also thought your blog name was familiar, I was in Helene's webinar too. I have loved all three of hers and just signed up for her next one. If you are interested in more webinars, I have been taking Melyssa's from The Nectar Collective. It was expensive but it has totally changed my traffic. Now Pinterest is my number 2 referrer. Even if you don't want to take her webinar, her website has a ton of free information and articles. Thought I would pass it on! Can't wait to dive into more of your blog!

    Annie- All Things Big and Small


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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