Tips On How To Fake A Clean Home

by | Sep 29, 2015 | Throwback | 18 comments

how to fake a clean home
Saturday mornings, I clean.  I keep telling myself I’ll implement a cleaning schedule to maintain throughout the week to avoid spending any precious weekend time scrubbing toilets, but that hasn’t happened yet.
But I woke up tired on Saturday with a pile of work to finish.  So I threw a hat over my dirty hair, sipped coffee and worked away in my dirty home while the rain chucked down outside.
When I ended up working through an event where I was supposed to meet Kristina (and finally see her face now that she’s a permanent Queen City resident once again), she said not to worry, she and her fiancé would just pop by for a quick visit.
I didn’t panic.  I didn’t tell her not to come.  Because the truth is, my house isn’t always clean, but it is always visitor ready.  And with a few, easy tricks, yours can be too!
Find A Place For Everything. 
And put everything in that place.  If you know you’re going to dump your stuff on the kitchen table at the end of the day, remedy that.  Hang your bag on an out of the way chair instead, leaving your table top clear.  Do you normally sling your jacket over any available surface?  Keep extra empty hangers in your coat closet and take the two seconds to put it away.  When you use anything, follow through and put it back in its spot.  Even if you can’t keep up with it as you go, it makes tidying up in a panic before visitors drop in.

Keep Closet Doors Closed.
Truth time.  If you open any door in my (very tiny, limited storage) apartment, it looks like Monica’s secret closet.  Okay, maybe not quite that bad, but you get the picture.  Our living space is kept very neat and tidy, and part of that is because most everything has a place behind closed doors.

Make. Your. Bed.
Here, I’ll say it again.  Make your bed!  It’s such a simple chore that makes your place look so much tidier.  Get in the habit of doing this daily.

Keep dishes out of your sink.
This is my number one rule.  I cannot stand dirty dishes in the sink at any given time.  1) I don’t understand it.  2) In my opinion, there’s nothing grosser than dirty dishes just hanging out in the open.  Even when we lived in a house without a dishwasher, I didn’t have dirty dishes in my sink.  Take the extra second to place them in the dishwasher. It makes all the difference and keeps your kitchen looking extra tidy.  Plus, it’ll probably smell better…just saying.

Keep your guest bathroom clean.
Okay, so these are supposed to be “tidying” tricks, but this one is important.  We luckily have two bathrooms in this very small apartment.  I make a point to keep the toilet, counter, and sink clean in there.  That’s the bathroom your guests will see and use.  We don’t have a shower curtain in there yet (I know, I know), but I will tell you to keep it drawn.  It just makes the space look neater and more inviting.

So while I didn’t get around to vacuuming, sweeping, mopping or scrubbing bathrooms on Saturday morning, my home still appeared clean.  Burn a fresh smelling candle, open some windows, and you’ll be good to go!

What are some of your tips for faking a clean home?

**And in case you were participating in the how many cups can I spot game, the answer is 2.  
I might be tidy, but there will always be cups.**

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  1. AMEN on making your bed! Amir thinks I'm a crazy fool for it, but the beds will always be made at my place 🙂 I'm totally guilty of putting dishes in the sink and leaving them there overnight, but I make sure to fully rinse them so there is no gunk or junk on them and it won't smell. Eh, one day I'll get better about it — maybe when I have a dishwasher again! Lol!

  2. dirty dishes–omg i get so grossed out if i see these at someone's house. i only leave mine if i'm soaking it, and it's gone if there is company coming.

  3. Awww this is so cute!! Your house definitely looked clean to me…. and I need help in the dish department. A lot of our stuff we hand wash so it ends up in the sink and then on a drying towel beside the sink. I guess the only way to avoid that is to wash and dry at the same time but I'm so lazyyyy!! Haha 🙂

  4. Making my bed definitely sets the tone for the day…whenever I'm running late and don't have time to make it, I feel so disorganized throughout the rest of the day!

  5. Amen to making the bed! It takes 1 minute in the morning but makes the room look 100 times cleaner! And it's so nice to get into a made bed at the end of the day! I also hate having dishes in the sink. I try and do all my prep dishes while my food is in the oven/cooking and then all I have to wash is plates and cutlery when I'm done eating.

  6. First of all, love your new layout! And yes yes yes to all of these. Just keeping things picked up/in their place makes the biggest difference – as well as making your bed first thing in the morning!

  7. I am big on making our bed, that is the one thing that must be done.

  8. i just try not to have guests. hahaha. our bed right now is on the floor (no frame) so even making it doesn't help. the first thing i do is tidy up and clean the hall bath, because that's what people notice. i also try and get rid of the cat hair but it's a fight i'm constantly losing lol. your place looks amazing! love your kitchen.

  9. I have been wanting to implement a cleaning schedule so I am not doing everything for 3 hours on Saturday but it has yet to happen around these parts. I am a firm believer in always making the bed every morning before I leave and always having the sink clear. Of course, it would be easier to keep everything cleaned if my husband knew where the dishwasher was or put away his mail and other random crap he leaves all over the kitchen surfaces. Hahaha!

  10. Love these tips! Also, your apartment is so darn cute!


  11. Love these tips. I need to do so much better at remembering them. Sometimes the dishes thing gets hard living with two guys who seem to never do dishes. Luckily the roommate keeps the bathroom (guest one) nice and tidy for me!

  12. When we had a two-story house (that ONE time) I never made the bed. Now I feel like I have to.

  13. Those are good tips! And I don't think that's faking it 🙂 That's actually having a clean home. I hate the dirty dishes in the sink too though I've been bad lately since I'm so exhausted. I used to get onto my hubby – now he gets onto me!

  14. I can't stand having dirty dishes in the sink, too! No matter how tired (or sick) I am, I'll get up just to wash the dishes! I like my kitchen spotless at the end of the day!


  15. I currently struggle with a lack of storage compared to my previous apt. It seems like nothing really has a designated space anymore (no hall/entry way closets now) so I've had to get creative. Growing up I had a friend who would throw dirty dishes or clutter in the dishwasher or oven randomly to get it off the counter if they had surprise guests. Whatever works I suppose!


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