What I’ve Been Up To: Behind The Scenes + A Big Announcement

by | Sep 16, 2015 | Throwback | 23 comments

I’m twenty-nine years old, and I’m still trying to find myself.  Fifteen year old Joey would be very disappointed in that fact.  The old insecurities that you feel when you’re in high school tend to follow us into adulthood.  We fight them off, one by one, with accomplishments.  Am I the only one who feels like with each accomplishment, we’re fleshing ourselves out little by little?

I’ll admit that I wandered around lost for a good long while.  My resume is an embarrassing display of one mistake after another.  All the while, I knew writing was what I wanted.  But I’m not the kind of girl who gets what she wants.  Ugly thoughts on repeat kill dreams.  You’re only standing in your own way.
Staring down monsters, swallowing the fear of failure, I pushed myself out of the miserable cycle. I was tired of taking jobs, marking time.  I needed direction.  I needed a plan.
What you might not know, the move to Charlotte was my fault.  A football family from the start, each of our moves up until this point had been for J’s job.  But Charlotte was the result of a plan that was barely a skeleton sketch at the time.
Back at the end of February, in the midst of a kind of chaos I can’t find the right words to describe, I asked myself an important question.  I was so afraid that life was about to launch me back into an exhausting existence, doing everything but what I wanted.
What do I want?

I wrote it all out, plain and simple.  I answered the question, following up with the steps required to make it happen.  A direction.  Nanny full-time while building the business.  A plan.
I’m not sure I’ve ever shared this part of our story, but J found the listing for the job I currently have.  He sent it to me on a Friday.  I had a phone interview Sunday.  In person interview Monday.  Job offer Tuesday.  I moved the following Monday.  I was desperate for a sign that I was making the right decision, moving in the right direction.  The sign came loud and clear.
When life took off, seeming to spiral out of control, I forgot all about that plan written in my paper journal.  But somehow, deep down, I must have memorized the steps.  And little by little, things have fallen into place.  I only recently stumbled upon that journal entry written by a scared, unsure girl.  I’d forgotten I’d written it.  And if I’m honest, it was a humbling moment.  I can remember that girl, the one who was so afraid of it all.  And here I am, standing on the other side.  Not to get all self-helpy on you, but friends?  If you want something?  GO AFTER IT.  You can do it.  And you deserve it.  Your happiness is important.
After a lot of hard work, I’m really excited to share with you what I’ve been up to the last few months.
I’ve launched a freelance communications business!  I still can hardly believe that I’m actually a business owner.  I’ve shed a lot of layers the last few years, stripping down to the purest version of myself.  And I am nothing if not a writer.  
The website, which I designed and built myself (holy freaking cow) can be found here!  I have a photographer booked for late November to take personal images, so until then the site is a little bare, but it has everything it actually needs.  I’m a simple kind of girl, and the site was definitely a labor of love!
LLC paperwork has been filled out and filed, and I’m well on my way, friends!
I owe a huge thanks (gosh sometimes thanks doesn’t seem like big enough a word) to Kat, who has been in my corner since day one, and who initially inspired me to stop dreaming and start doing.  

All my life, I’ve discounted myself.  I’ve pushed what I want aside, scared to face the inevitable failure, judgement, opinions.  If you’re anything like me, let me leave you with this.  Whatever it is, do it.  Stop marking time.  Stop putting everyone and everything else first.  You deserve the starring role of your own life.

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  1. So exciting, lady!!!!!

  2. Congratulations lady!! I'm so excited and happy for you. I think of you often too and I always hope that you are OK! Good for you and I know that you will do GREAT! 🙂

  3. YAY!! Glad you announced it!
    And some of the best things come out of skeleton sketches, right?
    Plus, getting to the basics of who you are will probably lead you in the most successful (and happiest) direction. We've got to be honest with ourselves, after all. :):)

  4. Congratulations! I checked out the new digs and think it looks awesome! Good luck!

  5. Congratulations, girlfriend!!! So exciting and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for you!! 🙂

  6. Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you!

  7. AHHHHHHHH — I've been waiting for this post! So excited to see where this new adventure takes you! 🙂


  8. This is so amazing!!!! So proud of you!

  9. Joey, congratulations! Starting a business is a huge endeavour and you should be so proud.

  10. Joey, congratulations! Starting a business is a huge endeavour and you should be so proud.

  11. oh my gosh, this is huge!!!! Love the website so far, can't wait to hear more about it, I know it will be an amazing venture for you!

  12. I always love your candid writing style and I'm so excited for your new journey! I'm headed over to check out your new business now!

  13. Your website looks great! I don't think it's bare at all – I love the pictures you've taken and how simple everything is. Your ABOUT ME section is great. {I may be a little biased since you're wearing a fabulous shirt ;)} Seriously so excited for you!! Have you gotten a lot of contacts from it?

  14. This is so exciting, congrats on going for your dream!! That is so awesome! Your website looks amazing, I can't wait to see all you do in your new business! 🙂

  15. Wahoooo! So proud of you, friend!!

  16. AMAZING!!!! So proud of you! what an inspiration!

  17. YAY! Such an exciting time for you and the website looks great! Congrats, you deserve it.


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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