Stuff & Things 9/3

by | Sep 3, 2015 | beauty, Loves | 17 comments

++ Last week, I contacted a blogger that I’d seen popping up in my instagram explore page.  Through our exchange of emails, we also exchanged social media.  We soon discovered we lived in the same apartment complex.  Upon realizing that, we shared our apartment numbers.  We live in the same freaking building!  Small world, friends.  And another new friend!  Man, I love living here and I love blogging!
++ I’d say I can’t believe it’s September already, but I kind of sort of can.  This year has been the longest ever despite the fact that time passes so quickly.  Odd numbered years are always hard years for me, though.  It’s something I started to notice in college.  2013?  Sick most of the year.  2014?  Published a book and started running.  2015?  Life gets turned on its ear.  You see what I’m saying, here?  So to say I’m anxiously awaiting 2016 would be an epic understatement. 
++ I haven’t painted my nails in over a week.  Almost 2 weeks, actually.  It’s the first thing to go in this whole balancing act, I’m finding.  I miss it.  And I miss taking that few minutes to myself (remember my set up?  Nails.  Netflix.  Wine.  Man, I miss it).  Everything these days has to be scheduled or it doesn’t happen.  Maybe I should just start scheduling in some “me time.”  The problem with that is, though, that it would get bumped in a heartbeat.  I know myself well enough to know that.  First world problem at its finest, I know.
++ I’m thinking it’s time to invest in an actually serious business skin care regime.  I’m slowly inching my way to thirty and I’m still dealing with acne.  This has to be some kind of sick cosmic joke, right? Thankfully, Kristin is a Rodan & Fields consultant and has the perfect regimen in mind for me.  If you’re sick of dealing with your skin (she can solve any range of issues for you, she’s like a magician!), contact her.  I mean it.  This isn’t sponsored, I just love her.

++Today (writing this Wednesday night) started at 4:45am for me.  And it’s been go go go every minute of the day since.  I’m a new level of tired.  I have to be careful saying that in this house since the hubs left for work at 3:30am but, you know, it’s all relative.  So that’s about it for me today.

Now, it’s your turn!


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  1. I totally feel ya with the early mornings and the painting of the nails being the first thing to go. And then missing it when it's gone. Such a simple thing but it really can mean a lot! 2016 will be here soon – I promise!

  2. YES to skin care!!! it's so important especially as we age. i'm nearly 40 (gasp!) and i treat my skin like it's gold because f*ck wrinkles!

  3. I LOVE when life is like, here is this completely random but awesome thing.. like finding someone on the internet you live with practically! I still have acne too (mostly from running and stress) and it's really the worst. I've tried expensive stuff before and it didn't do anything but make it worse. Le siiigh.

  4. I will never forget my mentor teacher when I was student teaching: She said that she had wrinkles (at 40ish) and was still getting the occasional pimple and it wasn't fair! I'm doing everything possible for that not to be me!
    Thanks for the shout-out, friend… I sent you those samples on Tuesday 🙂
    Since I work in school years, it's already 2015-2016 for me, and so the transition seems a little less startling.
    Hope you get to schedule in that "me" time!

  5. SMALL WORLD!!! So I'm going to guess she's your newest friend right 😉

    And definitely try to get me time in there, definitely makes a world of difference.

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

  6. Ok, how cool that you found a bloggy friend in your building!! Oh man, I hope you get your me time soon, it's so important to have time to unwind! I hate when I'm so slammed that I can't fit that in, I get grumpy in a hurry!

  7. That's so crazy that she lives in the same building!!!!!!!! What are the odds?!
    I can't believe it's been that long since you painted your nails. Who are you?!?!

  8. That story about the other blogger is crazy!! But great!! I sure hope that you get some time to relax too lady, you deserve it! 🙂

  9. That is so awesome that you met a new blogger friend IN your building!!!! Crazy how all these people are right under our noses and we would never know without blogging…right?!?!?! I say you take 5 minutes to paint your nails and give you that all important you time there friend.I insist, it's an order!

  10. How cool that you have a new blogger friend in your same building! I tell you, the world is super small sometimes. Hoping you can find some time to paint your nails and relax soon!


  11. thanks for hosting! That is so weird about your new blogger friend! Can't get over it, what are the chance?!

  12. I can't get over that you live IN THE SAME building! What are the odds?! Such a small world!

  13. I took my acrylic nails off and I haven't painted them since, it's nice to let them take a break.

  14. Girl, how awesome is it that another blogger lives in your building?!? I want to meet her! And I'm anxiously awaiting 2016 too 🙂


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