A Journey for a Fashion-Stunted Girl.

by | Aug 11, 2015 | Throwback | 16 comments

Now that I’m free from the dungeon that was Buies Creek (I kid, sort of), I’m back out among people.  I know at this point you all must think I’m being dramatic when I refer to that life, but I’m not.  It wasn’t uncommon for me to never leave the house for days, sometimes weeks, at a time.
Partner that with being a generally casual person, and this fashion-dense girl fell into the pajamas all the time hole.  I love makeup, nail polish, and messing with hair.  But put me in a clothing store, and I freeze.  I suddenly lose the ability to spend money.  Put me in a dressing room and I’ll never hate my body more.  Tell me I have an event to go to on a Saturday afternoon, and my mind will immediately go to the twenty five articles of clothing I own and start drafting up the I’m sorry, I’m sick, I can’t make it email.
But as you’ve been on this journey with me since March, making our way back into the real world, I’ve had an ever present desire to fix the situation.  As a nanny and a writer, it’s easy to not care.  But as a woman, I care.  And as a business owner (yes, that’s me dropping a bomb on you.  Details coming soon!) I care. 
I will always be a casual person.  I will always choose comfort before all else.  But as many of you more fashionable ladies have taught me, comfortable doesn’t have to be frumpy.
So come along on this journey with me as I try find my style, attempt to become more comfortable in clothing stores, and hopefully transform into a professional looking young adult instead of being asked what grade I’m going into. 

This week’s look is brought to you out of sheer skepticism.  Zaful was kind enough to send me an article from their website of my choosing.  I immediately fell in love with the color and style of this dress.  But when I went to order it, it was listed as a one size fits all.  Uhm.  Sure?
Well.  I think they nailed it!  The drawstring waist (which, let’s face it, I could probably learn to tie this differently…is there a different way to tie something like this?) cinches in creating the flattering two piece effect.
I realize I could have probably partnered this with a long, dainty necklace for more of an actual “outfit” attempt, but give me a break here.  I’m just starting out!  
 Dress: c/o Zaful
I won’t make a lot of promises here.  All I can promise is that I’ll try.  And comments from the peanut gallery as I stumble through this journey are definitely helpful, so if you have any recommendations (or you want to come out to Charlotte and help a homegirl shop!) by all means, speak up!

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  1. That dress is adorable! I love the style and especially the length… I feel like you could do a lot with it! I would've been scared by "one size" too! lol

  2. Ahhh love this post!! And that dress looks absolutely adorable on you… love the shoes too! And business owner??? Can't wait to hear more deets 🙂

  3. Umm business owner?? This sounds exciting! Can't wait to hear more about it! That dress is so perfect on you, love it!

  4. can't wait to hear more details about this business owner business!
    girl, i know you don't share like photos of you bumming around the house in the sweats, but you always look totally adorable in all the photos i've seen. that dress is gorgeous on you. and you are gorgeous, so just slap on a smile and wear whatever you feel comfortable in that isn't pajamas 🙂 but pajamas are totally cool as well.

  5. The dress! The shoes! All so adorable — you look gorgeous!

    Kat 🙂

  6. I cannot wait to hear more details on your business, lady!!!!!! That dress is fabulous on you! I love the color and I love those shoes! I wanted them so bad when I saw them but they just didn't fit me right and gave me all the sads.

  7. Good work! I'm super impressed 🙂 The color and cut of that dress are just gorgeous on you! Oh, and yay for your business. My fashion advice is to scour pinterest for ideas and then attempt similar looks from your own closet or when you're shopping. Can't wait to learn more about what you've got up your sleeve…

  8. The whole outfit is adorable! The color is perfect on you.

  9. Hey! I'll be in Raleigh/Charleston the last two weeks of September. Wanna come visit and go shopping? I'm pregnant so I'm phasing out my normal wardrobe, and I miss buying fun clothes!

  10. I LIKE that dress. It would look good with black tights too.
    I'm bad at accessorizing because they just get in the way and bother me.
    I'm also going to be *trying* harder in the next few weeks. We'll see.

  11. Oh and maybe add a cardigan or scarf in the size of your shoes to the outfit if you use that cute necklace…black shoes=black cardigan or scarf etc. it usually works. Or a blazer if you happen to have one in the future.

  12. Gorgeous dress! Looking forward to seeing more outfits on your fashion journey! I've actually started drafting a post about the 10 essential things every woman should have in their wardrobe. Hopefully you'll find it helpful…once I actually post it. Lol.

  13. I've been the WORST blogger ever, but I'm checking in, and you look so gorgeous in that dress! What a fun color! (And BUSINESS OWNER! I can't wait for the scoop on this! :))

  14. I've been the WORST blogger ever, but I'm checking in, and you look so gorgeous in that dress! What a fun color! (And BUSINESS OWNER! I can't wait for the scoop on this! :))


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