Stuff & Things: Life Lately Edition

by | Aug 6, 2015 | Throwback | 14 comments

On Sunday we visited Walmart for the first time since living here.  On our way out, I stepped in the largest wad of gum you’ve ever seen.  And it was 100+ degrees out.  I slipped out of my shoes as we got in the car and left them in the parking lot.  Walmart = casualties.  That wouldn’t happen at Target. Just sayin’.

Apparently I call my sushi place on the same days with the same order.  I didn’t even realize I had this routine until I called in my order last week.  When you ask to place an order for pick up, they ask your name.  I gave him my name and he replies Oh hi Joey!  I’ll have the gladiator roll ready for you in 15 minutes.  When I got there, I was slightly embarrassed.  “So I guess I’m a regular,” I joked.  Hey, there are worse things!  Plus, it’s good that you’re a regular here.  You fit in…  Dude.  I’m not Asian.  The struggle is real!

So, you all know about my love for YouTube.  But I’ve pretty much fallen out of love with beauty videos.  I realized they were really only sparking this “hoarding” type quality in myself that fueled this “I need all of this stuff” desire.  Since moving here, I have far less time for videos and even less time (and interest) for/in all the makeup.  However, I did discover that I truly prefer vlogs.  My favorite, in particular, is FleurDeVlog.  I’ve watched her for years and years, but don’t think I’ve ever shared my love for her here!  She and her (now) husband are just the cutest and there’s something about the way she vlogs that I love.  She vlogs every other month in the year, and August is a vlogging month and that makes me ridiculously happy.  I usually watch while having my cup of coffee in the morning!

Okay.  If you follow me on twitter, you’ll know my husband had to explain to me what the Whip and the Nae Nae was.  I tweeted that he had to give me a tutorial on the whole thing when my Aunt replied with this video.  I’m not sure what was more amusing to me: the fact that this video exists or the fact that my Aunt knows about it!

Hope you guys have a great Thursday! 
Be sure to link up below!


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  1. Booo Walmart. I hate going there but sometimes their prices are too much better than everyone else to avoid. But if you have to factor in new shoes… that changes things 😉

  2. Lol to the "this wouldn't have happened at Target." The struggle is real.
    I saw someone recently post about whip and nae nae and I just don't want to be tainted, so I'm resisting.

  3. Thank you for clearing up that whole whipe nae nae thing for me. Hell, I'm still in cupid shuffle and dougie mode.

  4. We have a Walmart neighborhood market outside my neighborhood and I like it because it's Walmart prices on stuff but smaller and less… questionable… than a superstore. Plus it's in a residential area, not among a million stores, so it's mostly acceptable. Target is still king, of course, obviously 🙂 I don't make time for youtube but anytime I try to, I go down a rabbit hole. It's dangerous!

  5. I've seen people that I think have left their clothing at Walmart so glad it was only your shoes 🙂

    I had to whip & nae nae with the Frozen ladies … day made 🙂

  6. Hahaha I go to Walmart way more than I'd like to admit. Maybe I need to class it up and go to Target more often. And I have no clue what Whip & Nae Nae is… but I'm watching this video when I get home!

  7. Oh my gosh a chinese restaurant opened up near us, and we've gone there so many times the moment I call and start speaking they know my order already….. -_- I've had to change up my order to keep them on their toes.

    I hope those shoes weren't shoes you loved 🙁 I hate gum in my shoes, just ick.

    I've never heard of this Whip and Nae Nae…

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  8. Ugh, Walmart!!! That would most certainly not happen at Target! I love that you are a regular at your sushi place! Chris and I are regulars at World of Beer…but that is about it. Oh, and the burger place. When we went on Saturday the owner came out and was like long time no see. Oops.

    I learned about the Whip and Nae Nae at the beach last month when I watched my SIL and niece dance to the song by the pool. It was EPIC!

  9. Hahaha that video! I had no idea what Whip and Nae Nae was either, I feel so old and out of touch, lol! We are regulars at our local Chili's and they always know our drink order and can guess within a couple tries what we want to eat.

  10. Yes to being a sushi regular, nothing wrong with that at all!

  11. The Panera in Missouri used to know my drink order…not sure how I felt about that.

    And yuck to losing a pair of shoes as a Wal-Mart casualty.


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