Stuff & Things 7/16

by | Jul 16, 2015 | Throwback | 18 comments

Apparently I only blog on Thursdays these days.  That isn’t the plan, I promise.  And things will get back to normal soon.  But things are just…out of whack right now.  And I pride myself on keeping things real in this space, but I also do my best that the real that you all see isn’t making you feel dirty.  Like what you’ve read wasn’t something you should have.  There’s a difference between real and real dirty laundry.  There isn’t anything scandalous going on (I wish, that’d be more interesting) but there is a lot of real life happening right now that’s distracting.

American Journey by got Bailey’s attention. has launched their own brand of all natural treats and chews, providing only the best for your pets.  When the box arrived on our doorstep, I thought Bailey was going to knock the door down to get to it.  To say she’s 100% satisfied with all the treats they so kindly would be an epic understatement.

I’ve been craving a good hold-in-your-hands book.  I admit I haven’t read in forever.  And I love my kindle.  But lately I’ve been dying to get myself to a library and devour a few real, live books.  Any recommendations?  I felt so out of the loop during the book linkup the other day (hate missing those, but I’m just not reading these days).  I did pen down a bunch of recommendations from your posts!  Unfortunately, most of those have a forever waiting list at the library.  Any others?

I was at work from Tuesday until Thursday night.  You read that correctly.

I’m in a fitness rut.  I’d really like to get into the habit of eating better and getting my butt back in the gym.  I feel like in a lot of aspects of my life I’m in this “pause” mode, holding my breath waiting for everything to kind of sort itself out.  Maybe I just need to hit play and force it all to work out on my own.

That’s it for today, friends.  Now it’s your turn!


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  1. I often kill 2 birds with one stone: I go to the gym and jump on a machine and that is my reading time. It makes time for ME and I get in my reading.
    Hope things calm down soon! 🙂

  2. So understand the "pause" feeling! You were at work from Tuesday to Thursday night?? WHAT??

  3. No shame in only blogging on Thursdays. As long as you show up to say hi once in awhile, everyone understands.

    I had two autoships going from and they both showed up this week because I forgot to change them. Sigh. I get the elk antlers from there. Have you tried them? They are like $12-20 depending on size, but they last forever and keep the dogs (and by dogs I mean Jett) amused for hours.

    I read a lot of good books last month. Go for any of the ones in my post from this week!

  4. Well that's a pretty long work day! I just finished luckiest girl alive and I loved it! xo, biana –BlovedBoston

  5. I love how excited dogs get when they know something is specifically for them – not just something they stole. Totally get the hold-it-in-your-hands-book! I'm way too old school and love to flip pages! Good luck with everything friend! It'll all work out! 🙂 -Megan

  6. I feel like everyone is on such a lower key blogging schedule – summer is just too nice! I am with you on an actual hold in your hand book – there's still something about buying the actual book for me.

  7. I totally feel you about exercising! It's just gone out the window. I'm glad that you're at least popping in on Thursdays! You are always such a breath of fresh air! xo

  8. I need to hit the reset button on my life right now…as far as health/fitness/sleep goes. Read 800 Grapes.

  9. I just finished "If You Find This Letter" by Hannah Brencher – it's fabulous. Also "Orphan Train" by Christina Baker Kline is great. "Yes Please" by Amy Poehler is super super awesome (if you're a fan of hers!) and I also love anything by Rainbow Rowell or John Green. Those are definite musts!

    I totally understand about the fitness thing. But after a fitness assessment that went totally wrong yesterday (the lady was a real real jerk, among other things), it kind of kicked my butt in gear! I want to look and feel better, so it's really up to me. I think if you just get in there and start, it'll happen. Slow, fast,'ll happen.

  10. This post is basically my life right now too– minus the part about your dog and working. But I haven't been reading at all and it makes me so sad, and I'm right there with you on wanting to get back into eating healthy and working out / maybe finally finish c25k. The person above me commented about Eight Hundred Grapes, and that was one of the last books I read too– super cute if it's not already on your list to read!

  11. I am sorry, you were at work from Tuesday to Thursday??? That sounds horrible!!! I hear you on just having to press play sometimes. I feel like I need to press play on several aspects of my life and stop waiting around!!! And I am with you on the healthy eating struggles. I was doing so good before vacation and I am really having a hard time honing it back in.

  12. ugh, that is a long work day! hope things calm down for you soon darl. i have a million and one books that i can think of, but not sure what you've read or what you're in the mood for lol. i'm in a fitness rut as well. ugh.

  13. I am still trying to wrap my head around being at work from tuesday to thursday night. Where's sleep? That's one of my favorite activities. The beauty of blogging is, you can do what you want and when you want. I do that all the time on my blog. Good luck on getting everything wrapped up! I'm sure this season will pass and then you'll get to relax.

  14. I have been wondering where you have been! I was worried that you might be trapped underneath something and that I'd have to rescue you! I'm happy to see that is not the case. Love the pictures of Bailey, so funny. I haven't read anything since your book and I have been wanting to get my hands on something new. So I hear ya on that!! I hope that you get to relax and maybe get a workout in this weekend. 🙂

  15. I'm still an actual book kinda girl. I have the Kindle app on my phone and it is really convenient, but I love a book still. Oh and a library book??? ahhhh the smell!!! 🙂 I'm a weirdo

  16. Love your new Stuff + Things logo. Or maybe it's not new – I haven't been around much lately. I've been so out of my blogging routine.

  17. I can't seem to get into reading an e-book these days. I just love the feel of a printed book in my hands.


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