Stuff & Things 7/9

by | Jul 9, 2015 | Throwback | 17 comments

Oh, hi.  Remember me?  I used to be a blogger?  I kid, I kid.  Everyone needs a break every now and again, right?  Except I haven’t exactly taken a break, not really.  I just haven’t had much to say.  And that’s okay sometimes, right?

In other news, I’ve been cruising through season 4 of Scandal.  That’s not a show I can watch when it’s on live TV.  I don’t have the patience to wait a week (and sometimes longer) between episodes.  It’s not the best season ever (season 1 was, in my opinion) but it’s definitely a bingeable show.  And honestly, I’ve needed the distraction and to force myself to stop working every so often.

Speaking of TV.  I’m out of The Bachelorette this season.  It’s a show that requires such a time investment (and to be honest, I’ve basically just fast forwarded through all of the episodes just to catch the most dramatic parts so far because yawn), but this season is such a freaking @#$% show.  I’ve lost respect for Kaitlyn.  I don’t think she’s handled herself well on national television.  And I kind of think the men are whiney little boys.  So, sorry.  I’ll catch the spoilers after the show ends.  What about you?  Have you been invested this season?

Fourth of July weekend was fun.  Around these parts, it was more ATA’s 30th birthday bash…but you know.  Technicalities.  We ended the weekend spent at the pool with a birthday dinner at Fahrenheit in Uptown Charlotte and oh my goodness.  I had the salmon with wasabi mashed potatoes and it was unbelievable.  Not to mention the view.  I mean, c’mon.

Winners are losers who tried one more time.  One of the kids asked for my opinion on this quote the other day, and I actually had to stop for a moment because it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Life, you guys, is hard.  And things don’t always go perfectly.  In fact, on the contrary, really.  And it’s really easy sometimes to want to just throw in the towel because you’re exhausted, fed up, and you feel like a failure.  Well you know what?  Winners are losers who tried one more time.

Anyway.  I promise not to be a stranger.  You know how life goes sometimes, right?  Now tell me what’s up with you?  Link up below!


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  1. Hey love! I need to watch this week's episode but I still think she's a ho! hahah. But I still watch- I swear I'll give up the habit one of these days lol. Have a great day 🙂

  2. It is summer baby girl, take some breaks and please chillax a bit! Enjoy these days. xo Amanda

  3. Ugh, that quote!!! Wow!!! Now that is powerful stuff right there….and oh so true!!!! I completely agree that we all need a break sometimes. And that we all should binge watch Scandal. I think season 1 was the best as well. But not every season can be a season 1. xoxo

  4. Winners are definitely losers who tried ONE MORE TIME! Hang in there, praying for you guys! XOXO Also, I've never been a Bachelor/Bachelorette fan but SCANDAL IS MY JAM!

  5. The Bachelorette is definitely a trainwreck this season but I can't stop watching! There is noooo way she's getting married to any of these guys though, no way. And I feel you on the summer blogging slump – the struggle is real!

  6. I still watch but I'm so over this season as well – the worst in a while I think! She's definitely not going to last with whoever she ends up with and all the boys are just so dramatic!

  7. So I found your blog through another blog. She's a jersey girl who happened to link up…to someone who lives in North Carolina. I'm a jersey girl, who now lives in North Carolina. The world is silly and blogging is awesome.

  8. Oh I so needed to hear that quote! Struggling with feeling like a failure lately and like I just can't get anywhere. I'm trying to stay positive and quotes like that help! Thanks for sharing!

  9. We just cancelled our cable and just have Hulu & Netflix now, Scandal is on my list of series to watch 😉 Heck yeah breaks are needed. I take them all the time haha!

  10. Love that quote! It's true, and something great to remember!


  11. I didn't know Scandal season 4 was on Netflix yet! My husband is going camping with his guys this weekend. Now I know what I'm doing!! 🙂

  12. i am so behind on scandal. i think i started watching the current (or previous now?) season and gave up because like you, i'm a binger not a wait a week for a new episode kind of girl.

  13. Ah, that quote does hit me like a brick. Every single time I'm like, "Meh", I think about how what if I just tried one more time. This applies to, really, almost anything. What'd you tell the kid?

  14. is wear this ate my comment! but that quote got me as well. glad you had a great 4th! here's to another great weekend!

  15. I needed a break, too. Mine was also not really intentional but just sort of necessary. That view is insane! I need a fancy dinner out with Micah in a bad way. We've been using up our babysitting capital for other people's stuff lately, and I really just want a date night with my main squeeze. I have also given up on the Bachelor/Bachelorette. It's been, like, three seasons now, and I feel so liberated. Like I have my life back on Monday nights, lol. So now that you've gotten some distance, try to resist the urge to dive back in next season. I swear you won't regret it! 🙂

  16. I haven't been as present either. Most of my posts have been scheduled in advance and I'm sort of feeling in a rut. So I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've never gotten into the Bachelor/Bachelorette, so I'm glad to miss the crazy. 🙂 xo

  17. I've been pretty MIA too but blogging is a piece of life so sometimes there's lots to say. Other times, not so much. Kaitlyn on the Bachelorette is a joke and the guys are whiny high school girls. Miss you, Friend!


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