Stuff & Things 5/28

by | May 28, 2015 | Throwback | 19 comments

++ As you all know, J and I traveled down to Charleston on Friday for the CLT BFF’s wedding weekend!  Friday night, we did the bachelorette party.  Which, let’s just say, was totally our style considering we made it out for dinner and that. was. it.  After the most terrifying cab ride of our lives, we hit up the teeter, grabbed some wine and ice cream, and all changed in to pajamas.  The rest of the weekend was just glorious.  And look at this photo!  Was that wedding not straight out of pinterest or what!

RBX Active Capri Leggings c/o Lipton Publicity
Also, there isn’t something on my shirt, it’s the light coming through the blinds
PS: I didn’t mean to be matching, it just happened.
PPS: excuse the tired eyes and the no makeup.  This is real life, people

++ Lately, the gym has been my happy place.  I’ve branched out from just straight running.  I’ve been focusing a little more on running shorter distances faster.  I’ve been trying to work on my pace for some time.  The last few times at the gym, my mile times have been under 10 minutes.  I’m good with that.  I’ve also introduced a few “challenges” into my routine.  Specifically the 30 day squat challenge and the 30 day ab challenge.  Both are free apps!  I’ve also been taking some inspiration from the workout clips Monica has been posting on her new fitness instagram!  The RBX Active Capri Leggings I’m rocking in the pic are freaking awesome.  They actually pull the moisture away from your body, keeping that dry feeling all through your workout.  I’m not sure about y’all, but I’m a sweater, and I can’t stand feeling like I jumped in a pool mid-run.

Sorry for the shamelss selfie.  How else was I supposed to show off the frames?

++ Firmoo was kind enough to send me another pair of glasses.  I stepped out of the box the last time I ordered from them, but this time I stayed more in my comfort zone.  An extra pair of glasses never hurts considering how much I hate wearing them so I’m constantly taking them off in random places.  It might be time for contacts, though.  Either way, I’m pleased with these frames.  They were on the cheaper side of the options available here, which might be why they feel a bit flimsier than my other pair.  But they are still good enough quality considering they are a secondary pair and they are a fraction of the cost.  You can get your first pair for 15% off here.  The ordering process was a breeze, once again, and the glasses arrived in no time!  In case you’re worried about purchasing glasses online, Firmoo offers a “try on” feature on their website where you can upload a picture to try the frames on your face.  I haven’t been disappointed whenever I’ve used them!

++ Things continue to be absolutely crazy around these parts.  I keep telling myself I’ll get it all under control one day, but that has yet to happen.  I know things are only about to get crazier with summer just around the corner.  A lot of my friends are teachers and they’re counting down the days.  I’m over here thinking what am I going to do with four kids all day every day?  I joke, really.  It’ll be just fine.  But I’m not sure one can ever be prepared for summer hours.

++ My office is on my todo list for this weekend.  I know the weather is going to be gorgeous and the pool will be calling my name, but I have to buckle down and get this done.  Our half a second bedroom (because really, it can’t claim to be a full second bedroom–a twin bed wouldn’t even fit in there) is still filled to the brim with boxes I haven’t bothered to unpack.  I need to get my hands on a desk (I’m thinking this one) and figure out if I can mount the TV on the wall to eliminate a piece of furniture because like I said, there is verrrrrrrry little room in there.  Here’s hoping I actually accomplish this over the weekend!

Okay friends!  The good news is it’s already Thursday!  Now, it’s your turn!  


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  1. Love the picture from the wedding (weddings just make me so happy!) and those new glasses are fantastic (definitely different than the first pair)! Good luck with the office, sounds like a lot of work- maybe a rainy day project? Does it rain where you live now? I feel silly asking but I'm a bit curious haha.
    Have a lovely day!!

  2. You all look amazing in that wedding photo! Such pretty dresses. I'm with you on the glasses thing – I just can't stand having something on my face all the time, but my eyesight isn't so bad that I need contacts. That's what I keep telling myself anyway, but maybe all the bruises on my legs from walking into things tell a different story?!

  3. That wedding really is gorgeous! I'm such a fan of weddings. Yay for your new glasses – you look great! Good luck with your unpacking/organizing fun this weekend. I need to do some of that too because our "office" is a messsss!

  4. Girl, I have a list of projects to do but when the temp is up and the pool is blaring at me……yeah, no. Way to go on your mile time! xo Amanda

  5. That wedding looks gorgeous!!! I love the classic bride's dress and the bridesmaid dresses are so pretty and romantic too! Your new glasses look great on you, but I am with you on wanting to switch over to contacts. I am just a little scared. 31 years old and I have never really touched my eyes before..eek!!! I saw that desk at Ikea last summer when I went with my mom and I have it on my list of like 5 that are my top contenders. I either want to go white or dark wood. I dunno?!?!? Happy Thursday!!!

  6. I so wish I had a pool that could call my name instead of making me work…. that wedding is beautiful!! And I love those glasses on you! They look great!

  7. Looks like it was a gorgeous wedding!! My office is on my 'to do' list, too – I just started working on it yesterday and we've been here for almost 9 months, ha! Loving that desk, especially the price!

  8. Hope you share more photos from the wedding because it looks like it was gorgeous! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  9. Love the wedding pics, you all look gorgeous! Those workout pants are so cute, I have been wanting some new workout clothes!

  10. Summer hours are insane and I just have the one! It's hard coming up with things to do so they don't drive you crazy! If the family you nanny for has a pool or pool membership, take as much advantage of that as you can. It's a lifesaver.

  11. Oh how I love the gym, it really is amazing how good it can be for your mind.

  12. Summer always does equal craziness doesn't it??? It's fun, but man oh man. I wish you luck trying to get stuff done this weekend because I know it will make life easier as the craziness picks up. I'm definitely trying to find a way to turn down the crazy this summer. Maybe this can be the summer of balance! Ha ha yeah right!

  13. That wedding does look like a pinterest shot! So cool 🙂

  14. Loved your snaps from the wedding! And yes, I keep thinking my life is going to slow down and if anything, I feel it gets crazier. Love your Firmoo glasses, too! xo

  15. Those bridesmaids dresses are positively beautiful. Can't wait to see what you come up with for your new office. Good luck with it! 🙂

    Kat xo

  16. That IS a great wedding shot 🙂
    I can't wait to see what your office looks like. I want to put a desk in our guest room but I don't know if it'll happen. I need a workspace!

  17. congrats on getting faster! that's awesome. i'm glad the gym is your happy place. meanwhile, that wedding looks amazing and the bachelorette party sounds like my kind of night. but… what's a teeter?

  18. What a beautiful looking wedding!! Cute workout outfit too. 🙂 Oh and sorry for commenting so late! I fell behind!! :-/

  19. Free glasses? Share your secret! My best friend is a nanny as well and a few weeks ago her exact words were "I'm just ready for summer to be here so I can hurry and get it over with it." I am pretty jealous of all these teachers right about now though!


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