Stuff & Things 5/21

by | May 21, 2015 | Throwback | 14 comments

>> My obsession with iced peppermint mochas is back.  I’d have one or multiples every day if they weren’t so stinking expensive.  It can seriously brighten my mood instantly.  I’m okay with that.

>> We leave for Charleston tomorrow for one of my best’s weddings!  I have been looking forward to this trip for quite some time and I can’t believe it’s finally here!  We actually got it worked out that J will travel down with me on Friday (originally, he was going to come separately on Saturday) and this makes me extra happy since it’ll be our 5 year anniversary!  Hopefully we’ll get to visit a nice restaurant for lunch to celebrate before we have to separate for bachelorette stuffs.

>> Sometimes being an adult is freaking hard.  And I’d really like to figure out how we can just…I don’t know, avoid the whole having to make big decisions and have hard conversations things.  I’m thankful for good friends (old and new) who make the whole adult thing just a little easier.

>> When I got home on Tuesday, my neighbor wanted to take the pups for a walk.  It’s been absolutely gorgeous lately (though a tad hot), but the evening was just beautiful.  When she and I walked back into the complex, our neighbor was at the park with her dog (Savannah, who we watch), so of course we had to go over.  While we were there, our other neighbor showed up.  When we were leaving, after letting the pups play forever, we were approaching a guy who was working on a bike.  It wasn’t until that moment that we realized how ridiculous we looked!  Four women, four dogs of various sizes and breeds.  It was like a puppy posse rollin’ up on that dude!

>> Today is my Friday!!  I’ve got a jam packed evening which includes first stopping by a friend’s happy hour before rushing home and getting alllllllll the things ready for this weekend!  That might just include giving myself a gel mani and practicing my hair and makeup.  And steaming my dress.  And packing all the things.  What is it about traveling that just makes me a stress ball, for real!  I’ll be happy when we’re en route and the vacay can officially start!

Okay!  Your turn!


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  1. Yeah I stress over the whole packing and getting in the car lol, stupid right? I take it you ladies weren't harnessing vicious hounds who were foaming at the mouth because that would be seriously funny. In some weird sadistic way LOL!!! xo Amanda

  2. Iced peppermint mochas?! Where are you getting those?? Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend ahead of you!! I hope that you have a fabulous time in Charleston, and happy anniversary!! 🙂

  3. Oh how fun, have a wonderful time in Charleston!! I stress out about packing and all that too, I'm so afraid I'm going to forget something!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! Have a bomb time in Charleston — it's so pretty!! And yes, please let us know where those iced peppermint mochas are coming from — I need that in my life asap.

  5. iced peppermint mocha – YES

    And puppy posse – watch out for those dawgs – they serious! <— see what I did there (oh read that in your inner gangsta voice)

  6. Hooray for the weekend! I hope you guys have such an amazing trip and enjoy the wedding! We're going to be in Charleston next month and I'm so excited- such a pretty place to visit! And now I'm craving a peppermint mocha– iced sounds delicious!

  7. Ugh, being an adult is so hard sometimes!!!! I hope that you guys have a fabulous weekend!!!!

  8. Have so much fun this weekend! 🙂

  9. I hope you have a great time in Charleston! I love weddings.
    hehe I can totally picture the two of you with all the dogs. That's how I assume people look at me sometimes.

  10. I've been running out of time/energy to do manicures so I'm super impressed that you're fitting one in on the same evening as happy hour and packing. Hope you guys have a blast in Charleston!!! It's one of my favorite places to visit and yay for besties getting married!!

  11. I don't know why adult things have to be so hard but I do know that we get to enjoy good things like a beer. I brewed my first batch of beer yesterday. I hope you have a nice vacation!


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