Stuff & Things 4/16

by | Apr 16, 2015 | Throwback | 21 comments

>> I think sometimes I trust youtube too much.  I really enjoy daily vlogs (when I have the time to watch them), but I do still watch a few beauty gurus (I hate that word, fyi).  Ingrid (you know, missglamorazzi) did an All Things Hair video a while back featuring the Suave volumizing mousse.  AND she claimed she let her hair air dry and that the mousse didn’t leave any kind of residue.  Uhm.  I’m calling BS on that.  I used it on Tuesday, blew my hair dry, and ended up just putting it in a ponytail because HOLY BUILD UP.  And I used way less than than the recommended amount.  It probably would be okay to use for an event where I’m curling my hair and don’t intend to run my fingers through it at all, but for a daily use thing?  Ew, no.

>> You guys?  I’m off the running train and I hate it.  I can’t seem to convince myself to get out of bed to run.  I get up, sure.  But actually getting out to run?  My body laughs at me saying yeah, no woman.  we need coffee first to function.  sorry.  I think I’m going to have to start re-evaluating and just stick with what works.  I was always an evening runner.  I think an evening runner I’ll always be. And I’ll just have to make it work.

>> I mentioned earlier this week that my love affair with Netflix is being compromised.  By the time I have a few moments to finally hang out, I’m so tired I end up falling asleep.  The good news is that I’m not flying through my favorite shows.  I’m able to watch maaaaaybe half an episode before I realize I’m falling asleep.  Lately, it’s been season six of Drop Dead Diva.  This show is probably the dumbest thing ever but I just absolutely love the characters so much.  And I have to say… this season isn’t at all what I was expecting and I’M LOVING IT!

>> I got mega sunburned on Saturday.  Rookie mistake.  I was out for way too long and didn’t sunscreen up nearly enough.  I have, however, found a pretty good remedy for the whole sunburn thing.  I mixed a healthy portion of coconut oil in with my moisturizer and kept myself lathered up!  I also threw some aloe on for good measure, but the the lotion/coconut oil mixture really seemed to do the trick!  My neighbor saw me the next day and she was like how is your sunburn already gone?!  Magic, people.

>> It’s been raining here all week.  There’s really no reason for me to tell you that except that…it’s been raining all week.  A day of rain, okay.  Two days, maybe I can handle that.  But an entire week of rain?  I’m over it.  {activate sarcasm font} my husband’s favorite phrase.  

>> Oh.  I’ve hardly read since we moved.  The Girl On The Train just became available on my wait list and now I’m panicking that I won’t be able to read it in time.  I’m thinking I’ll have to dedicate most of my weekend to it.  I’m totally okay with that.

I think that about does it for this week!  It’s your turn, friends!


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  1. I read the Girl on the Train…a great book, I had to hurry and read it too because I rented it from my library and already was in the middle of another book. Worth finding the time to get it done.

  2. I find that basically all hair stuff that people throw around the word amazing with leave me wanting more. Sigh. And good call on the miracle burn cure. I will have to remember that at the beach this summer because no matter the amounts of sunscreen I slather on…I always burn my skin at least a little. Damn Irish genes.

    Fun Fact: my step sister was in an episode of Drop Dead Diva!!! I don't remember which season or episode, it was quite awhile ago when she was still in high school I think. Annnnnd I am having to really fight myself to get my work outs in this week. I dont know why it is so much harder than usual?? Maybe something is in the water.

  3. I read a similar review for Tresemme's dry shampoo, and I couldn't believe how off it was!! I had to immediately hop in the shower and wash it out — thus defeating the purpose of dry shampoo!

    I've always been a night time worker-outer too. 🙂

  4. Regarding weather, it's supposed to snow here tonight, so…I'd take a sunburn again!

    The Girl on the Train is worth sacrificing your weekend over. Let me know what you think of it!

    Also, what did we do before Netflix…

  5. I have tried working out in the morning, and yeah…no. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I will always be an evening workout person, and that's ok! OMG I love Drop Dead Diva but I am so behind on it, I think the last episode I saw was Season 2 or 3? I have no idea what's going on in the show right now! Must have Netflix soon.

  6. It's been raining non stop here for basically the better part of two weeks. We did have a beautiful weekend but all week it's back to the rain and grey. Yuck! I painted my nails neon pink last night to compensate for the blahs.

  7. Netflix? What is that? What I pay for monthly but never watch anymore becuase I'm too tired? Oh yeah. Ha! I want to read that book so badly but i have two ahead of it.

  8. I just got into Netflix (so late to the party, I know) but it’s the best. I’m having a really hard time finding time too but every once in a while! I actually wish I could be an evening workout person but I get so lazy throughout the day itf it’s not in the morning, I don’t get it in!

  9. I just ordered Girl on the Train! Can't wait to read it. And we've been so busy lately our Netflix watching has been compromised, too. It's a shame 😉

  10. Ugh, rain all week? We've been having gorgeous weather all week (sorry to pour salt in that wound), and I was just saying yesterday that it's crazy how much the weather can affect my mood! Hopefully it clears up soon. Also, sorry about the sunburn… ouch!


  11. aahh – you make me miss Drop Dead Diva.

  12. That's great the coconut oil mixture helped! Sunburns are the worst! I use apple cider vinegar on mine…it doesn't smell the greatest so next time I'll try your trick:)

  13. I am nursing a pretty bad sunburn too! Not fun at all.

  14. Ha hair stuff is tricky for me… it takes something AMAZING for me to actually love it, and something out of this world to share it with others. Currently my Bumble and Bumble Repair Blow Dry is my only hair product I love!

  15. I haven't been running much either. I've made it to the gym some but I've been bad this week. Glad your sunburn got better! Coconut oil is amazing 🙂 It's been raining here all week too. I suppose I should appreciate it because we'll have a drought in the summer probably.

  16. Oh my gosh this rain is terrible. Originally when I looked at the weekend forecast it was 90% chance for Saturday which had me all like NOOOOOOOOOOO 🙁 But when I looked this morning or last night (it all runs together), it said 0%! So that makes me really happy! I've used coconut oil for sunburns too and I agree!! Happy Thursday… almost to Friday 🙂

  17. Oh it has been raining in Raleigh all week too! Sucks!! But somehow it hasn't been raining at all in the mornings so I have been able to get out and do my C25k! I can run in the morning and in the afternoon – but the afternoon I usually run on the treadmill!

  18. I used to really like Ingrid's beauty videos but lately I feel like they're too commercialized if that makes any sense. Hair stuff can be tricky though! I have the saaame struggle in the morning when it comes to coffee first vs working out! I always want/need coffee so that usually wins over everything else. I'm going to keep that remedy in mind for the next time I have a sunburn.

  19. Don't push yourself too hard. Do what's right and what works. I had to stop by daily stretch because I think I overdid it. I pushed myself too hard. Didn't like that. Now knowing that I do work out only twice a week feels better. Much better. And haha. I fall asleep lately too; in the middle of a show. Happens. Life can be exhausting.



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