On Doing What Is Right…For You.

by | Apr 13, 2015 | Throwback | 14 comments

I feel like in this life, we are far more concerned with everyone else than we are with ourselves.  We pay so much attention to what someone else is doing, how they handled something, how much they’re making, what their job is, the list goes on.  And then we feel inadequate.  Or we take a path that doesn’t feel right. We make choices influenced by what others are doing.  We try to model ourselves after them.

All the while forgetting to ask ourselves the most important question.  What is right for me?

People are different.  Situations are different.  There is always a part of the story you aren’t seeing.  And people have the right to keep some things private and handle things the way they need to handle them.  And you know what?  So do you.

People get so caught up in what something means.  How something looks.  What other people will think.  And they forget to worry about what makes them happy.  They forget to worry about what works for them.

Since I’ve graduated college (too many years ago to name because it makes me feel old) I’ve felt the pressure to be.  To be something impressive.  To be something important.  To be successful.

But the fact is, all of those things have very different definitions depending on the person.  You can exhaust yourself and completely deplete yourself of value if you base your life on someone else’s definition of success.  
It’s easy to feel insecure.  To feel like we aren’t good enough.  To feel like we aren’t impressive enough.  Especially when we can constantly compare ourselves to other people’s successes.  
But you guys?  You have to do what is right for you.  You just do.  Life is way too dang long to be stuck doing things just because you feel like you have to.  Or because you’re trying to keep up with some facade.
It’s okay for things not to work out.  It’s okay to walk away from something that isn’t right for you, especially if it’s causing you pain.  It’s okay to take more time to grieve a loss if that’s what you need. It’s okay to choose the career that makes you happy even if it’s not what your family wants for you.   It’s okay to praise the God you believe in.  It’s okay.  (Okay, now I feel like I’m channeling Juan Pablo.  Ess okay.  Ess okay).
I’m still on this journey.  The journey of doing what’s right for me.  For my life.  For my little family.  And it’s ever changing, and that’s okay.  What was right for us two months ago might not be what is right for us now.  And what is right for us right now might not be in a few years.
The tide is ever changing, my friends.  You have to learn to go with it but all the while never losing sight of yourself.  You will have to do things in this life that don’t make you happy.  You’ll have to do things that you don’t want to.  And that’s okay, too.  As long as you use those things to propel you to the place you eventually want to be.  Be wise.  Be patient.  But be persistent in finding your happiness.  
Whatever that might be.

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  1. Amen!! Couldn't agree more and such a good reminder. Comparison is the thief of joy and our joy should be individual and unique. Love your perspective on this!

  2. You are speaking right to my soul lately, this was just the reminder I needed!

  3. Great reminder! It's so important to accept who we are and what works for us over what everyone else is and what works for them. It's definitely too easy these days to fall into the comparison trap!

  4. I love these posts so much! What a great reminder!

  5. Yes! I absolutely love this. I wish more people would take this to heart and realize that everyone is different.

  6. Visiting from Fashion & Feathers. Such a FANTASTIC post, and so very, very true. Well written!

  7. I completely agree with everything you wrote. In fact, I think I've written something similar, but it related more to parenting because this is my exact philosophy. You need to do what's right for you and your family. No need to worry about what anyone else says, does, or thinks. Obviously it extends beyond parenting, as you so eloquently wrote.

  8. Oh man, I think I really needed to hear this today my friend! You always get me.

  9. Awesome post lady!! I agree 100% with you on everything that you talked about. I'm so guilty of putting pressure on myself when it comes to a career. Oh and comparing myself to others professionally. :-/ People definitely make their own choices and things happen for a reason. I just continue to have faith in God and keep moving forward. 🙂 Have a lovely day my friend!

  10. Yes! Love this! It is okay to change your mind. People think they have to keep doing what is expected of them and that's not the case. Do what makes you happy. Great post my dear!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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