A Difference 8 Weeks Makes

by | Mar 30, 2015 | Throwback | 19 comments

On Sunday morning, I woke up to the dog crying to be let out.  With sleep in my eyes, I stumbled down two flights of stairs and froze in the unseasonably chilly weather while she did her business.

I sat quietly with my coffee when I got back upstairs.  When it approached ten, I started getting ready.

All of this is mundane, typical stuff.  The dog needs to be let out.  I sit quietly with my coffee.  I ease in to my morning.  Going through the motions.  Just another day.

Our new neighbor happens to attend the church that was on our list to try.  After an exchange of texts, we decided we’d ride into the city with her then ride the light rail home.  She works on Sundays.

The church was beautiful and welcoming.  The music was phenomenal.  And then somewhere in the middle of the service, I was overwhelmed with emotion.  I bowed my head and tried to force back tears.

You see, it was only eight weeks ago that I stood in a different church in Buies Creek with my head bowed, fighting back tears.  Everything was such a mess.  We were so unsure of our next steps.  I’ve never leaned on God more than I did in the months between December and now.  We couldn’t do it alone.  We weren’t sure what our next day looked like never mind where the next month and beyond would take us.

I’ve never been more scared for our future.
And yesterday, on that particularly chilly but beautifully sunny March day, I stood in a new church between my husband and a new friend.  It was undeniable what God had done for us in the last four months.  Our lives are His.  And I could hear Him over the last several months telling me not to be afraid.  I felt an odd peace amidst the fear.  I told J back in December that there would come a time in the near future that we’d look at each other and say “well, that worked out quite nicely don’t you think?”
That worked out quite nicely, don’t you think?
If you’re going through something.  If you’re scared.  If you’re unsure.  If your world has been turned upside down, I know the feeling.  Please don’t hesitate to share your story.  Besides leaning on God, there is no way I could have made it through the last several months without those of you who reached out and begged me to lean on you.  
Thank you.

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  1. Amen, amen, amen. I don't even know how to comment on this except to say that I love reading others' success stories. It is a really amazing feeling looking back knowing that you trusted Him.

  2. Amen. So glad I read your post. Love your blog by the way. I've been having a bad year with my health and had surgery on my right side because I had no blood flow to my right arm and now I have to have my left side now. I have a condition called tos. Right feels great now still healing but my job let me go because my condition and they have to reschedule my surgery for some reason.. but you know your right .god will step in all the time. Before all this happen my mind and body were so tired .being let go from my job was the best thing now looking back.I can rest more and spend time with my son before my next surgery..Thank you sharing your story. It means so much

  3. Aww lady, this post got me teary-eyed!! Thank you for sharing your story. You have inspired me to return to church too. It has been hard with my work schedule and the fact that I'm like no, I need to go to the gym today…But I have been good about praying every single night. I'm glad that you had a nice weekend and I hope that you have a great day. 🙂

  4. Oh man. I needed to hear this today. I've been such a mess. Life is a mess. Things, quite frankly, just suck.
    It feels so good to read about a turn around. I need mine to turn around, and I know it will… but it's so hard to wait for it.

  5. What a beautiful post girl! I'm telling you life is so crazy and the things that I hear and see on a daily basis….I have been more involved with my faith more now than ever!

  6. Amen. I really needed to be reminded of this today! Thank you so much for posting 🙂

  7. I am just smiling right now. I am sooo happy things turned out for you guys. I need to do a better job leaning on Him for support. I get so caught up in what's happening that I just forget. This is a great reminder my dear, thank you!

  8. Totally agree with this girl!! So happy everything worked out for you! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  9. This is beautiful! So happy for you and how things are turning out so wonderfully! Faith is the best.


  10. 🙂 I am so happy to see you on the other side of all of this!!!! I still can't believe how strong you were all those months, you held it together so much better than I could have. I love that everything worked out for you!!! I just miss your face on gchat!

  11. I'm so thrilled that you had that moment of clarity. Where you realized it'd come full circle and your prayers had been heard. I've felt that before and it's amazing indeed 🙂

    Oh,you know my story, friend. I've been really negative lately when it comes to the big picture. Positive in the everyday "I can do this" way, but overall just lacking direction. I came across a chapter in the Bible last night after something push me to read on the Bible app instead of browse Pinterest and it made me feel like there is indeed a track and it's going somewhere even if I can't be sure when/how.

  12. I am happy that you are happy girly. That's all that matters in the end xx

  13. I'm glad that things are looking bright for you again. I often times have a strong well of emotions and tears when I go to church service at my home church.

  14. It's so amazing how much we can literally feel God's presence in our lives even in the most difficult of times. I feel like it's His way of reminding us that he's got it and there is nothing more peaceful than that. It sounds like you really like the new church too? Searching for a church is one of the most exhausting things ever.

  15. This is amazing. So powerful. You and J are so strong. Love you, friend. xo

  16. I JUST told someone on Sunday how neat it is to look back over things and go "That's why that happened!" Sometimes, it's rough in the in between but if you can just hold on, God always shows up!

  17. Great post girl. 🙂 Life takes interesting turns and it's great to see what it has in store for all of us. It turned out beautifully for you!!! It's going to be even brighter and better in the next couple of months!



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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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