Stuff & Things 3/26

by | Mar 26, 2015 | Throwback | 23 comments

++ I think I’ve admitted before that I have a very weird relationship with food.  Especially with breakfast.  While I get hungry in the mornings, I’m not hungry enough to eat when I first wake up.  My priority is coffee.  Always the coffee.  But then I get busy and don’t feel like dealing with food making decisions.  Therefore, I usually skip breakfast which results in a hangry Joey.  No bueno.  I’m telling you this because this is a problem I’ve had for years.  We’re talking since at least high school.  So when I accidentally created the perfect, easy, breakfast sandwich that took the thinking out of my mornings, I almost threw a party.  It’s so simple I could practically kick myself for not having it sooner.  Ready?  Here it is.

thomas plain bagel + one egg + american cheese.
++ I binged The Good Wife on Sunday.  A couch day was just completely necessary after the craziest week ever.  Y’all?  It’s getting so freaking good.  I’m on season 5 and cannot get enough.  
++ I love my new running path!  While I loved running at Campbell, something about running here makes me feel like I’m actually going somewhere.  They go so quick here!  There’s always people to see, new places to explore, things happening!  I went out for a run at 6AM on Tuesday. I thought I’d feel super unsafe since it was still dark out when I started–but the path I run is completely lit up!  Bail and I ran down to a yummy little soda shop (who, by the way, is always baking through the night making those late night dog walks tempting when it smells like freaking funnel cake outside!) then we turned around!
++ I came home to a cooked dinner on Monday night.  Crab stuffed salmon, mashed cauliflower (our new jam.  seriously.  so freaking good) and asparagus.  I mean…I could get used to this life!  As for the cauliflower (because I know you’re going to ask).  I am a potatoes kind of girl.  I just am.  But these have me converted.  Remove the florets from the head.  Boil for approximately 12 minutes.  Add butter and salt to taste.  Mash with potato masher.  I promise, it’s so freaking delicious.  We always go back for seconds.  OF VEGETABLES! 
++ I had a whole thing typed up here about how the First Lady looked bald on a recent episode of Jeopardy and I just deleted it.  Because who cares?  I was watching the episode with J (yeah, we’re old, whatever) and I definitely thought she looked bald.  But apparently it’s something that’s taking the internet by storm.  So I wasn’t the only one who thought 1) she was bald or 2) that her stylist should be fired for allowing her to go on camera like that.
Anyway, that about does it for today I’d say.  I’m both so thankful and completely shocked that it’s already Thursday.  This week was another insane week.  My days seem to be on turbo mode and before I know it it’s time for bed.  If nothing else, it makes the days go by quickly!  Life, y’all!  It’s happening!
Now it’s your turn!  


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  1. First of all, the bagel sandwich looks amazing! I will definitely be trying that! Also, looooove the Good Wife! Oh, it's good!

  2. That breakfast looks tasty! I need to get better at breakfasts. Also I'm definitely trying the cauliflower mash – I've done cauliflower couscous before which is pretty darn amazing, so I am convinced this could be awesome.

  3. Have yet to try the cauliflower mash….gotta get on that. Glad your run path is AWESOME!

  4. I need to find a new breakfast routine – I'm kind of in a breakfast rut right now. Your run looks fabulous. It really is the little things, isn't it? I love that you're loving life right now!

  5. I love bagel sandwiches!! Duh.

  6. Both of those meals look incredible and are making me hungry!! Yes to the good wife – such a great show! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  7. Is that my blog I spy on your computer screen? 🙂 That bagel sandwich looks delicious!!! I banned bagels from my breakfasts awhile back…stupid carbs….but now I REALLY want one!!! And that dinner? Yum!!!

    I love The Good Wife!!! I think it is one of the best shows out there right now. Each episode is great and I really love how the same characters (judges, clients, etc) seem to always circle back in.

  8. Oh yum that sandwich looks so good! I need to make one of those! I've never watched The Good Wife but I've heard it's good!

  9. That first paragraph about only wanting coffee first thing in the morning, but then being so hangry later on is so me! The last time you posted some breakfast sandwich I started making them with bagel things and bacon and spinach- sooo good! Now I'm wishing I had one to eat right now! I tried mashed cauliflower once and I was so impressed texture wise but the recipe I used called for WAY too much garlic and it kind of grossed me out. I've been meaning to try and make it again though!

  10. Girl, this is my life. I HATE breakfast. I wake up, have coffee, and then eat yogurt at work. But I love a breakfast sandwich though. Love it. I love that you're loving Charlotte so much! You are definitely rocking your fitbit steps! 🙂 xoxo

  11. Yay for good running paths!! 🙂

  12. Your bagel looks so good! I have GOT to try the mashed cauliflower… Old me would have been like "ICK" but new me is trying and loving so much. I think I'm an adult now, finally 😉

  13. I love that you're loving your "new" life. 🙂

    I didn't eat breakfast from age 12 to age 20, I swear. Unless it was a granola bar or a poptart. If I'm going to work, I eat before I leave (usually pb toast with honey) and have oatmeal or something around 9:45 on my break. I didn't become a breakfast eater until I had to..when I got a real job.

  14. It’s such a great post! Awesome! I like your style of writing and your photos!
    I know how much time it requires to keep updating your blog, but don’t stop doing it!)

    Diana Cloudlet

  15. I honestly thought she shaved her head… no joke. That pulled back hair style was AWFUL!!!!!

  16. We've been eating mashed cauliflower, too. I add some cream cheese to ours and it's delicious!

    I love a good breakfast sandwich.

  17. I love cauliflower mashed potatoes but a certain somebody doesn't like "diet dupe food" 😉 I mean I even put sour cream in them they were delish!

  18. That's my favorite breakfast sandwich, too!! I hadn't heard about the bald first lady clip – definitely looks bald 🙂 Glad you're settling into life in your new home! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  19. I totally sympathize with your relationship with breakfast… I'm the same way. Hope you have a great weekend, friend!


  20. Will try that mashed cauliflower soon. Always wanted to but somehow never got around it. And yes, coffee comes first before everything else. 😉

  21. Hangry! I can totally relate. Cory will tell anyone that it took him a couple of years to figure out but every time I got mad at him for something it was because I was hungry! I've only tried mashed cauliflower once and it wasn't that good but I think I may have cooked it wrong. I'll try it your way!


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