Stuff & Things 2/12

by | Feb 12, 2015 | Throwback | 21 comments

++ This has been one of those weeks where there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  I had myself completely stressed out on Tuesday, and at the end of the day I just had a startling realization that I was putting the pressure on myself.  It was hugely relieving to take a step back, reevaluate, and breathe.

++ On Monday, Kristina came by for a lunch date which was a fun way to break up a Monday!  Of course, when we snagged the hubs’ car to run up to Subway really quickly, I then couldn’t get the car to start (it’s a finicky British car, ugh).  So that was entertaining.  Anyway, it’ll definitely be nice to have her on campus some this semester!  (and before anyone asks, no, family, there’s nothing wrong with J’s car.  It was an operator error ;))

++ Like everywhere else, it seems, the weather here in NC is totally bipolar.  We started the week with gorgeous 70 degree weather and now our high is like 30.  I just don’t get it.  My body isn’t a fan of the whiplash, either.  I’ve woken up feeling like I got hit by a bus nearly every day this week.

++ I watch The Bachelor.  I know, I know.  But I do.  And I really only have Mia to blame (who convinced me all those years ago–we’re talking way back in Ben’s season).  But anyway–does anyone feel like all of a sudden we’re down to The Women Tell All and hometown dates?  Like, how the heck did that happen?  I have many, many opinions.  I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who isn’t up to date (and don’t spoil it for me–I don’t read spoilers–so I only know up to the latest episode) but if YOU opinions, let’s chat!

++ If I dominated and kicked ass in January, February has already been one giant failure.  I didn’t go into this month with much direction or any specific goals, and I’m regretting that.  The first half of the month is pretty much over, I think I need to take the second half by the nads and turn it around.

This might be the most boring edition of Stuff & Things to date, but you know what?  Sometimes life is just kind of boring.  Am I right?

Now it’s your turn!  Hopefully you have more fun things to share this week than I do!


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  1. YES on the NC weather. Lets get one or two dumpings of snow and then go straight to 60* spring. As for the Bachelor – I don't really think Ben is very good at this stuff. I mean, what was he thinking on the 2 on 1… telling the the counselor/widow that no one likes her? But I did like that he let them both go!! I mean if that one girl's fake eyelashes got any longer, I don't think she would have been able to see!

  2. I had a really hard day yesterday and I realized that I too just put the pressure on myself…need to relax that's for sure!! Oh the Bachelor – for once I feel like the hype is worth it because a lot of those girls were cray!!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  3. The weather has done the same thing here. I think Sunday is supposed to be like the coldest day we will have all year or something crazy and last weekend I was debating if it was acceptable to wear flip flops in February. And OMG how is February half way over????

  4. The weather here has been all over the place too! It'll be cold in the morning so you've got the jackets and sweaters and then by lunchtime it's warm and you're wondering why you wore long sleeves! Plus it's supposed to be really nice today but by this weekend it's supposed to drop and be super cold (for us anyway) and windy! I've never watched the Bachelor but I've been tempted to tune in this season just because of all the craziness I've heard about!

  5. I know I can't believe we are already at hometown dates! I fee like the season just started!

  6. Life is definitely boring sometimes haha. This week has been slightly annoying too. I feel like a few frustrating things happened and I want it to be the weekend. Even though I have to work on Saturday. I do hope that you are having a good day today so far though! 🙂

  7. This season of the Bachelor is going so quickly!! And they haven't even left the country yet – I feel like they're usually all over the place?! And don't worry, life has been boring over here too 🙂 That time of year!

  8. Yes! Sometimes life is very boring! Haha

    Everyone, except me, watches the Bachelor! Is it that good?


  9. I get the feeling that our months may have gone fairly similarly! I'm in for grabbing the last 2 weeks by the nads, starting with my epic to-do list…!

  10. I don't think I've ever watched a full episode of The Bachelor/ette, but I still can't get enough of all the recaps that make fun of the show. There are two bloggers in particular that write recaps that make my sides hurt from laughing so hard.

  11. It has been bipolar as far as weather here too!! I wish it would stay one temperature for longer than 1 day.

  12. Haha yes girl, grab Feb by the you know what and kill the 2nd half 😉

  13. I don't watch the bachelor, but everyone definitely talks about it lol. so over the bipolar weather! gross. and i've been pretty lazy the first half of the month – mainly because i've been sick. here's to the 2nd half! lets do this 😉

  14. Life is indeed sometimes boring. I'm in a bit of a lull myself!

    We've been pretty consistently cold here.

  15. Girl, I'm with you here. My goals for the month are non-existent and I feel like a chicken running around with my head cut off. Glad to hear things were fine with J's car! Super jealous of your lunch date with Kristina! xoxo

  16. "I just had a startling realization that I was putting the pressure on myself." Oh muh gaaaahhhhhhhh. Story of my LIFE. Why do we do this to ourselves? You are fabulous, I am fabulous, let's sip some wine and bask in the glory of making it through 1 more day. (I am woman… hear me roar… or something along those lines!)

  17. I watch so much ridiculous reality TV but The Bachelor is the one thing I've never been able to handle- I do always love reading people's tweets about it and sometimes feel like I know what's going on without watching. I can't believe February is already basically halfway over- I feel like it has gone too fast to be productive, though I know it's really just poor planning on my part.

  18. The weather here in SC has been crazy too. So back and forth! I think the Bachelor feels this way because they haven't left the US! They are visiting such boring places!

  19. I stopped watching The Bachelor midway through Juan Pablo's season… he totally ruined for me for all eternity!

  20. Apparently this season is quite entertaining on the Bachelor. I don't watch it but tuned in the second that one chick collapsed. hahahaha. I watched it about ten years ago and then stopped…just never got into this. hahahaha. oh boy. but I LOVE reading recaps on blogs and feel like I am fully informed. 🙂

  21. I love the whole car thing because I have so been in that predicament before! NC weather needs a couple xanax and some pinot….seriously. Next week I want to join this link up….fun stuff. I guess you've noticed I am currently all over your blog with comments! Eating it up with a spoon! 🙂


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