The Better You: Get Fed Up

by | Jan 26, 2015 | Throwback | 17 comments

Okay, so you’ve decided you want to change something.

You’ve accepted that you’re enough.
You’ve mapped out some goals.
And you’re committed.
Now what?
In order to set everything in motion, you have to get tired of the way things are.  Not just annoyed with them, fed up.  Even the smallest of changes take a serious amount of commitment, so I can assure you if you are complacent with how things are–you won’t be able to commit to the effort.
For instance, one of the smaller changes I made in my life was I quit soda in order to only drink water.  The road blocks were: 1) I hated water and 2) I was addicted to soda.
I tried many times to quit cold turkey.  The reality of it all was, I didn’t care.  Everyone and their mother was telling me how awful soda was for me.  They’d send me links to articles about what the acidity of the soda was doing to my insides.  I didn’t care.  Nothing was more important to me than that crisp, bubbly burn to the back of my throat that made my nose tingle and eyes water.
But if you’ve been around for a while, you’ll know that I used to suffer from frequent kidney infections.  Not UTIs.  Not bladder infections.  Freaking kidney infections.  The last one I had was a pretty serious one, and it scared the shit out of me.  

So instead of focusing on quitting soda, I decided to commit to a certain number of ounces of water per day.  If I met my ounce goal, I could still have soda.  I just didn’t keep it in the house.  Well, I was so busy (and full!) from drinking all the water, I didn’t have time to drink soda.  And before I knew it, I’d go weeks, months without having a sip of soda.  I started to feel better in so many different ways I couldn’t believe it.  It’s been 2.5 years since my last kidney infection.  
I like soda.  And I still let myself have it sometimes.  But on an every day basis, I drink 72 oz of water.  
Quitting soda just wasn’t important to me.  But drinking water became important to me when I realized I couldn’t keep going the way I was.  The options were: make the change or pay horrible consequences.
I realize not all of the changes you might want or need to make in your life will be as cut and dry as that.  But the truth still stands, if you’re okay with how things are, you won’t ever feel that fire to make the change.  I hate to use the word desperation, but maybe I need to.  If you aren’t desperate for something different, something more, something better, you’ll always be where you are.
Are you complacent with how things are right now?
Or are you desperate for a change?
Stay tuned for the next installment in this series next week!

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  1. I love this! And you're so right… change always happens when we're fed up! Great way to start the week, thanks for writing this.

  2. Give me some tips on how you get 72oz of water a day. I struggle with this. I was doing well (good?!) for a week, but slowly faded again.

  3. I'm trying to make a change each month this year (inspired by The Happiness Project). Last year, I started drinking 100 oz a water a day and while I don't hit it everyday, the conscious effort makes a difference in how I feel.
    Sometimes there is nothing better than a Pepsi though…

  4. What a great Monday post!! You are so right about having to be absolutely FED UP with something to change it!

  5. I' so with you on loving pop even though I know it's not that great for you! I do the same thing with using it as more of a treat every once in a while. I just got a new water bottle so I can hopefully do better with my water intake again. I've been drinking a lot of tea, which I feel like kind of counts as water at least.

  6. Don't get me started on my love hate relationship with diet sodas! I have quit and started back so many times. I only allow myself to have it now when I am out if I absolutely must have one. I am all water and some coffee at home and work.

    I completely agree that you must be fed up with something before you can make a change. Wise words lady!

  7. Did you see that story on the woman over in the UK who documented her journey after she started drinking water on a daily basis? It was so eye opening!!!

  8. I love how you made it a goal to drink water instead of NOT drinking soda! That's a great way to approach it! I totally agree, you really do have to be fed up and ready for change to do something about it!

  9. Congrats on making the lifestyle switch! It's so so true that you need to really really want to change – just knowing the facts is not enough.

  10. That is a great idea about drinking a certain amount of water instead of giving up pop! I might have to try this!!

  11. thats awesome. many years ago i hated water but now i love it because i forced myself to drink a set amount each day. i gave up soda last year because i just cannot do moderation – if i drink soda i wont drink water and it's just.. ugh, so bad! but seriously, kidney infections sound freaking scary.

  12. Giving up soda has made the biggest impact on my weight, I haven't had it in two years and it's been amazing!

  13. Giving up soda is always rough, but for me it's like do one week, then another and pretty much I forget about it all together when all is said and done. I use to count how many days i went without biting my nails and now I haven't even tried to bite them in 2 years…it's a milestone for me LOL! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  14. It's so true…change can't happen until you get fed up enough to make it happen. Rock bottom is a pretty terrible yet motivating place.

    I'm in the process of quitting soda. Mostly for health reasons, like you. But it's a habit that needs to go anyway. I'm glad you've been able to achieve your goal with drinking water!

  15. Good for you girl, that is awesome! I've been that exact same way for years, drinking so much water I don't want or crave anything else. Now I'm working on filling up on the RIGHT foods so that my body isn't craving that bad ones 😉

  16. "Nothing was more important to me than that crisp, bubbly burn to the back of my throat that made my nose tingle and eyes water." I kid you not, as soon as I finished that sentence I took a sip of pop because I wanted to feel the bubbles! It made my mouth water! hahahah
    I know I could never give up pop… but I definitely want to at least ATTEMPT to incorporate water throughout my day. Right now I pretty much don't. :/

  17. Man, this post rings true. Like in so many ways. You'll never go anywhere new if you're content to stay where you are. Well written, friend.


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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