LIP RESCUE: DIY Lip Scrub & Favorite Balms!

by | Jan 12, 2015 | Throwback | 18 comments

Is there a more unfortunate season for matte lipsticks to be in style?  I mean, c’mon universe!  You have summer!  You have SPRING!  But no!  You chose the one season when our lips are already struggling to make the most unforgiving lip product on trend.
Cool, universe. 

I’m already hugely insecure about my lips as it is.  They’re small.  They’re full of fine lines.  And I’ve had a good 10-year-long addiction to lip balms.  But I really fell in love with the matte lipstick trend, but that made my insecurity even worse.  I just couldn’t get them to look good.

So I had to take some action.
Now, this is nothing revolutionary.  You’ve probably seen this all over pinterest.  But I just wanted to pop in and say that it really does work!  No need to spend your dollar bills on an expensive scrub from a high end brand.  You probably have everything you need right in your cabinet!
What you’ll need:
  • 1/2 tsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp sugar
Mix it all together!  You want the consistency to be very grainy so you can really go to town with the scrubbing!  
This scrub really does the trick!  My lips have never felt healthier or looked better.  I’ve started using this scrub every evening and morning.  My lips are moisturized, plump, smooth, and the scrub brings a good natural flush to your lips!  
Now, that you’ve got your lips how you like ’em, it’s important to lock in that moisture.  And like I already admitted, I have a pretty serious addiction to lip balms!  So here’s a sampling of my favorites!

  1. Nivea A Kiss of Cherry This fruity scented balm leaves your lips feeling moisturized and looking juicy!  It also adds the tiniest bit of color for a healthy glow.
  2. Nivea A Kiss of Mint & Minerals This is the only balm I’ve ever used the entire tube of.  I’ve repurchased this more times than I care to admit.
  3. Chapstick Hydration Lock This has quickly become part of my daily routine.  I slather on the night end just before I go to sleep.  I use the daytime end just as I wake up.  My lips feel healthier than they ever have.
  4. EOS My favorite balm to wear under lipsticks.  They’re moisturizing enough to feel comfortable throughout the day but waxy enough to keep your lipstick in place.
  5. FRESH Sugar Lip Treatment This is a sample tube, but there’s something about this lip balm that makes it the most moisturizing balm I’ve ever used.  I mean, I guess there should be considering this sucker is $22.  I’m still savoring this little sample from my Sephora bday gift a few years ago.
  6. Vaseline Creme Brulee I’ve mentioned these a lot lately, but they’re the perfect thick consistency to relieve severely chapped lips.  They’re also great at protecting my lips from the brutal cold and harsh wind during my freezing cold runs!
  7. Baby Lips Dr. Rescue in Soothing Sorbet This is moisturizing enough to relieve chapped lips, but also adds a good bit of color.  Definitely my favorite tinted lip balm!

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  1. So cool! And it sounds really easy! Do you think David will do this? Because his lips get cracked all the time in the winter…

  2. I do a scrub with coconut oil and sugar that works pretty well too. Anything to slough off that dry skin! I love vaseline and nivea lip products. I use EOS under stuff like you do as well, it isn't as moisturizing as others.

    I have been wanting to try the sugar stuff forever but gosh darn $22?? It seems so eye for a lip item. Will you repurchase when your sample is out?

  3. Ugh yes, I swear I can only wear a bold lip and not look gross if I exfoliate right before! The next day it's like my lips are right back to flaky, I am over it. I am a big fan of the Fresh Lip Treatments.

  4. This sounds perfect, and definitely easy! I LOVE EOS balms! I have a Neutrogena mint one that I love too!

  5. Man, I've been wanting to try that Fresh Sugar lip balm for ages and I just can't make myself spend the money. Thankfully SOMEONE I know turned me on to this rose Vaseline and so that's tiding me over for now at least. Matte lipsticks though… <3

  6. Joey!! I've been dying for a new lip scrub! So going to try this. Yaaaay thanks so much for sharing! I also need to get my hands on some new matte lipsticks. What are your favs?!

  7. I tried that Baby Lips Rescue stuff and it didn't work for me. Love the Eos lip balm but I haven't used it in a while. I love Aquaphor and I've been using an unscented Vaseline lip product that I like a lot. I'm going to try that Chapstick when I run out of what I currently have. 100% agree about the matte lip thing, Chicago is not the city to be wearing matte lips during the winter! Haha. I hope that you are enjoying your day so far too!

  8. I've been looking for a good lip scrub that doesn't break the bank since September. I might just have to try this little DIY one.

  9. I tried to make my own lip scrub once but used olive oil instead of honey, so now I'll try your way!!! I just got the chapstick day and night and i'm obsessed with it!! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  10. Ooh I'm definitely going to try this! I've been wanting the Sara Happ lip scrub but I like this price much better 🙂

  11. I purchased a Tarte lip scrub last year. It works great, but the price tag caused many panic attacks. I'll definitely try this DIY version, so thanks for sharing! Also, I love the Nivea Kiss of Mint and Minerals chapstick like it's my first born.


  12. I need to give that lip scrub a try! So easy! I love so many of those lip balms too– I love EOS because it's so good without being heavy, so perfect for under lipsticks like you said!

  13. This looks super easy to make! I agree, winter is so harsh on your lips, and the bold matte colors are not very forgiving. I will definitely have to give this one a try!

    Natalie // Sprinkled with Pearls

  14. This is a great DIY scrub Joey! My lips peel every so often (gross, I know) so I will definitely be making this. I have a slight chap stick/lip balm addiction as well. 🙂

  15. Girl I have been struggling with regular lip crayons, let's not even talk about matte lipstick! Ugh. I'll definitely be trying out the scrub and some of those lip balms!

  16. I'm definitely going to try this! The Sugar advanced lip therapy is THE best. I can't believe that I've spent $25 on lip balm, but there's nothing else that compares.


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