Why I’m not #basic. And neither are you.

by | Dec 30, 2014 | Throwback | 22 comments

I might upset some people with this, but I really don’t like this new craze of labeling things as “basic” or “basic white girl.”  I mean, I get it.  And I realize that people are probably using this phrase sarcastically when they catch themselves being basic.  But y’all?

You aren’t basic.

I could sit here and tell you that you are incredibly and wonderfully unique because you are the only you there is, but I hope you already know that.  And while there are plenty of things that millions across the globe all have in common, those things about you don’t make you basic.  Liking the things you like make you you.
You like Starbucks?  Cool, me too.
You wear yoga pants on the regular?  Awesome, me too.
You enjoy rocking a topknot with third day hair?  Great!  I do too.
But none of those things make you basic.
Please stop labeling yourself as such.
You are more than that.
And so am I.
We live in a label frenzy.  Hashtag this.  Hashtag that.  Everyone is trying in some way to fit into a category.  And while “basic” is a relatively easy category to fit into, don’t put yourself in that box.  I was talking to a friend the other day who wanted to do something but refrained because how dare she be “so basic.”  And that’s when it hit me.  No.  That’s not how this life is supposed to work.
Not doing something you want to do because you don’t want to be put into a box
is just as bad as doing something just so you fit into a certain box.
Let’s all stop labeling everything and instead just be ourselves.
That’s so basic?
That’s so Joey.

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  1. PREACH girl!! I didn't even know what this meant until recently lol.. I mean everyone likes Starbucks and leggings…duh!

  2. Oh so true! Love this! xoxo

  3. I absolutely love this and I needed to hear this today! Thank you! 🙂

  4. Love this!

  5. Gosh girl, I 100% agree. I get so annoyed with people labeling things like this, who cares if we all like the same things, there is a good reason for it. They're cozy, they taste good, they're pretty, they're comfortable, etc.Why do people care so much, you do you and I'll do me 😉

  6. LOVE this Joey! I guess maybe I'm not in the know because this whole "basic" thing is new to me, but I 100% agree with you. No one is "basic." What a crappy label to put on people! The only thing I label basic is a white t-shirt. 🙂

  7. Well said and I could not agree with you more! I hate seeing #basic everywhere – and it totally minimalizes all of us unique individuals! Yes we may all love us a red cup and a blanket scarf, but that's obviously not the whole story. Great post 🙂

  8. I often think "basic" when I find myself in yoga pants and Ugg boots (fake ones, of course) at the grocery store. But I don't post it because that would be "basic". ha See what I did there? I think recognizing #basic as BEING basic is what's happening now.
    And I do agree with you: I haven't changed how I do things since, probably, 2012. Just because people are labeling yoga pants as basic doesn't mean I'm *suddenly* basic for owning a pair of yoga pants.
    And I HATE hashtags. Especially people on Facebook who make up their own. So much secondhand embarrassment.

  9. Well said. I'm not bothered by the "basic" label, but I think that's because I don't put a lot of stock into it. Like what you like, do want you want, and move on. If worrying about being labeled as "basic" is affecting how you live your life, it might be time to evaluate some things.

  10. I don't really understand the "basic" thing, to tell you the truth. Just because a large group of people like the same things doesn't mean it's basic…it just means a lot of people like the same things. I refuse to wear yoga pants in public, I have to take a ferry or airplane to get to a Starbucks, and my hair isn't thick enough to do any kind of a top knot whatsoever, but at the same time, I love skinny jeans and boots and indie movies and flannel shirts, but so does basically every hipster-type out there. Are they all basic because they like the same things? I don't know. The whole thing is stupid.

  11. I'm the same as Tracy I think, it doesn't bother me because I don't put a lot of stock in it. I might call myself basic – but I would never call someone else basic – and it would never stop me from doing anything like you said your friend refrained because of being basic. Hells no. I learned a long time ago people are gonna judge and label you no matter what!

  12. So well said!! I think the phrase is funny, but I've actually never used it myself and we should never be ashamed to like what we like or do what we do because like you said it makes us, US!!! BlovedBoston

  13. Yes! Thank you for this. You are 100% Right.
    It sickens me that people use words like this to describe themselves AND others.

  14. This is the first I've heard of someone labeling themselves as "basic". I have to agree with you though. None of us are basic. We are all wonderful in lots of ways.

  15. Yes, girl!!!! I totally agree with this. Just because some of us like the same things doesn't mean we are basic, it just means we like good shit! 😉 I have been wanting this tattoo on my wrist for some time now, and I wasn't 100% sure of the exact look I wanted so that is why I have been waiting. One day Chris and I were driving somewhere and I mentioned I still wanted to get it and he said, you should probably change it up some because even though you have been wanting it forever, it is such a basic thing to do right now. I felt discouraged and it made me rethink it. While I dont have it yet, I am so still doing it. Just because it might have something that is popular now, isn't the point. It is something that has meaning to me and always will even if it phases out just like everything else.

  16. Hallelujah!!!!!! YES, finally someone is saying this out loud. Thank you, girl. We aren't basic and we should really never think we are or label others that way. Such a great post. Bravo.

  17. I really love this post. I love fall, Starbucks, and boots as much as the next girl, but do we really have to label it as basic. I agree with you in that we shouldn't do that! We like what we like and it's all good. 🙂

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