Stuff & Things 12/11

by | Dec 11, 2014 | Throwback | 22 comments

++ A few weeks ago I prayed really hard about needing guidance in a decision.  I rarely ask for signs from God because sometimes that can seem a little hokey, but sometimes you really just need some reassurance or a nudge.  Am I right?  What I needed help with was if I was focusing on the right stuff.  It was around the time I decided to quit youtube.  Something about youtube just didn’t feel…right.  It was fun, but it didn’t feel right.  The blog has always felt right.  It’s always been fun.  I’m most comfortable when I’m writing.  So I asked for some signs that I should focus on writing (not just the blog, writing in general).  And in the two + weeks since I prayed so specifically, there have been countless opportunities that have come available to me seemingly out of the blue.  You guys.  I love when you can see God working!
++ I went for my first run in a couple weeks yesterday.  So yeah, obviously my whole “30 minutes 5 days a week” thing totally crashed and burned.  I blame life.  But anyway.  The run was okay.  I had to stop to walk a few times, but I think that was more mental than anything else. Does anyone else’s chest hurt when they run in the cold?  Any recommendations how to breathe around that?
++When I saw this, I couldn’t stop laughing.  And then I proceeded to text it to pretty much every female friend I have.  J said the answer was: a pumpkin spice latte.  That kid.  I swear.
++ My aunt and uncle came to visit my parents last weekend.  And this is the uncle who is responsible for the Great Gourmet Cinnamon Buns.  Well.  I’m not usually a fan of cinnamon buns (in general).  I’m just not.  But he brought us a box (hello, the husband loves them) and well…I. Can’t. Stop. Eating. Them.  If you need a good but unique gift to send someone (you know, maybe spare them the bazillionth edible arrangement) send a box of buns!
++ I haven’t watched a single Christmas movie yet this season.  I think maybe I need to remedy that soon.  Which one should I start with?  (FYI: Christmas Vacation & the Home Alones are saved for Christmas Eve)
Okay! Now it’s your turn!


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  1. I half-watched Christmas vacation last night and we watched Elf while decorating the tree last week. I haven't seen It's a Wonderful Life on yet. Usually I save the movies for when Christmas break starts. Otherwise it's just depressing knowing I can be filled with Christmas cheer and then, boom, back at work the next day.

  2. Congratulations on running! My chest hurts too on the cold but I haven't really found any solutions :/ And I recommend starting with Elf! Great way to get in the Christmas spirit!

  3. LOLOL I can't even stop laughing right now because that is too hilarious! I suggest starting with Elf. I have watched it three times this year and I plan to watch it three more. The quickest way to spread Christmas cheer is signing loudly for all to hear. Duh!

  4. Pumpkin spice latte, I LOVE that! So funny! As for Christmas movies, I always like to start with Elf – I think I could watch that one every single day! White Christmas is my all time fave, though 🙂

  5. I cant run in the cold because of like you said – chest just hurting!!! You already know what movie I think you should start with 🙂

  6. Stumbled across your blog, and glad we did! Now following along on bloglovin. It's amazing when you can see God working and he provides you with reassurance. As for Christmas movies, we love Elf. But, Four Christmases is climbing our list also.

  7. We bought Elf and The Grinch (cartoon) this week! We've watched The Grinch, but we are still waiting to watch Elf. Man I love Christmas movies!
    Christmas Vacation is my husband's absolute favorite! I didn't grow up watching it, so it's funny, but not nostalgic to me.

    I'm laughing at that "poem". Just sent it to my friend. Ha!

  8. I watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer the other night. With a nice glass of red wine in my pajamas. It was glorious. Other than that I haven't watched any Christmas movies. I feel like whenever I want to watch one there aren't any on. I hope that you are having a good day so far, and I always turn to God when I need help. 🙂

  9. Amen sista, love seeing those signs from God! Well, I haven't watched a Christmas movie yet either but we're planning on watching Elf this weekend 🙂 And I always like to watch The Holiday too.

  10. I've watched a few Christmas movies. None of the good ones yet, though. Not sure what we're saving them for. I need to find Home Alone because my daughter is 8 now and I think she'd absolutely love it.

    That poem is so, so funny!

  11. That is so awesome that God showed you what you needed to do! So good to get guidance from Him! 🙂

    That quote is hilarious!

    I agree with Nadine, start with Elf! It always gets me in the Christmas spirit immediately!

  12. Praying for you still, girl! Did this morning for sure! So glad to hear that you are seeing/feeling God speaking directly to you. Love those WOW moments!

  13. Ok I too said the 30 minutes of running 5x a week – and I crashed and burned too. I LOVE running, what the heck is wrong with me??? This is going to happen – my body just needs to remember that!

    Also: We watched the Grinch – – – – and I attempted to watch A Christmas Carol with my son, who was totally not interested. Otherwise, he watched Jingle all the Way by himself on cable, and neglected to let the adults know it was on. 7 years old, and I wanted to slap him silly – – – Christmas movies are only fun when watched in GROUPS!!!!

  14. We always watch Christmas Vacation on Christmas Eve too, it's our favourite. I was telling my friend about it the other night because she asked what my favourite Xmas movie is and she had never heard of it?!?! I was like whaaaa? haha The Holiday is really cute and the Grinch (both cartoon and real) is good…. 🙂

  15. J WINS THE DAY! And Love, Actually, duh.

  16. Regarding point #1…AMEN SISTER.

    Christmas movies…we've only watched one or two ourselves, but I highly recommend White Christmas, Elf, A Christmas Story, or It's a Wonderful Life. Those are my favorites.

  17. You should watch Love Actually. It's my favorite Christmas movie. That and the original Grinch cartoon.
    I'm glad things are looking up and that you were able to get a little reassurance when you needed it! And those buns sound fabulous!

  18. That is so great Joey! I love it when God answers our prayers so clearly. Praise Him! So happy that you've gotten some answers. You truly are such a great writer. Yeah…I need to get back into running…I'm just so "ugh" right now 🙂

  19. Really like Love Actually. And Elf. Probably my 2 favorites along with Christmas Vacation.
    So glad you're feeling God Joey!
    Have a great weekend my dear!

  20. I love J's answer. Also, love that you are running again. I am not in great shape right now, but it has been fun! xo


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